Department of Veterinary Biochemistry

Department of Veterinary Biochemistry


The department previously was associated with the Department of Veterinary Physiology. During the 80’s it become a full flagged department. Since the year 2000, there was no permanent faculty member after death of Dr. M. Murtuza. After a very long gap of more than 10 years in 2011, two faculty members’ Dr. Ajeet Kumar and Dr. Anil gattani have been appointed as Assistant Professor in the department. Gradually the facilities in terms of equipment, etc. were procured and other infrastructure was developed, for teaching, research and extension programmes.

The department is predominantly involved in UG and PG teaching of biochemistry. The department has fully developed laboratories for carrying out the research on the biochemical aspects of animal health and production, and is extending these facilities to other departments of the University.

2. Faculty

Sl. No. Name & Designation Mobile No. Email ID
1. Dr. Ajeet Kumar, Asstt. Prof. & HoD 9006548498, 7004940142
2. Dr Anil Gattani, Asstt. Prof. 7488546419

 3. Teaching
U.G. Courses (As per VCI)

Sl. No. Course No. Course Title Credit hrs. Semester
1. VPB (New VCI) Veterinary Biochemistry 2+1 Ist professional year
2. VBP321 Animal Biotechnology 2+1 VI
3. VLD 411 Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis-I 0+1 VII
4. VLD 411 Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosis-II 0+1 IX

 PG Courses (As per ICAR)

Sl. No. Course No. Course Title Credit hrs.
1 VBC- 602 Techniques in Biochemistry 0+2
2 VBC-605 Enzyme catalysis, kinetics, inhibition and regulation 2+0
3 VBC-610 Clinical Biochemistry of Animals 2+1
4 VBC- 604 Biochemistry of Biomolecule: Carbohydrate, Lipid and Membrane Structure 2+0
5 VBC-606 Metabolism-I: Carbohydrates And Lipids 2+0

4.Research facilities and infrastructures

  • Blood Profiling During Transition Period in Cross Bred Dairy Cattle and Their Association with Milk Production. (Completed).
  • Evaluation of Blood Biochemical Profile in different parasitic infection in ruminants. (Completed).
  • Research achievements:
  • Basic study on biochemical changes during transition period in dairy cattle.
  • Studies on biochemical changes in hemo-protozaon parasites infected animal.
  • Basic studies on oxidative stress due to parasitic infestation.
  • Biochemical analysis.
  • Hematological analysis.


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