About Us

About BASU

Bihar Animal Sciences University Building

Bihar Animal Sciences University

Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology (SGIDT)

Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology (SGIDT)

Bihar Animal Sciences University (BASU) has been established with its headquarters at Patna through an act of Bihar State (BASU Act No. 15 of 2016, notified in the Bihar Gazette on 29 August 2016). The University became operational from 13 June 2017 with the appointment of it’s first Vice Chancellor. The new University has been carved out of the Bihar Agricultural University as two of its constituent colleges at Patna viz. Bihar Veterinary College and Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology have been transferred to the BASU, whereas a new College of Fisheries has been established in 2018. To further expand the horizon of the University and strengthen the research and outreach, following research institutes, stations and substations are being transferred to BASU.

Research Institutes / Stations / Sub Stations

  1. Institute of Animal Health and Production, Patna
  2. Exotic Cattle Breeding Farm, Patna
  3. Central Poultry Farm, Patna
  4. Government Goat Breeding Farm, Purnia
  5. Government Cattle Farm, Gaya
  6. Government Buffalo Farm, Sipaya (Gopalganj)

Territorial Jurisdiction

  1. With respect to teaching at the University or College level, research and extension education programmes in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences as defined in the BASU Act, the territorial jurisdiction and responsibility of this University shall extend to the whole of the State of Bihar.
  2. The University may establish, operate, maintain and develop Teaching Centres, Educational Centres, Research and Experimental Centres, and Extension Education Training Centres in the field of Veterinary, Animal Husbandry, Fishery, Poultry, Dairy Technology and allied subjects as may be required in various parts of the State, and shall be responsible for its management, development and operations.
  3. All colleges, research and experimental centres, or other institutions coming under the jurisdiction and authority of this University shall be as constituent units of the University under the full management and control of the University officers and authorities. No unit shall be recognized as an affiliated unit.
  4. The University may work having collaboration in teaching and research programmes, multi-disciplinary approach and academic programmes with other Universities, including foreign Universities or reputed and approved institutes.

Objectives Of The University

The following are the objectives of the University:

  • To make arrangement for giving education in different branches of study, particularly Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Poultry, Fisheries, Dairy and other allied branches of learning and scholarship;
  • To further the advancement of learning and conducting of research, particularly in Veterinary & Animal Sciences and other allied sciences;
  • To undertake the extension of education of such sciences and technologies that are relevant for the rural people of the State;
  • To facilitate and ensure qualitative improvement in the teaching and learning processes and methodology;
  • To facilitate and ensure quality research in the contemporary and frontier areas of animal science and technologies;
  • To facilitate the need for an organized process of life long learning;
  • To disseminate knowledge and findings emerging in the University, its colleges, and institutions;
  • To establish partnerships with the industries and other entities working in animal science and technology and agriculture manufacturing;
  • To establish Hospital for treatment/ research-role of the University.
  • Such other purposes as the University or Government may from time to time determine.
Bihar Animal Sciences University
Bihar Animal Sciences University