One day Workshop on Utility of Laser Therapy in Animal Practice organized at BASU

Bihar Animal Sciences University organized a one-day Workshop on Utility of Laser Therapy in Animal Practice on 26th July, 2018. The programme was inaugurated by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BASU Dr. Rameshwar Singh and Guest lecturer Dr. S. Yathiraj, Former Dean, Veterinary College, Bangalore by lightening of lamp ina the conference hall of the University.

Dean, BVC Dr. S. Samantaray welcomed all the participants and reported that Clinical Complex of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna is having modern infrastructure and facilities for treatment of animals however laser therapy will be quite useful for treatment of animals. DRI-cum-Dean PGS Dr. Hari Mohan Saxena deliberated the history of laser therapy and told this therapy is highly beneficial for treatment of various diseases.

Guest lecturer Dr. S. Yathiraj, Former Dean, Veterinary College, Bangalore in his deliberations described the role of laser therapy in treatment of animals. He told that it is general concept that laser therapy is useful for surgical purposes only but actually laser therapy has multifarious use and it useful in painless treatment of animals. Laser therapy is useful in removal of stone, tumours, cancer, correction of retina etc. He told that majority of painkiller drugs are nephrotoxic and therefore its use should be done cautiously.

Hon’ble Vice –Chancellor in his inaugural speech said that BASU is committed to provide high level of treatment facility for pets and domestic animals of the state. He welcomed Professor Yathiraj in the workshop and said faculties of clinical subject of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna will be benefited by the deliberations of Prof. Yathiraj. He further told that field veterinary officers of the state is using traditional way of treatment of animals for various diseases, which needs to be replaced by modern way of treatment. Laser therapy is one of the latest techniques for treatment of animals.

There was thorough discussion about laser therapy by Professor Yathiraj and practical demonstration of the technique in the clinical complex of the college.  The porogamme was organized by Chairman Veterinary Parasitology Dr. S. R. P. Sinha with members Dr.Pallav Shekhar, Dr. Anil Kumar, Dr.Bipin Kumar, Dr.Archana, Dr.Saroj Rajak . Among senior officials DRI-Cum-Dean, PGS Dr. H. M. Saxena, Director Extension Dr. A. K. Thakur, DSW Dr. Raman Trivedi were present.