Bihar Veterinary College

Bihar Veterinary College (BVC)

Bihar Animal Sciences University Building

Bihar Veterinary College, Patna, the 5th oldest Veterinary College in undivided India was founded on 2nd April, 1927 by Sir Henry Wheeler, the then Governor of Bihar & Orissa. The buildings were completed, laboratories were equipped and teaching & professional staff joined the alma mater in 1930. However, the college started functioning w.e.f. 7th April, 1927.  The College made tremendous progress under the guidance and supervision of Dr. R. T. Davis, the first Principal of this historic College with a team of renowned scientists specialized in Breeding, Feeding, Management and Disease control of Livestock & Poultry species. During the post independence period, Bihar Veterinary College developed to its full capacity and occupied a prestigious status associated with strong academic base for teaching and research in the field of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry as well as advanced Veterinary clinical services to the society. This institution acquired world-wide recognition for Human Resource Development through excellent teaching by qualified, experienced and committed faculty members; training of quality services to the farmers; strong clinical and para-clinical setup; well organized livestock farms as well as research stations and other ancillary facilities. One of the best Tharparkar herds, Central Poultry Farm and Livestock Research Station in its vicinity under one administrative and financial control contributed significantly in attaining the objectives of this institution.

Bihar Veterinary College, Patna, for a long time, provided quality Veterinary education and training not only to the candidates from Bihar and Orissa but also from several other states (U.P., Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Jammu & Kashmir, Assam, Himachal Pradesh etc.) of the country as well as from developing countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Afganistan, Iran, Malasiya etc. Graduates of this college are spread all over the world and have occupied coveted and prestigious positions in State and Central Governments, State Agricultural Universities, Research Institutes and National as well as Multinational Industries. It can be mentioned with proud that Dr. C. M. Singh, Dr. B. S. Rajya, Dr. G. C. Mohanty, Dr. O .N. Singh, Prof. A. Ahmad, Dr. H. R. Mishra, Dr. R. B. Prasad, Dr. V. S. Pandey, Dr. D. V. Singh, Dr. G. Biswal, Dr. D. C. Nayak etc. are /were the glittering alumni of this alma mater.

In the beginning (1930-1949), a three year diploma course was started awarding G.B.V.C. (Graduate of Bihar Veterinary College) Diploma. Keeping pace with the advancement of Science & Technology, four-year degree course awarding the degree of B.V.Sc. & A.H. was started in 1949. An emergency Diploma-Shift-Degree course was introduced in the year 1954-55. The professional competency of diploma holders was also updated by subjecting them to “Condensed degree course” of two years and awarding B.V.Sc.& A.H. degree. The first batch of regular degree holders, admitted in 1949, came out in 1953 and became one of the stake holders of the Livestock & Poultry Resources of India in general and Bihar and its neighbouring states in particular. For the award of diploma or degree, the Bihar Veterinary College, had been affiliated to different Universities of the state like Bihar University, Magadh University etc. The P.G. programme in different subjects of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry was started in 1960.

Under the provisions made through enforcement of Bihar Agricultural University Act (1971), the Bihar Veterinary College, Patna became one of the pioneer constituent colleges of Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar in 1971 and altogether 14 departments of this college started functioning under Agricultural University System. With the development of Bihar Agricultural University at Sabour Bhagalpur on 5th August, 2010, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna with its 17 well equipped departments along with a modern Veterinary Clinical Complex and the Composite Livestock Farm became a pioneer constituent College of the youngest and progressive agricultural University of the Country.