
Directorate of Extension Education

The Directorate of Extension has come into existence with the functioning of new Bihar Animal Sciences University. Before this, the extension activities for the livestock farmers were carried out by the Department of Animal Husbandry Extension Education, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna and Department of Dairy Extension Education, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology.


  • To help adoption of scientific practices for the upliftment of livestock sector as a whole and livestock farmer as an individuals.
  • Educating the unemployed youth, farmers and women about profitable livestock farming through training programme viz. dairy, goatary, poultry, piggery, fisheries, etc.
  • Refining of indigenous practices, on farm demonstration of latest recommendations/research.
  • To aware the masses about the latest and recommended scientific practices by publishing various literature like Kisan Diary, farm magazines, booklets, books, pamphlets, folders etc. in the local language.

Broad area of Operation

  • Transfer of technologies to the livestock farmers

The new technologies developed in different areas of Veterinary, Animal Sciences, Poultry & Fisheries are effectively communicated to the livestock farmers who are the ultimate beneficiaries of such technologies. The extension services also help in identifying the researchable problems faced by the livestock farmers and provide new research issues to the scientists.

  • Field testing of the technologies, germplasm and other inputs related to animal farming.

The technologies developed by the scientists relating to feeding, management, health, value addition of livestock products, etc. as well as superior stocks of animals developed and tested at the experimental stations and breeding farms of the university and regional research stations are evolved in a systematic way, by conducting field trials over a wide spectrum in different agro-climatic zones with proper technical collaboration of research scientists with extension field functionaries

  • Organizing the Kisan Mela once in a year :

Colleges are organizing Kisan Mela cum Animal Health Competition during the months of February – March at the Bihar Veterinary College campus. Colleges also regularly participates in the Kisan Melas being organized by BAU State Agriculture Department and other such organization.


  • The Bihar Veterinary College is conducting short duration on-campus training programme for live stock farmers and veterinary officials on different important aspects of animal husbandry for rapid transfer of technology to the client system. The training programme is organised with the collaboration of BAMETI & ATMA. Faculties also participate and collaborate with ICAR (Eastern Zone) training programmes organized in the campus. The major aspect of training consist livestock entrepreneurship, Integrated Animal Nutrition,  Integrated Animal husbandry management,  Advancement in disease  diagnostic technique for veterinary officials and Scaling of water productivity in agriculture sponsored by ICAR Regional complex. Since 2008 the department has organized 163 trainings for the farmers and benefited 3816 livestock farmers 1179 veterinary officers/sms/pc through training sponsored by ATMA, BAMETI & ICAR Regional Complex.
  • Organizing animal health camp once in a month.

Vaccination Camp, Animal Health Camp, Kisan Goshti, Diagnosis and Treatment Camp are being organized with the collaboration of different departments of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna. Veterinary Hospital, Danapur has been adopted by this institute for regular Vaccination and treatment of animals of local Villages.

  • Organizing animal show/ Dog show annually
  • Facilitating the successful dairy farmers, once in a year
  • Counselling to unemployed youths for livestock entrepreneurship development.
  • Certificate course in Artificial Insemination by Department of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
  • Kisan Choupal
  • Mera Gaon Mera Gourav
  • Kaushal Vikash Programme
  • Other assignments given by University/ Government time to time.

Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Information Centre

  • To disseminate the technical information through the print and electronic media.  The Directorate undertakes the publication of the monthly  newsletter and arranges radio and T.V. talks of the experts and views of farmers covering all aspects of livestock farming.
  • University experts  deliver TV & Radio talks regularly on Doordarshan & All India Radio. Patna respectively on the current & seasonal topics related to livestock on an average one talk is delivered/broadcasted  in fortnight.
  • University has liaison with electronic media for flashing the various livestock related interventions and precautions for disease control and seasonal correct management practices.