91st Foundation day of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna

91st Foundation day of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna

Bihar Veterinary College, one of the constituent body of Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna turned to 91 years on 2nd April, 2018. Many programmes were organized on that occasion. The function was inaugurated by Chief Guest Shri Sunil Kumar Singh, Agriculture Production Commissioner, Dr. N. Vijyalakshami, Principal Secretary, Animal & Fishery Resources, Govt. of Bihar, Dr. H. R. Mishra, Ex-V.C, BAU, Ranchi, Prof. A. Ahmad, Ex-DDG-ICAR & Ex-VC, SKAUST, J&K, Dr. Rameshwar Singh, Vice- Chancellor, BASU, Patna Jointly by enlightening the lamp. An Animal Health camp cum Kisan Gosthi was organized at Manas Diara Danapur & Badipur Village Patna. More than 500 animals were treated and examined for various diagnostic parameters. The camp was organized jointly by Bihar Animal Sciences University and Institute of Animal Health & Production, Patna. Veterinary Doctors from IAHP and Scientists of BVC participated actively in this health camp.

At the inaugural function Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor BASU welcomed all the guests and faculties and emphasised to use latest technologies for Animal Health services. He thanked Department of Animal & Fishery Resources, Govt. of Bihar for full hearted support in the form of sanction of Administrative posts. Dean Dr. S. Samantaray presented the annual report of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna. He reported the Teaching, Research and Extension activities carried out by college. He reported that clinical complex of the college is doing excellence in treatment & diagnostics through modern diagnostic techniques. Kisan Call Centre at Extension Department No. 0612- 2227258 and at Clinical Complex No. 0612-2227257 was inaugurated by Chief Guest Sri Sunil Kumar Singh and Dr. N. Vijyalakshami jointly. Dr. N. Vijayalakshmi, in her speech, congratulated all BASU family for foundation day of BVC and suggested to increase the productivity of animals through teaching, research and extension. She acknowledged the importance of animal husbandry in GDP of country. Sri Jitendra Kumar, a successful dairy farmer from Darbhanga was felicitated by proving memento and certificate by guests.

Chief Guest Shri Sunil Kumar Singh, Agriculture Production Commissioner, stated that in the third Agriculture Road map of Bihar the emphasis has been given to increase the socio economic status of the farmers through Animal Husbandry, Fishery along with the agricultural activities. He emphasized that animal husbandry is compulsory to double the farmer’s income.

A Seminar on “ Role of Veterinary Education for Economic Upliftment of farmers of Bihar” was conducted on this occasion. The seminar was delivered by Dr. Ravi Kant Nirala and Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna. The programme ended with vote of thanks.