
Brief Introduction

Area of Specialization:

  • Hemoprotozoal diseases of animals.
  • Animal disease management.
  • Canine internal Medicine

Five best Research articles: 

  • Bipin Kumar, S.P. Verma, B.S. Sinha and Sudhanshu Shekhar (2008) Therapeutic efficacy of Alum-boric acid in bovine Babesiosis. Indian Veterinary journal 85:1107
  • Bipin Kumar, Pallav Shekhar &Nirbhay Kumar (2010) A clinical study on neonatal calf diarrhea. IntasPolivet11 :233-235 antioxidant status and erythrocyte fracility in theileriasis in calves. Indian J. Anim. Res. 52 1762-1765.
  • Bipin Kumar, D.B. Mondal and M.V. Jithin (2019) Evaluation of Reactive Oxidative Damage on Erythrocytic Cells Due to Clinical Babesiosis in Lactating Cows. International journal of livestock research 9:55-64.
  • Bipin Kumar, D.B. Mondal and M.V. Jithin (2018) Oxidant markers and their impact on antioxidant status and erythrocyte fracility in theileriasis in calves. Indian J. Anim. Res. 52 1762-1765.
  • MV Jithin, DB Mondal, R Raguvaran, Bipin Kumar,RVS Mandal,SonamBhatt,K.P.Singh and K.Madhesh (2020) Hepatoprotectant potential of sodium alginate coated catechin nanoparticle(SACC-NPs) in rat model. Inorganic and Nano-metal chemistry

Other publications:

  • Popular Article
: 7
  • Book authored
: 1(e-book)
  • TV talk
: 17

Member of Professional society

  • India society for Veterinary Medicine
  • Bihar veterinary council

Research Activities

Completed Research Projects:

Sl .No Title of the project Duration Funding agency PI/Co-PI
1 Prevalence of gastroentritits in dogs with special reference to etiology, hematological changes and its therapeutic management in and around Patna 2013-15 Bihar agricultural University,Sabour Bhagalpur PI
2 Incidence of intestinal helminth parasites in goat and their therapeutic management 2013-15 Bihar agricultural university, Sabour Bhagalpur Co-PI
3. Serum metabolic profiling during transition period in cross breed dairy cattle and their association with milk production 2013-15 Bihar agricultural university, Sabour Bhagalpur Co-PI
4 Formulation of area specific mineral mixture based on soil plant animal continuum in Bihar 2011-15 ICAR,RCER Co-PI
5 Epidemiological study of various animal diseases ADMAS Co-PI
6 Herbomineralacaricideformulation  development 2011 IVRI PI

Honours and Awards

  • Merit scholarship during BVSc &AH.
  • Merit scholarship during M.V. Sc.
  • Appreciation award from Natural Remedies