Extension Activities

Extension Activities

Directorate of Extension Education (DEE) has started functioning under Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna since its inception in June 2017. It has been supervising directing and controlling all extension activities of the university. It has been formulating the plan of action for Extension Education activities and training programme for execution through Extension wings and Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Further it has also been engaged in reviewing and monitoring the extension activities being undertaken by the University. The Directorate also compiles the reports of extension wings and Krishi Vigyan Kendra in order to prepare each year annual report on extension activities of the University. Extension Education Council of the University has been conducting Extension Education Council meeting annually to approve the Extension Plan of the University.

It is pertinent to mention here that KVK, Jamui has been transferred by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) from the administrative control of NGO namely “Shram Bharti, Khadi Gram” to Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna with effect from March 06, 2019 under ICAR-ATARI, Zone IV Patna. KVK, Jamui has started functioning under the administrative control of Directorate of Extension Education, Bihar Animal Sciences University(BASU), Patna. The BASU has been providing needed financial support and technological backstopping to KVK, Jamui. Our University has resolved to strengthen and develop KVK, Jamui as one of the best under ICAR-ATARI Zone IV, Patna.

Extension Publication

Animal Health Camp

Since inception Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna is organizing various Animal Health Camps through Directorate of Extension Education and its various roots.

Bihar Veterinary College, Actively participated in the Pashu Vikash Mela Held at Semuapur,  Champaran, with ICAR, RCER in 28-29, October, 2017. More than 380 cases were advised and treated in the mela.

  • Animal Health Camp cum Kisan Gosthi organized  at Manas Diara Danapur on 01.04.2018 by BASU, BVC
  • Animal Health Camp cum Kisan Gosthi organized  at Badipur, Patna on 01.04.2018 by BASU, BVC collectively 3560 animals were treated and advised.

An Animal Health camp cum Kisan Gosthi was organized  at Manas Diara Danapur & Badipur Village Patna. More than 500 animals were treated and examined for various diagnostic parameters. The camp was organized jointly by Bihar Animal Sciences University and Institute of Animal Health & Production, Patna. Veterinary Doctors from IAHP and Scientists of BVC participated actively in this health camp.

Glimpse of Animal Health Camp organized on the eve of College foundation day at BVC

An animal health camp was organized through Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna at Village Khushrupur (Patna) on 31.03.2019. The camp cum Gosthi was organized on the occasion of college, foundation day of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna. The team of scientists and students along with three non-teaching staffs were participated in the progarmme. About 110 farmers were participated in the Kisan Goshthi. The Goshthi was based on question answer session and farmers got answer of the queries by experts of BVC.

A local NGO, Farmer Youth Foundation, Shahri, Barh was actively participated in the camp. The details of animal health camp activities were as follows. In the camp a total of 145 cattle and buffaloes, 47 goat, 9 dogs were treated and 68 stool sample were tested for various endoparasitic diseases.

An animal health camp cum Kisan Goshthi was organized at Mutlupur village of Muzaffarpur on 12th April, 2019. Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BASU, Dr. Rameshwar Singh inaugurated the function. Ex-Vice-Chancellor, Sri Gopal Ji Trivedi graced the occasion.

A total of 325 Goat,  221 Buffalo and 59 Cattle was treated for various diseases and disorders by the team of scientist from Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna.

A flood relief animal health camp was organized by BVC, Patna on 23rd September, 2020 at Govindchak Chour and Pahlezaghat Diara of Saran District, Bihar

An animal health camp was organized by BVC, Patna on 16th December, 2019 at Sampatchak, Patna

Participation in Kisan Mela

Certificate and memento for best stall being provided by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BAU, Sabour

Certificate and memento for best stall being provided by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BAU, Sabour

Faculty from department of Extension Education participated in the “Regional Kisan Mela – 2020” organized by BAU, Sabour from 23-25, February, 2020 in which the BASU was awarded 1st prize in the best stall category. The scientists of our University acted as judges in the “Animal Show” organized on 24/02/2020 at BAU, Sabour. Our University also participated in Poultry & Aqua Expo” organized at Gyan Bhawan, Gandhi Maidan, Patna.

Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna participated in Regional Kisan Mela-2019, held at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur from 23-25 February, 2019. BASU was awarded first position in Best Stall Competition held during the mela. The team was led by Dr. Saroj K. Rajak and Dr. Manoj Kr. Singh, Asstt. Professor from Bihar Veterinary College, Patna. In the Kisan Mela a total of 425 farmers were given clinical advice for their animals. The team members also acted as Judge in the Animal Show organized on the occasion.

Bihar Veterinary College, Actively participated in the Pashu Vikash Mela Held at Semuapur,  Champaran, with ICAR, RCER in 28-29, October, 2017. More than 380 cases were advised and treated in the mela.

National level “Pashu Arogya Mela” was organized at KVK, Piprakothi by Dr. RPCAU, Pusa in collaboration with Bihar Animal Sciences University (BASU), Patna from 15-04-2022 to 17-04-2022 in which many ICAR Institutes and other Govt. organizations and N.G.Os participated and more than 200 stalls of different organizations were put up in this Mela. The scientists and experts of our University also took part in in various activities during Mela like judging of Animals, Kisan Gosthi and demonstration of AH practices for the farmers and entrepreneurs.

Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna also exhibited different veterinary health care devices along with scientific management practices during the Mela. Blood, Stool and Urine testing were also conducted on the spot by the BASU Scientists and accordingly treatment advice provided to livestock owners participating in the Mela. Complete food block, Silage making practices and Mineral & Salt licking bricks were main points of attraction for the visitors at BASU stall. About 350 farmers visited our University stall and different extension publications were distributed among the farmers. Technical consultancy was provided to 35 young farmers for starting the Poultry and Goat farming. The BASU stall was awarded first prize as the best organized stall in the Mela. The award and certificate were given by the Hon’ble Speaker, Bihar Legislative assembly Sri Vijay Kumar Sinha on this occasion.

Training Programme Organized

Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna is actively involved in Training to Livestock Farmers and Field Veterinary Officers for their capacity building. Bihar Animal Sciences University organized four days training on “Management of Animals in Emergencies” for the field Veterinary Officers of Animal Husbandry department. A total of 33 batches were trained from June, 2018 to June, 2019. Based on the past experiences, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna trained the state veterinarians to rescue the animals during emergencies.  Training to veterinarians has been provided on several topics earlier but first time training to all field vets for rescue animals during disaster, was provided. Bihar Veterinary College Patna is pioneer in starting Veterinary Emergency Response Unit in India. First VERU was setup in the year 2009 in BVC campus and following the Bihar model now five other states has also established veterinary emergency response unit in their veterinary colleges.

Bihar Veterinary College, Patna is imparting training to Livestock farmers, Veterinary Officers of state, Paravets, Subject Matter Specialists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra etc. The training programmes are being conducted in collaboration with various agencies like, Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Department of Animal Husbandry Govt. of Bihar, Bihar Agricultural Management Extension Training Institute (BAMETI), Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK’s), NGO’s, SHG etc.

Till date Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna has organized more than 72 training programmes for Farmers as well as Officers of the state.

A 4 Days training program on “Fish Farming and Aquaculture” sponsored by “Bihar Kosi Basin Development Project”, Animal and Fisheries Resources Department, Govt. of Bihar was organized by College of Fisheries (Bihar Animal Sciences University) Kishanganj. In the training program fish farmers were trained about various practices of fish culture. Four training programs out of 10 approved programme for the Araria and Purnea districts were already conducted. Remaining 6 training will be for the farmers of districts Saharsa, Madhepura and Supaul. A total of 350 farmers will be trained under this program. At the end of the fourth training programme (29 January 2021) Dr. A.K. Thakur, Director Extension Education BASU Patna, visited College of Fisheries. He also addressed the trainees and distributed the training certificate. At this time Dean, College of Fisheries and teaching faculties of College of Fisheries were present.

  • Conducted two days training of master trainer programme through Agriculture Skill council of India (ASCI)
  • Training programme for different job roles was conducted at BVC, Patna in September ,  2017.

Bihar Veterinary College Patna is organizing 6 months Artificial Insemination certificate course (AI) for unemployed youths for self employment and fulfilling the huge demand of AI Experts in the rural Bihar. These course all full time residential course.

E-learning programme for AHD officers organized by BASU

E-learning programme for AHD officers organized by BASU

Since it was not possible to conduct residential training programme during the lockdown period, the department of extension education, BVC, organized two E-learning Programme as ‘Refresher Courses’ for the veterinary officers of the state in collaboration with the department of Animal & Fisheries Resources, Govt. of Bihar and BAMETI, Patna on the following topics.

  • “Recent Advances in Veterinary Medicine & Surgery” (26-30 June, 2020).
  • Sustainable Livestock Development (20-22 July, 2020).

Villages Adopted

BASU adopted 2 villages in Muzaffarpur district as Poultry Gram. Viz. Chakhelal and Mirzapur. BASU Supplied 1000 chicks and established a farmer’s club. BASU is regularly transferring the technology to the farmers, promotion of Backyard Poultry Farming through PSP running under the University.

Village Chakhelal is about 23 KM from district headquarter Muzaffarpur. In first lot After getting training at Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna, each of 40 women farmers were given 25 chicks.

The vaccination deworming and regular monitoring of the beneficiaries were done by scientist of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna. Awareness cum Health Camp was also organized to motivate the nearby farmers for adoption of backyard poultry farming.

ATMA Muzaffarpur also helped in selection of farmers and organization of Camps. By seeing the success and benefit from Vanraja farming, 34 other women of nearby area and twelve members from beneficiaries were purchased the birds in different numbers (Total 1500 pieces) from PSP Patna centre of BASU. At present they are regularly in touch with our scientist and they are benefited regularly through backyard poultry farming.

In the feedback farmers claimed that they got an average benefit of Rs. 600-700/- per bird. In last month one youth Mr. Raju Kumar Choudhary started it as organized farm by taking 500 birds from BASU Patna. He is satisfied with inputs given by BASU as and when required.

In order to supply inputs for improved poultry farming, the poultry chicks of ‘Vanjara’ and Grama Priya strains are distributed among the resource-poor farming community for promoting “Backyard Poultry” in the state. ‘Vanjara’ and Quail chicks were distributed among 200 farm families belonging to ‘Tharu Tribes’ at Ram Nagar in west Champaran. The chicks were also distributed among resource constrained farmers of East Champaran and Muzaffarpur districts under National Agricultural Science Fund project entitled “ Improving rural livelihood security of Tribal and Resource constrained farmers of North Bihar through low cost technology of Animal Husbandry and allied sector” Apart from regularly monitoring the progress, the University also provided them other inputs like medicines, feed, feeder, drinker, regular vaccination & health care services. Our University is also working for ensuring market linkages and value addition of their produce.


Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna has extended its extension activity through adopting villages under KVK Jamui selection of Diary Gram, Poultry Gram and Goat Gram. Two villages is adopted named Lalmtiya and Kaduatari under KVK Jamui for Goat Gram and Poultry Gram respectively. Village Lalmatiya is having about 150 families and Goat population of about 1200 with an average of 8 Goats per family. Village Kaduatari is having about 110 family with average poultry size of 15 birds per family.

At this occasion Kisan Choupal was organized at Lalmatiya village and 29 farm women participated in this choupal. All participants were motivated for scientific goat farming and queries of women regarding goat farming were clarified. At village Kaduatari Farmers-Scientist discussion was organized and famers were motivated and informed about salient features of scientific poultry farming. At this occasion Subject Matter Specialists from KVK Jamui also interacted with farmers and helped in organizing the programme.

Television Talk

Sl. No. Name & Designation of Scientist Topic Date of Telecast Channel / Media
        1 Dr. S. K. Rajak

Asstt Prof. Extension

Care and management of Pregnant Cow   24.07.17 Annadata

E-TV Bihar

        2 Dr. Pankaj Kumar

Asstt Prof. Extension

Bater Farming 28.07.17 DD Patna, Bihar
         3 Dr. S. K. Rajak

Asstt Prof. Extension

Mastitis in dairy animals 03.08.17 Annadata

E-TV Bihar

4 Dr. S. K. Rajak

Asstt Prof. Extension

Surra in Cattle 05.10.17 Annadata

E-TV Bihar

5 Dr. Pankaj Kumar

Asstt Prof. Extension

Care and management of heifer 11.10.17 Annadata

E-TV Bihar

6 Dr. S. K. Rajak

Asstt Prof. Extension

Symptoms and Prevention of H.S. & BQ 29.10.17 Annadata

E-TV Bihar

Sl. No. Name & Designation of Scientist Topic Date of Telecast Channel / Media
7 Dr. Pankaj Kumar

Asstt Prof. Extension

Repeat breeding in cattle 22.11.17 Annadata

E-TV Bihar

8 Dr. Pankaj Kumar & Dr. S. K. Rajak

Asstt Prof. Extension

Phone in Live Programme 25.11.17 DD PATNA
9 Dr. S. K. Rajak

Asstt Prof. Extension

Prevention of calves from cold wave 11.12.17 Annadata

E-TV Bihar

Farmers Advisory Service

Farmers advisory service is being carried out at Department of Extension Education, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna.

More than 150 persons has been given intensive advice for livestock entrepreneurship development, and 22 entrepreneurs has been developed so far.

Deptt. of extension education, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna organized 21 days winter school

Entitled “ New Initiative for Veterinary  Extension, ARYA, Farmer First an MGMG” from 30th October, 2017 to 19th November, 2017.


BASU stall at Gyan Bhawan during Poultry & Aqua Expo-2019

BASU stall at Gyan Bhawan during Poultry & Aqua Expo-2019

27-28 January, 2018, with SAID, Ranchi. 580 participants from all parts of country participated in Conference.

  1. BASU adopted 2 villages in Muzaffarpur district as Poultry Gram. Supplied 1000 chiks, established a farmer’s club. BASU is regularly transferring the technology to the farmers.
  2. Promotion of Backyard Poultry Farming through PSP running under the University.
  3. Participated in Sonpur Mela as expert on 22.11.2017
  4. Participated and coordinated International Agri-Tech Expo at Gandhi Maidan, Patna from 09.03.2018 to 11.03.2018.
  5. Participated and coordinated Bihar Diwas Expo at Gandhi Maidan, Patna from 22.03.2018 to 24.03.2018.
  6. Participated and coordinated Agri-expo 2018 at ICAR-RCER, Patna from 11.01.2018 to 13.01.2018.
  7. Participated in the Dog Show -2018 at Bihar Veterinary College Patna
  8. Kisan Call Centre at Extension Department No. 0612- 2227258 and at Clinical Complex No. 0612-2227257 was inaugurated by Chief Guest Sri Sunil Kumar Singh and Dr. N. Vijyalakshami jointly on occasion of college foundation day on 2nd April, 2018.
  9. Participated and coordinated International Agri-Tech Expo at Gandhi Maidan, Patna from 09.03.2018 to 11.03.2018.
  10. Participated and coordinated Bihar Diwas Expo at Gandhi Maidan, Patna from 22.03.2018 to 24.03.2018.
  11. Participated and coordinated Agri-expo 2018 at ICAR-RCER, Patna from 11.01.2018 to 13.01.2018.
  12. Swachta Abhiyan at BASU campus on 27.08.2017

DATE : 28th April, 2018

Period : 1 Days

Outcome / Recommendations :

A procession march on the occasion of world veterinary day

A procession march on the occasion of world veterinary day

A procession march was organized at 06.30 am to create awareness among common people about rights of animals, veterinary profession etc. A seminar on Role of Veterinary profession on Livelihood and Food security was organized. Important zoonotic diseases and its control, Factors for low productivity of animals, Indigenous Technical Knowledge etc  were discussed in seminar.

DATE : 3-8th May, 2018

Period : 6 Days

Outcome / Recommendations :

Animal Disaster Management  certificate course for students of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna was conducted from 03.05.2018 to 08.05.2018 by Veterinary Emergency Response Unit (VERU) of Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna. Twenty three students of 4th year under graduate course completed successfully.

Under this programme the students were exposed to five days theory classes on prefix animal disaster lecture module and one day simulation exercise at 9thBn, NDRF Bihta and got hands on training on management of wildlife animals in emergencies by experts of WWF. This programme is first of its kind in India which impart specialized training to Veterinary students.

The VERU certificate course is organized regularly by VERU, BVC and World Animal Protection (WAP), India. The programme was attended by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BASU, Registrar, BASU, Director Extension, Dr. Hans Raj, Advisor (ICT), to VC, and Dean, BVC, Patna. Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor appreciated the feedback of VERU students and advised them to be prepared for helping the animals during disaster.

Students enrolled in VERU undergoing emergency response training

Students enrolled in VERU undergoing emergency response training

Young Authors’ Workshop organized at BASU

DATE : 12-14th May, 2018

Period : 3 Days

Outcome / Recommendations :

Inauguration of Young Authors’ Workshop at BASU, Patna

Inauguration of Young Authors’ Workshop at BASU, Patna

Bihar Animal Sciences University organized three days Young Authors’ Workshop from 12th -14th May, 2018, at Conference Hall of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna.

The workshop was inaugurated by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rameshwar Singh, DRI-cum-Dean PGS Dr. Hari Mohan Saxena, Registrar Dr. Pradeep Kumar Kapoor, and Guests from New Delhi by enlightening the lamp.

The expert guests invited for the conducting the workshop were Shri Hasan Javed Khan, Chief Scientist CSIR and Editor of dignified  Science Reporter magazine, Shri Pradeep Sharma former editor of popular magazine VigyanPragati and Dr. JagdeepSaxena, editor of Kheti Magazine.

In the inauguration function Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor shared his experiences with the participants and motivated the students for scientific writing. Students should have knowledge of proper writing along with editing so that in future when students will write research paper and popular articles for farmers then there will be fewer chances of errors. Technical writing skill is very important for publishing papers in National and International Journals and Magazines, he added.

Dr. Rameshwar Singh, Honb’le Vice-Chancellor BASU, gave away the certificates to 11 faculty members who were declared as successful Master Trainer’s by  Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) for their various job roles after clearing the domain and platform skill test conducted by ASCI. The master trainers are expected to carry out ‘Training of Trainers’ programme in collaboration with ASCI and Bihar Skill Development Mission, Government of Bihar.

Type Topic
Booklets 1 (ग्रामीण कुक्कुट पालन )
Pamphlets/ Folders 4 (PPR बकरी प्लेग, पशुओं में लंगड़ा बुखार, पशुओं में ब्रूसीलोसिस , दूध ज्वर)
Training Manuals
Popular Articles
Radio Talks
T.V. Scripts Four Television Talk delivered in E-TV Bihar-Jarkhand
T.O.T. Reports
Any Other Judge Animal Show held at BAU, Sabour on 24.02.2020

(L. No. 1565/Dean (Ag)/ BAU, Sabour, dated, 23.02.2020)


Undertaken by Directorate of Extension Education
Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
Kisan Mela/Exhibitions/Outreach Progrmme

Sl. No. Name of the Programme Duration Place
1. Sonpur Cattle fair 15-11-17 to 02-12-17 Harihar Kshetra, Sonpur
2. ASCI- Training Program of Master Trainers for 10 job roles 20-22 September, 2017 BVC, Patna
3. Agri-Expo, 2018 11-13 January, 2018 ICAR-RCER, Patna
4. Exhibition on the occasion of 18th Foundation Day of ICAR-RCER, Patna 20 February, 2018 ICAR-RCER, Patna
5. Dog Show Cum Competition 25th February, 2018 Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
6. International Agri-Tech Bihar 09-11 March, 2018 Gandhi Maidan, Patna
7. Farmers’- Scientists’ Interface 17 March, 2018 ICAR-RCER, Patna
8. Bihar Diwas Programme 22-24 March, 2018 Gandhi Maidan, Patna
9. Animal Health Camp under Farmer First Project 28 March, 2018 Mehsi, East Champaran
10. State Agricultural Fair 13-15 April, 2018 Zila School, Mothihari
11. Sonepur Cattle fair 03-12-18 to 16-12-18 Harihar Kshetra, Sonpur
12. Regional Kisan Mela-2019 23-25 February, 2019 Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
13. Animal Health camp 31 March, 2019 Khushrupur, Patna
14. Animal Health camp 01 April, 2019 Manas Diara, Danapur, Patna
15. Animal Health camp 12 April, 2019 Matlupur, Muzaffarpur


Details of Animal Health Camp etc. organized during year 2019-20.

Sl. No. Date Animal Health Camp etc. No. of farmers benefited
1.         09.04.2019 Animal Health Camp, at Khushrupur, Patna 210
2. 09.08.2019 Flood relief camp at, Hanuman Nagar, Darbhanga 332
3. 25-27 Sep, 19 National Poultry Expo, Gyan Bhawan, Gandhi Maidan, Patna 739
4. 03.10.2019 Flood relief camp at Pahleja Ghat, Saran 190
5. 04.10.2019 Flood relief camp at Danapur, Patna 240
6. 22.11.2019 Animal Health Camp cum Chick distribution programme, Mehsi,  East Champaran 105
7. 25.11.2019 Animal Health Camp, Ujhilpur, East Champaran with ICAR-NRCL, Muzaffarpur 175
8. 16.12.2019 Animal Health Camp, Sampatchak, Patna 145
9. 10.01.2020 Equine Health Camp, Rajgir, Nalanda 80
10. 20.02.2020 Animal Health Camp, Esarhi, Bhojpur 148
11. 23-25 Feb, 2020 Kisan Mela-2020 at BAU, Sabour 442

Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna organized an Infertility camp and awareness seminar at the premises of High School, Kumbhi at Warshaliganj block of Nawada district of Bihar on 04.10.2023.The program was inaugurated by Dr. Deepak Kumar Kushwaha, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Nawada, . Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Dy. Director Training and Local leaders of Kumbhi and Dr. Dhananjay Kumar. Several officers from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kauwakol, Nawada and Veterinary officers of state department of Animal Husbandry were present. In the awareness seminar more than 260 farmers were present and more than 135 animals were treated in the Animal Health Camp. The cases of Lumpy Skin Disease, repeat breeding, anoestrus, ticks infestation, Alopecia, wound etc. were treated in camp by Dr. Sumit Singhal, Associate Professor, VGO and Dr. Shudhanshu Kumar, Touring Veterinary Officer, Nawada and Dr. Piyush Kumar. The surgical cases were treated by Dr. Ramesh Tiwary, Associate Professor, Veterinary Surgery.The seminar was presented by Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Dy. Director, Training, Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak, Associate Professor, BVC, Dr. Deepak Kumar Kushwaha, , DAHO, Nawada and Dr. Dhananjay Kumar, Subject Matter Specialist, Krihshi Vigyan Kendra, Nawada. Question answer session was also organised in seminar to solve the issues related to their animals. About 60 quarries were addressed by scientists of BASU in the seminar. Indian Immunological Pvt. Ltd. Provided the necessary medicines for free distribution in Animal Health Camp. 

Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna organized an Infertility camp and awareness seminar at the premises of Pariwar Vikash Sansthan (An internarional NGO) at Chandra Shekhar Nagar, Guguldih of Jamui district of Bihar on 09.10.2023. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Kundan Mishra, District Animal Husbandry Officer, Nawada, Dr. Sudhir Kumar Singh, Head, KVK, Jamui, Sri Bhawannd Ji, Secretary Pariwas Vikash, Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Dy. Director Training and Dr. Saroj K. Rajak, Associate Professor, BVC. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jamui a KVK of Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna actively participated in the programme extending his full support in organizing the programme.  More than 280 farmers were present in the technical session of awareness seminar and more than 165 animals were treated in the Animal Health Camp. The cases of Lumpy Skin Disease, metritis, repeat breeding, anoestrus, lamness, wound etc. were treated in camp by Dr. Sumit Singhal, Associate Professor, VGO and Dr. Mritunjay Kumar, Associate professor, Veterinary Medicine and Dr. Alok Kumar.

The seminar was presented by Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Dy. Director, Training, Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak, Associate Professor, BVC, Dr. Kundan Mishra , DAHO, Jamui, Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Head, Krihshi Vigyan Kendra, Jamui. Question answer session was also organised in seminar to solve the issues related to their animals. About 45 quarries were addressed by scientists of BASU in the seminar. Indian Immunological Pvt. Ltd. Provided the necessary medicines for free distribution in Animal Health Camp.