Fisheries Sciences

College of Fisheries

  • Admission takes place purely on the basis of competitive entrance examination.
  • For Eighty-five present (85%) seats (34) is reserved for the State of Bihar and students are selected through BCECEB competitive entrance examination. and for rest 15% seat (6) entrance examination is conducted by ICAR, New Delhi.

Under Graduate Programme

Seats will be filled up through entrance test conducted by BCECE Board, Patna, followed by  counselling by BCECEB


Undergraduate Programme (BFSc)

Particulars General / OBC E BC SC/ST
1st Semester 21,900 19,400 18,400
2nd Semester 7,200 4,700 3,700
B.F.Sc. M. F. Sc. (Semester System)
SI. No. Particulars 1st Semester 2nd – 8th Semester
(A)              University Fee
1. University Admission Fee (one time) 1,000 1,000
2. Registration Fee 250 250 250
3. Tuition Fee 2,500 2,500 3,000
4. Educational Tour (one time) 3,000
5. Examination Fee 1,000 1,000 1,000
6. Migration Fee (one time) 500 500
7. Development Fee (one time) 5,000 5,000
                                                            Sub Total               13,250                           3,750                       10,750
(B)               College Fee
8. Co-curricular activities fee 500 500 500
9. Medical Fee 250 250 250
10. Library Fee 250 250 250
11. ID Card Fee (one time) 200 200
12. Sports & Games Fee 500 500 500
13. Placement & Counselling Fee 100 100 100
14. Laboratory Fee 250 250 500
15. Caution Money (one time) refundable

(a)             Laboratory

(b)             Library

(c)             Hostel











                                                           Sub Total                  7,050                          1,850                          7,300
(C)            Hostel Fee
16. 500 500 500
17. 1,000 1,000 1,000
18. 100 100 100
                                                             Sub Total                1,600                           1,600                         1,600
Grand Total                                                                      21,900                           7,200                       19,650
  • B.F.Sc. is a 4-year degree course comprising of 8 semesters.
  • Each student will have to undertake compulsory training programme (student REDY Programme) in last (eight) semester.
  • Medium of instruction shall be in English.
  • Monsoon Semester will usually be started in 1st September and Winter Semester in 1st March of every calendar year (session).
  • Each Semester shall cover at least 110 days of instruction excluding time spent for final examination of each semester.
  • There will be semester break of 10 – 15 days.
  • There is provision of relaxation of attendance for a period of 20 days for the candidate participating in extracurricular activities at national level / within the university or due to serious illness subject to the production of medical certificate.
  • Both Internal and External systems of examinations will be conducted. Fifty percent (50%) marks shall be allotted for internal examination and 50% for external examination.
  • A student shall be promoted to next semester only if he/she has passed in all the subjects of his or her class by obtaining at last 50% marks in theory (internal and external combined) and practical separately.
  • Students are expected to maintain gross discipline and desired academic atmosphere in the hostel.
  • All kinds of shouting, hooting, violent knocking or any other act likely to cause disturbance to inmates are strictly prohibited.
  • Ragging of any type will be dealt with severity and may result in expulsion from the University.
  • Maltreating or abusing the hostel employee is strictly prohibited.
  • Leave for absence from the hostel for one or more nights must have the approval of hostel superintendent.
  • Students absenting themselves from the hostel without prior sanction of leave by the hostel Superintendent will be punishable.
  • Night roll call will be undertaken by the hostel at 9:00 PM in Winter and 10:00 PM in Summer and every boarder must be present in his room at the time of roll call.
  • After roll call no student is allowed to leave the hostel, however, in case of emergency he / she must inform the hostel prefect.
  • Absence from the hostel for whole night without prior permission of the Superintendent will be considered as an act of gross indiscipline and misconduct and will call for heavy punishment.
  • Expulsion from the hostels will be done in case of continuous absence of boarders from the hostels without prior permission of hostels warden / Chief Hostel Warden.
  • Guests are not permitted to stay in hostel except in the case of father / brother provided that they come at an odd hour. The name and relationship of the guest so allowed to be entered in the hostel guest register.
  • Lady guests are not permitted in any case to visit the room and stay in the Boy’s Hostel.
  • Boarders keeping guest without information and permission will be liable to punishment.
  • No boarder is allowed to change his room without permission of the hostel superintendent.
  • Light must be switched off when not in use. Use of fan is allowed during summer month. Students are advised to use LED bulb to save electricity.
  • Boarders are warned against tempering electric appliances.
  • Use of heaters, electric rod, iron, geyser is strictly prohibited and punishable.
  • Motor cycle/cycle in verandah, corridor, dining hall and common hall is prohibited.
  • Four wheelers are not allowed in the hostel.
  • Students are expected to show a sense of responsibility in the maintenance of hedges, lawns, flowers and hostel landscape.