On Going Reasearch Work


1. M.V.SC.  Students  

Approved research work for M.V. Sc. undergoing as follows:

  1. Impact of Seasonal Variations on Physiobiochemical Profiles, Biochemical and Hormonal stress markers in Black Bangal goats.
  2. Studies on effect of Extreme weather conditions on Physio-Biochemcial profiles and Oxidative stress profiles in Sonadi Corriedale Sheep.
  3. Manpower Utilization Pattern in Management of Livestock Farm Operations.
  4. Molecular characterization of Multidrug Resistatn (MDR) Staphylococcus aureus isolate from mastitic milk.
  5. Studies on toxicopathological effects of induced aflatoxicosis and its amelioration with Moringa oliefera leaf in Vanaraja Chicken.
  6. Studies on formulation and quality evaluation of dough ball (litti) stuffed with meat.
  7. Study on Genetic and Non-Genetic factor influencing milk production efficiency of cattle of shahabad region of Bihar.
  8. Morphometric characterization and factor Analysis of Buffaloes of Kosi region of Bihar.
  9. Status of Anaemia in goats due to parasitic gastroenteritis & its therapeutic management by Herbal Anthelmintic.
  10. Babesia associated multiorgan dysfunction in dogs and its ameliorative measure.
  11. Study on Training Need Assessment of Backyard Poultry Farmers of North Bihar.
  12. To study the effect of prostatic fluid on semen preservation at refrigeration temperature in mongrel dogs.

2. Ph.D.  Students

Approved research work for Ph.D. is as follows and some research work is under process:

  1. Impact Assessment of Training Programmes organized by ATMAs in Animal Husbandry Sectors-An analytical study in different agro-climatic zones of Bihar.
  2. Evaluation of antibiotic resistance profile and its genotypic determinants in livestock and poultry isolates of Escherichia coli and staphylococcus spp. From Patna district, Bihar.