Directorate of Resident Instruction-cum-DEAN, Post Graduate Studies

Directorate of Resident Instruction-cum-DEAN, Post Graduate Studies

  • To coordinate intercampus and interfaculty programmes for teaching and evaluation of students’ progress at all undergraduate and postgraduate levels in order to raise standard of teaching and student attainment.
  • To prepare regulations on resident instruction of the university for approval by the Academic Council and Board of Management.
  • To implement of resident instruction regulations in the University and pass such orders as might be necessary.
  • To be responsible for the organization and conduct of postgraduate teaching in all the constituent colleges of the university and for that purpose shall pass such orders as may be necessary in consultation with the Deans of the Colleges.
  • To be responsible for the coordination of curricular research by the postgraduate students and its integration with the general research programmes of the University.
  • To formulate policies pertaining to the postgraduate studies and present to the Vice-Chancellor for his consideration and further placement before the Academic Council.
  • To be responsible to maintain records of the postgraduate students and supervise their progress.
  • To develop linkages/memoranda of understanding between university and national/ international institutes and persons for inter-institutional postgraduate education, research and development programmes.
  • To preside over the meetings of Board of Postgraduate Studies and Resident Instruction Committee, prepare agenda pertaining to postgraduate programmes for presentation to the Academic Council.