5 days training programme at Bihar Animal Sciences University completed

5 days training programme at Bihar Animal Sciences University completed

A training programme on Integrated Animal Husbandry from 09.03.2018 to 13.03.2018 completed at Department of Extension Education, Bihar Veterinary College training hall on 13.03.2018.

A total of 30 progressive farmers participated in the training programme. The training programme was residential and within state training programme sponsored by ATMA Darbhanga. The progressive farmers were trained with all the aspects and techniques needed for the integrated livestock farming. Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BASU, Patna, Dr. Rameshwar Singh addressed the farmers at Valedictory Ceremony on 13.03.2018 and advised farmers with many important activities which all livestock farmers should follow in order to increase the production of animals. He advised farmers to be in constant touch with the scientists of Bihar Veterinary College to solve their problems regarding animal husbandry.

Livestock enterprise has potential to double the farmers income, he added. The certificates were given to all the participants of the training programme and the training was ended with vote of thanks.