Department of Veterinary Pathology
The Department of Veterinary Pathology, COVAS Kishangnaj was established in the year of 2023-24. Its activities include teaching, research and extension. Teaching is majoring the subject as it offers courses like General Pathology, Systemic Pathology, Oncology, Clinical Pathology, Special Pathology, Poultry Pathology, Wild and Laboratory Animal Pathology, Post-mortem studies and so on following the requirements of MSVE-2016 for BVSc & AH teaching. In addition, department oversees infrastructure development for the department and college. The team has worked on the development of post-mortem hall and a well-built departmental museum. Since the teaching activities in the department will be started from October-November, 2024, the preparations are almost in the final stage. The department has successfully conducted 10 days online training via virtual mode. This is for revisiting the clinical pathology including advancement in the field. The team is looking forward to conduct more training via hybrid mode in upcoming days. The department is ready to instruct as it is well-equipped for UG and Possible PG teaching. The faculties of the department are also engaged in the capacity building for the college as they are acting members of STOC, academic cell, ICT, cultural cell, publication cell etc. and so on.
- Teaching Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Degree Programme.
- Disease Diagnosis and Post-Mortem Examination
- Necropsy of companion and farm animals, wildlife and veto – legal cases.
- Researches on pathology of animals and poultry diseases.
- Histopathology
- Pathology Museum
- Post-mortem hall (in process)
- Clinical and Histopathological laboratory
- Two well-equipped laboratory with instruments as per VCI guidelines along with class room facilities for 100 students for UG teaching.
Academic Activities
Research Activities
Research activities:
- To impart high quality standards of undergraduate, post graduate and teaching
- To diagnose and control diseases in livestock and wild animals
- To carry out quality research for “one Health Concept”
- Humane resource development in veterinary education programmes for field veterinarians, para-vet and technician from other institutes in necropsy diagnostic techniques, sample collection etc.
- Confirmatory diagnosis by using molecular technique
- Need based extension services for farmer for disease control
Faculty Members

Dr Narendra Kumar
Professor & Head
Mobile No. 9931004508

Dr. Mahmuda Malik
Assistant Professor
Mobile No. 9859837149, 9123667559

Dr. Poornima Gumasta
Assistant Professor
Mobile No.+7987094906/7389861374
Supporting Staff
Photo Gallary
Contact Details

Dr Narendra Kumar
Professor & Head
Mobile No. 9931004508