Director Research

About Director Research

Brief Introduction

Dr Vishesh Kumar Saxena joined as Director Research BASU Patna on 22.11.22. He was graduated (1984) in veterinary science from Veterinary College Mathura and did M.V.Sc (Animal Genetics and Breeding, 1987) and Ph.D (Animal Genetics, 1993) from IVRI, Deemed University. Dr Saxena joined as ARS scientist in 1990, became principal scientist in 2007 and served as Acting Director, ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar since November, 2019 to Feburary, 2020. Thereafter, he joined as Assistant Director General (Animal Production & Breeding) at ICAR, New Delhi. Being a breeder and biotechnologist, he improved four broiler parent lines and developed four commercial broiler stocks (viz. CARI-Dhanraja, CARIBRO-Vishal, CARIBRO- Tropicana and CARIBRO-Mritunay), five improved crosses of desi chicken (viz. CARI-Nirbheek –listed as LIT in NLM, CARI-Shayama, UPCARI, HITCARI, CARI-Debendra-dual purpose) and multicoloured turkey (CARI-Chitla). He was associated in development of DAC technology for generation of biogas and organic compost from poultry excreta. He developed salted chicken eggs and PCR based technique for detection of bacterial pathogens (Salmonella, Campylobactor and E.coli) from egg. He has significantly contributed in the frontier areas like Host X Pathogen interaction through induced challenge with viral (Avian Influenza virus, NDV, IBD and AL/SV) and bacterial (E. coli and S. Typhimurium) pathogens, genomics (RAPD, Microsatellite and candidate gene analysis) and functional genomics (Expression analysis of genes and Transcriptome analysis), RNAi and metagenomics. He developed immuno-divergent four chicken lines, two each for humoral and cell mediated immunity, identified molecular markers associated with immune response to ND Vaccine and growth, produced four recombinant Cytokines of chicken, developed a panels of microsatellite markers to differentiate wild and Japanese quails, standardized the methodology of chicken sperm transfection using lentivector, identified probiotic bacteria (L. reuteri) from gut of Assamese native chicken. Dr Saxena was nominated as member of several national/international committees/ Task forces viz. Member, DBT Task force on Animal biotechnology I, DBT Task force on Biotechnological based program for women, Steering committee for DBT-NER twining program, DBT-NER TEC Animal, Aquaculture and Fisheries, DBT Committee for Indo-Vietnam project evaluation, Indian delegate in BBSRCDBT meeting etc. He was recipient of DBT overseas Associateship, delegate in South East Asia Poultry Stakeholders workshop held at Sri Lanka funded by Royal Veterinary College London, Invited speaker at International Poultry Symposium 2018 at Nepal and lead lecture in World Poultry Science 2014 (Turkey). He received training in advance area of Molecular biology at University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA under DBT associateship. He remained General Secretary, Indian Poultry Science Association, Joint Secretary SOCDAB, secretary Indian Society of Animal Genetics and Breeding vice –president ARSSF (IVRI Chapter). As member secretary of committee, he played key role in ISO:9001 certification of ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar.  As teacher, he has guided 8 Ph.D and 5 M.V.Sc. scholars and taught PG courses. He is a NAVS (I) fellow and several societal awards.  He has been PI/ Co-PI of 26 research projects including 2 AICRPs, 8 externally funded and 3 inter-institutional projects. He organized two DBT funded short-term training course as Course Director and was co-faculty or contributor in several refresher courses, summer / winter schools in different institutes / organizations. He was paper setter for different universities and ASRB, New Delhi, and external examiner of Master and doctoral thesis. As nodal ADG, he has been member of Research Advisory Committee and Institute Management Committee of seven animal science institutes, ICAR, Member Research Council and Executive Council of MAFSU, Nagpur, Member Executive council of DUVASU Mathura and Member Review committee and Governing body of NIAB Hyderabad, besides He has been chairman/ member of several other national level committees of ICAR and DAHD, New Delhi. He was member secretary of National Steering Committee for successful organization of Hackathon 2.0 by Agri. Edu. Div., and Anim. Sci. Div., ICAR. He was the nodal ADG for third party evaluation of central sector schemes of Animal Science, ICAR, New Delhi. He has experience of coordinating and monitoring seven AICRPs/Network projects on different livestock and poultry species. He has total 475 publication including 105 research articles published in National and International Journals of repute, books and book chapter, review articles (4) and keynote/ lead lectures (40), to his credit.