Veterinary Biochemistry

Department of Veterinary Biochemistry


The Department of Veterinary Biochemistry at Bihar Veterinary College, Patna become full flagged department during 80’s after separating from physiology. It remained in the forefront to impart the undergraduate and post graduate teaching and research. The department has continuously provided its services and expertise for the clinical diagnosis to the veterinary clinics.

Since its creation, the department has expanded its facilities to suit the ever-changing needs in teaching and research. The department has all the specified equipment’s as per VCI-MSVE. To achieve its goal, the department has different functional laboratories. The blood biochemical profiling remains an important aspect for livestock health management, and to fulfill this need department has clinical biochemistry laboratory. Molecular biology and enzymology laboratory are performing the advanced studies in the genomic and proteomic area. Department has the culture facility to perform the in-vitro experimentation. Apart from the basic and molecular research, department of veterinary biochemistry expanding the research horizon in the cutting-edge technology like nano technology. To take a leap in the field of nano diagnostics, a biophysics and nanotechnology lab is there.


  • To provide education and training to the undergraduate students in the field of Veterinary Biochemistry.
  • To provide Research-oriented training and education to the postgraduate students in various aspects of Veterinary Biochemistry.
  • To carry out the research in the areas relevant to animal health and production.


  • UV Visible Spectrophotometer
  • Semiautomatic biochemical analyser
  • Flame photometer
  • Binocular Microscope
  • Hot air oven
  • Vertical electrophoresis unit
  • Horizontal Electrophoresis Unit
  • Autoclave
  • Ultra sonication Bath cleaner
  • Laminar Air Flow
  • Vacuum concentrator
  • Shaker Incubator
  • -20 Upright Deep Freezer

Academic Activities

U.G. Courses (As per VCI):

Sl. No.

Courses No.

Course Title

Credit Hrs.

1 3rd Professional Year Veterinary Biochemistry 2+1


MVSc. Courses (As per ICAR):

Course NO.

Course Title

Credit Hrs

VBC 601 Chemistry of Animal Cell 2+0
VBC 602 Techniques in Biochemistry 0+2
VBC 603 Applications of Genomics and Proteomics in Molecular Biology 2+0
VBC 604 Biochemistry of Biomolecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids and Membrane’s Structure 2+0
VBC 605 Enzyme Catalysis, Kinetics, Inhibition And Regulation 2+0
VBC 606 Metabolism-I: Carbohydrates And Lipids 2+0
VBC 607 Metabolism-Ii: Nucleic Acids And Amino Acids 2+0
VBC 608 Metabolism-Iii: Integration And Regulation 2+0
VBC 609 Central Dogma And Protein Function 2+0
VBC 610 Clinical Biochemistry Of Animals 2+1
VBC 611 Biochemical Basis Of Diseases Of Domestic Animals 2+0
VBC 612 Endocrinology And Reproductive Biochemistry 2+0
VBC 613 Biochemical Basis Of Animal Production 2+1
VBC 691 Master’s Seminar 1+0
VBC 699 Master’s Research 20

PhD Courses (As per ICAR):

Course NO.

Course Title

Credit Hrs

VBC 705

Methods In Protein Analysis


VBC 706

Nutritional Biochemistry


VBC 707

Advances In Intermediary Metabolism


VBC 708

Endocrine Control Of Fuel Metabolism


VBC 709

Diagnostic Enzymology-I


VPY 710

Diagnostic Enzymology-II


VPY 711

Biochemistry Of Development And Differentiation


VBC 712

Advances In Techniques In Biochemistry


VBC 713

Advances In Mineral And Vitamin Metabolism And Related Diseases


VBC 790

Special Problem


VBC 791

Doctoral Seminar I


VBC 792

Doctoral Seminar II


VBC 799

Doctoral Research


PGS Non-Credit Compulsory courses

Sl. No.

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours


PGS- 504

Basic Concepts In Laboratory Techniques


Research Activities

Completed Research Projects:

Sl. No. Title of the Project Duration Funding agency PI/Co-PIs
1. Blood Profiling During Transition Period in Cross Bred Dairy Cattle and Their Association with Milk Production 3 Years
BAU, Sabour PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
Co-PI: Dr. Anil Gattani
2. Evaluation of Blood Biochemical Profile in different parasitic infection in ruminants 3 Years
BAU, Sabour PI: Dr. Anil Gattani
Co-PI: Dr. Ajit Kumar
3. Radiographic and Sonographic screening of cardiac, hepatic and urinogenital diseases of canine 1 Years
BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
4. Comparison and development of standard protocol of oestrous synchronization in anoestrous buffaloes 2 Years
BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
5. Prevalence and etiopathology of early chicks mortality in poultry farms in and around Patna 2 Years
BAU, Sabour Co-PI: Dr. Anil Gattani

Ongoing Research Projects:

Sl. No. Title of the Project Year of Start Funding agency PI/Co-PIs
1. DST FIST Programme – 2016 2017 D.S.T, New Delhi PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
2. National Agricultural Higher Education – Innovation Grant Project 2018 ICAR,New Delhi Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
3. Establishment of Embryo Transfer Technology Centre 2019 D.A.D.F, GOI Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
4. Biofabrication of gold nanoparticles and its antiproliferative effect in cell line 2018 BASU, Patna PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
5. Colorimetric detection of E. coli, Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitis milk samples by optical biosensing using oligonuceleotide- Gold Nanoparticles 2019 BASU, Patna PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
6. Formulation and Evaluation of Area Specific Mineral Mixture on the performance of Dairy Cattle and Buffaloes. 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
7. Radiographic and Sonographic screening of cardiac, hepatic and urinogenital diseases of canine 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
8. Assessment of Moringa oleifera as a fodder plant 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
9. Metagenomic analysis of chicken gut microflora and its modulation by supplementation of tannins and virginiamycin 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
10. Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages targeting food borne pathogens from sewage samples of livestock farm 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar

Faculty Members

S. No Name Mobile No. Email ID More
1. Dr. Ajeet Kumar 9006548498  More..
2. Dr. Himalaya Bhardwaj 7988721568 More
3. Dr. Amrita Behera 7008086783 More..

Supporting Staff

S. No Name Designation Mobile No.
1 Sri. Yogendra Prasad Lab Attendant 7677587620

Photo Gallary

Contact Details

Dr. Ajeet Kumar
Assistant Professor & Head
Department of Veterinary Biochemistry
Contact No.: +91 9006548498
Email ID.: