Animal Disaster management course (VERU) at BASU, Completed

Animal Disaster Management course (VERU) at BASU, completed

Animal Disaster Management  certificate course for students of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna was conducted from 03.05.2018 to 08.05.2018 by Veterinary Emergency Response Unit (VERU) of Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna. Twenty three students of 4th year under graduate course completed successfully.

Under this programme the students were exposed to five days theory classes on prefix animal disaster lecture module and one day simulation exercise at 9th Bn, NDRF Bihta and got hands on training on management of wildlife animals in emergencies by experts of WWF. This programme is first of its kind in India which impart specialized training to Veterinary students.

The VERU certificate course is organized regularly by VERU, BVC and World Animal Protection (WAP), India. The programme was attended by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BASU, Registrar, BASU, Director Extension, Dr. Hans Raj, Advisor (ICT), to VC, and Dean, BVC, Patna. Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor appreciated the feedback of VERU students and advised them to be prepared for helping the animals during disaster.