About Registrar
Name | : |
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar |
Address | : | Office of Registrar, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Bihar Veterinary College Campus, Patna – 800014 |
: | registrarbasu@gmail.com | |
Contact No. | 0612-2227251 |
Brief Introduction
Dr Sanjeev Kumar, presently serving as Registrar, Bihar Animal Sciences University (BASU), Patna, Bihar since 6th January 2023, has been First Class First throughout his academic and professional career as he earned his BVSc & AH with Chancellor’s Gold Medal in 1984 from Mathura Veterinary college, under CSAUA&T, Kanpur (UP). He earned MVSc in 1987 and PhD 1990 in Animal Genetics & Breeding from the prestigious ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar, U.P. India.
Securing FIRST RANK in the All-India entrance examination, Dr Sanjeev joined as an ARS Scientist on 09-10-1990 at ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad, under ICAR, New Delhi. Thereafter he was posted at ICAR-Central Avian Research Institute (CARI), Izatnagar, Bareilly (UP) and promoted to Principal Scientist on 09-10-007. He also served as Head, Avian Genetics & Breeding for about 3 years during his exemplary career of 32 years of committed research, teaching and extension in his specialized domain.
Dr Sanjeev also steered ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar, India as Director (A), and took several new initiatives as he Implemented e-office, Operationalized Single Treasury Account (STA); Fully Implemented MIS-FMS & PFMS; Made compassionate appointments; Renewed GST, IBSC; Launched New Website, Managed IP Portfolio; Signed teaching MoUs with GBPUAT, Pantnagar; Akola MAFSU, Nagpur; DUVASU, Mathura; and CCS, Meerut; Facilitated Licensing agreements for technologies, and operationalized CARI new campus.
During 30 years of PG teaching and research guidance at Deemed University, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, UP, India; he has guided 30 MVSc and PhD scholars as major guide/co-guide and 85 as a Member of their Advisory Committees; who are now contributing to National Agricultural Research & Education System of the country. He was conferred with “Best Teacher Award, 2003-04” by the Deemed University, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, UP, India in 2007. He also served as a Member, Academic Council (thrice), Standing Committees (five times), and Board of Studies (six times) of IVRI DU, Izatnagar. He also acted as expert/paper setter in ASRB for the selection of scientists, PhD and Master’s thesis evaluation, Viva voce examination, SAUs/ SVUs/ ICAR Deemed Universities, etc.
International research and training exposure from two prestigious universities of the world came to Dr Sanjeev Kumar in the form of DBT Overseas Associateship 2007-08, Depart. of Biotech., GOI, New Delhi, Iowa State University, USA (2009), and DAAD International Research Visit, Germany at the University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. He has also undergone several international and national trainings