Department of Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Department of Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics


The Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics came into independent existence following the bifurcation of Animal Breeding and Genetics department in 1968 under the erstwhile Rajendra Agricultural University (RAU), Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar. Col. S. M. Ishaq was the first Head of this Department. This department is actively engaged in teaching and guiding students of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics courses as per VCI Curriculum in Under-Graduate (B.V.Sc. & A.H.), Post-Graguate (M.V.Sc.) and PhD programme as per ICAR guidelines. The postgraduate teaching and research started in 1963 with the intake capacity of 5 students in M.V.Sc. and one in Ph.D. Programme. Till date, a total of 67 MVSc and 03 PhD students have passed out from this department. This department has a proven track record of teaching, research, extension, and conducting skill development programs.


  • Teaching of Under-graduate and Post-graduate (M.V.Sc. & Ph.D.) students on the different courses of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
  • Researches and extension activities in the field of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics.


  • Ultrasonography
  • Caesarean Section (Small & Large Animals)
  • Handling of Dystocia (Small & Large Animals)
  • Cow Model
  • Obstetrical museum
  • Canine artificial breeding
  • Semen evaluation
  • Vaginal Cytology

Academic Activities

Academic activities

U.G. Courses (As per VCI Old)

Sl. No.

Course No. Course Title Credit hrs. Semester
1. VOG-411 Veterinary Gynaecology 2+1 VII
2. VOG-421 Veterinary Obstetrics 1+1 VIII
3. VOG-511 Veterinary Andrology and Reproductive Techniques 1+1 IX

U.G. Courses (As per MSVE-2016)

Sl. No.

Course Title Credit hrs. 4th Professional Year
1. Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2+1 1.5 Years
2. Unit-1(Veterinary Gynaecology) ½ Year
3. Unit -2 (Veterinary Obstetrics) ½ Year
4. Unit -3 (Veterinary Andrology, AI and Assisted Reproductive Techniques) ½ Year

P.G. Courses (As per ICAR)

Sl. No.

Course No. Course Title Credit hrs.
1 VOG-601 General Gynaecology 3+1
2 VOG-602 Female Infertility 3+1
3 VOG-603 Veterinary  Obstetrics 2+2
4 VOG-604 Andrology & Male Infertility 3+1
5 VOG-605 Sperm Preservation and Artificial Insemination 2+1
6 VOG-606 Reproductive biotechnology 2+1
7 VOG-607 Clinical practice-I 0+3
8 VOG-608 Clinical practice-II 0+3
9 VOG-691 Master’s Seminar 1+0
10 VOG-699 Master’s Research 20

Ph.D. Courses

Sl. No.

Course No. Course Title Credit hrs.
1 VOG-701 Advances in Gynaecology 2+1
2 VOG-702 Advances in Obstetrics 2+1
3 VOG-703 Advances in Andrology 2+1
4 VOG-704 Advances in Reproductive Biotechnology 1+1
5 VOG-705 Advances in Semen Preservation 1+1
6 VOG-706 Clinical Practice I 0+3
7 VOG-707 Clinical Practice II 0+3
8 VOG-790 Special Problem 0+2
9 VOG-791 Doctoral Seminar I 1+0
10 VOG-792 Doctoral Seminar II 1+0
11 VOG-799 Doctoral Research 45

Research Activities

Research Activities

Completed Research Projects:

Sl. No.

Title of the Project


Funding agency



Adoption and refinement of A.I. with FS in different agro climatic condition in Bihar 2 years BLDA PI: Dr. C. S. Azad


Efficacy of certain immunomodulation in therapeutic management of endometritis in Buffalo. 2 years State Plan PI: Dr. C. S. Azad
Co-PIs: Dr. D. Sengupta

Ongoing Research Projects:

Sl. No.

Title of the Project

Year of Start

Funding agency



Establishment of Embryo Transfer Technology (ETT) Laboratory with IVF facility to enhance Milk Production and Productivity among Non-descript and descript breeds of Bihar 2019 BLDA Co-PI: Dr. C.S. Azad

Co-PI: Dr. S. K. Sheetal


A survey based research project on veterinary management practices of equine endometritis in India. 2020 PI: Dr. Alok Kumar

Faculty Members

S. No

Name and Designation

Mobile No.

Email ID


1. Dr. Sumit Singhal 7087733789 More
2. Dr. D. Sengupta 8603233951 More
3. Dr. Chandrashekhar Azad 9934853220 More
4. Dr. Alok Kumar 8077518071 More
5. Dr. Shailendra Kishore Sheetal 9430248655 More

Supporting Staff

S. No



Mobile No.

1 Sri Satyendra Prasad Laboratory Attendant 9835603412
2 Sri Ram Sipahi Yadav Laboratory Attendant 9006110282

Photo Gallary

Contact Details

Dr. Sumit Singhal

Professor & Head
Department of Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Bihar Veterinary College, Patna – 14 (Bihar, India)
Contact No.: +91 7087733789
Email ID.: