Vice Chancellor

About Vice Chancellor


Bihar Animal Sciences University envisions a future where animal sciences lead the charge towards a thriving Bihar. We see ourselves as creators of a vibrant knowledge ecosystem, nurturing generations of bright minds through transformative education and innovative research. In our classrooms, experiential learning thrives, cultivating not only expertise but also a profound empathy for animal welfare and environmental stewardship. Beyond the walls of academia, we aspire to extend our reach, becoming a catalyst for rural prosperity and bridge the knowledge gap with comprehensive extension services, empowering communities to embrace sustainable practices for a secure future. Our vision extends beyond borders, Synergizing with global experts to tackle critical challenges in animal well being and food security. This university aims to be a vibrant hub for lifelong learning, where professionals continuously refine their skills and farmers gain the knowledge to unlock their land’s full potential. We envision a network of state-of-the-art veterinary hospitals. At the heart of our vision lies the empowerment of policymakers, industry experts, and the public through transparent communication and widespread dissemination of knowledge, guiding informed decisions toward a sustainable future. Ultimately, Bihar Animal Sciences University aspires to be not just a center of learning, but a catalyst for positive change. We envision a future where Bihar is synonymous with innovation, sustainability and animal welfare, a symbol of the profound impact of knowledge and collaboration.