Department of Livestock Production Management

Department of Livestock Production Management


The Department of Livestock Production Management has been come into existence in the year 1981 after bifurcation from the Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the college. The department has started M. V. Sc. programme in 1996 and Ph. D. programme in 2012. Currently this department is engaged in teaching the subjects of Animal handling, Dairy Farming, Sheep and Goat, Swine, Rabbit, Pet, Draught, Wild animal, Fish and Laboratory animal Production and Management to under-graduate and post-graduate students. As per VCI norms, this is the largest department of faculty of veterinary and animal sciences. This department has also been engaged in research on different specialized livestock farming systems, management techniques, stress management, health management, nutritional management and economical eco- friendly utilization and disposal of farm waste. Besides teaching, the Department also undertakes various programme of extension activities to transfer the technology at farmers level through organizing off-campus training, Farm Advisory Services, Kisan Mela, Kisan Gosthi and other training programmes organized at the university for socio-economic upliftment of livestock farmers.


  • Cater the needs of teaching at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level on the different courses of Livestock Production Management.
  • Research in the field of Livestock including Poultry Production and Management.
  • Extension Programmes related to the improved production and productivity under different managemental system.
  • Other academic and curricular activities as required by the university.


  • Under-Graduate Lab.
  • Post-Graduate Lab.
  • A.V. Lab.
  • Livestock Farm Complex with Dairy, Sheep, Goats, Poultry and Fodder Production units.

Academic Activities

Academic activities

U.G. Courses (As per VCI Old)

S. No.

Courses No. Course Title Credit Hrs.
1. 1st Professional Year Livestock Production Management

Unit-1: General Livestock Management

Unit-2: Fodder Production and Conservation

Unit-3: Livestock Production Management-Ruminants

Unit-4: Zoo Animals Production Management

Unit-5: Animal Welfare

Unit-6:  Poultry Production Management

Unit-7: Diversified Poultry Production and Hatchery Management

Unit-8: Laboratory/ Rabbit/ Pet Animal Production Management

Unit-9: Swine/ Equine/ Camel/ Yak/ Mithun Production Management

2. 3rd Professional Year Livestock Farm Practices 0+2

M.V. Sc. Courses (As per ICAR)

S. No.

Course No. Course Title Credit Hrs.
1. LPM-601 Cattle and Buffalo Production and Management 2+1
2. LPM-602 Sheep and Goat Production and Management 2+1
3. LPM-603 Swine Production and Management 1+1
4. LPM-604 Laboratory Animal Production and Management 1+1
5. LPM-605 Shelter management 1+1
6. LPM-606 Principles of Environmental Hygiene and Waste Management 2+0
7. LPM-607 Climatology and Animal Production 1+0
8. LPM-608 Poultry Farm and Hatchery Management 2+1
9. LPM-609 Farm Animal Behavior 1+0
10. LPM-610 Integrated Livestock Farming System 2+1
11. LPM-611 Equine Production and Management 1+1
12. LPM-612 Wild Life Management and Conservation 2+0
13. LPM-613 Livestock Business Management 1+1
14. LPM-614 Forage Production and Conservation 1+1
15. LPM-691 Master’s Seminar 1+0
16. LPM-699 Master’s Research 20

Ph.D. Courses(As per ICAR)

S. No.

Course No. Course Title Credit Hrs.
1. LPM-701 Advances in Cattle and Buffalo Production and Management 3+0
2. LPM-702 Advances in Sheep and Goat Production and Management 2+1
3. LPM-703 Advances in Swine Production and Management 2+1
4. LPM-704 Advances in Laboratory Animal Production and Management 1+0
5. LPM-705 Advances in Poultry Production Management 2+1
6. LPM-706 Advances in Environmental Management 1+1
7. LPM-707 Advances in Equine Management 2+0
8. LPM-791 Doctoral Seminar-I 1+0
9. LPM-792 Doctoral Seminar-II 1+0
10. LPM-799 Doctoral Research 45

Research Activities

Completed Research Projects

S. No.

Title of the Project Duration Funding agency PI/Co-PIs
1. Development of Integrated Goat Farming in Bihar 4 Years
RKVY PI: Dr. S. P. Sahu
2. Development of Integrated Poultry Farming in Bihar 4 Years
RKVY PI: Dr. S. P. Sahu
3. Exploring growth hormone gene for improvement of growth performance traits in black Bengal goats 2 Year
ICAR-RCER, Patna PI : Dr. Shankar Dayal
Co-PI : Dr. S. P. Sahu
4. Complete Feed Block for sustainable livestock  production 2 Year
BAU, Sabour PI : Dr. P. K. Singh

Co-PI : Dr. S. P. Sahu

5. NICRA 1 Year
ICAR Associated  Scientist: Dr. Sanjay Kumar
6. Development of Location specific chicken varieties for rural and tribal sector 2 Years
ICAR Associated Scientist: Dr. Sanjay Kumar
7. Ticks and Sand fly control in cows 1 Year
ICAR- Genesis Lab collaborated Associated Scientist: Dr. Sanjay Kumar
8. Assessment of Moringa oleifera as a fodder. 2 Years
BASU, Patna PI: Dr. R. R. K. Sinha
9. Improvement of Feed Resources and Nutrient Utilization in Raising Animal Production 4 Years
AICRP (ICAR) PI: Dr. Amrendra Kishor

Ongoing Research Projects: 

S. No.

Title of the Project Year of Start Funding agency PI/Co-PIs
1. Poultry Seed Project 2009 ICAR PI : Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Co-PI : Dr. Sanjay Kumar
2. Adoption of Quail farming in different system and assessment of its productivity performance under deep litter and cage system of housing. 2018-19 BASU, Patna PI : Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Co-PI : Dr. S. P. Sahu
3. Metagenomic analysis of chicken gut microflora and its modulation by supplementation of tannins and virginiamycin 2018-19 Govt. of Bihar PI : Dr. Kaushlendra Kumar
Co-PI : Dr. R. R. K. Sinha

Faculty Members

S. No


Mobile No.

Email ID


1. Dr. S. P. Sahu 9973112969 More
2. Dr. Amrendra Kishor 8210832992 More
3. Dr. R. K. Nirala 8002552290 More
4. Dr. R. R. K. Sinha 7677105756 More
5. Dr. Sanjay Kumar 9934033316 More

Supporting Staff

S. No



Mobile No.

1. Sh. Mungeri Lal Laboratory Attendant 8521183293

Photo Gallary

Contact Details

Dr. S. P. Sahu

University Professor
Department of Livestock Production Management
Bihar Veterinary College, Patna – 14 (Bihar, India)
Contact No.: +91 9973112969
Email ID.: