Institutional Research Projects

Institutional Research Projects

Institutional Projects, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna 
Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
Sl. No. Projects Project Code PI Project Duratoion Duration (Year) Budget (lakh)
From To
1 Molecular prevalence of Haemoprotozoal and rickettsial disease of bovine
(Completed report yet to be submitted)
Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Professor, Microbiology. 04.02.2022 03.02.2024 2 4.50
2 Evaluation of probiotic potential and antimicrobial efficacy of Lactobacillus spp. isolates from gastrointestinal tract of animals and human (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Bhoomika, Asstt. Prof. Dept. of VPHE, BVC
(project completed report not submite yet)
04.02.2022 03.02.2024 2 3.60
3 Preparation and evaluation of canine food prepared from using locally available feed resources and poultry by-products (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh, Professor, Dept. of ANN, BVC
project completed report not submite yet
04.02.2022 03.02.2024 2 3.75
4 Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages targeting food borne pathogens from sewage samples of livestock farm (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Anjay
Assoc. Prof. Dept. of VPHE, BVC
30.05.2019 29.11.2023 4 8.00
5 Development and quality evaluation of flavoured Paneer (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Sushma Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of  LPT, BVC 04.02.2022 05.08.2024 2 1.10
6 Impact of physiotherapy in rehabilitation of clinical cases of neuro-muscular disorders in animals. (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Archana Kumari, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of VSR, BVC  04.02.2022 05.08.2024 2.5 2.21
7 Evaluation of autologous and heterologous platelet-rich fibrin application on cutaneous wound healing in dogs (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Gyan Dev Singh, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of VCC, BVC 04.02.2022 05.08.2024 2.5 3.00
8 Biofabrication of gold nanoparticles and its antiproliferative effect in cell line (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Ajeet Kumar, Assoc. Prof., Vety. Biochemistry, BVC 28.08.2018 01.06.2024 6 7.00
9 Evaluation of Proliferative and apoptotic markers in Canine mammary tumour for diagnosis and prognosis (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Kaushal Kumar,
Assoc. Prof.
Department of Pathology (extended in 7th RCM)
14.11.2019 13.09.2024 5 9.38
10 Colorimetric detection of E. coli, Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitis milk samples by optical biosensing using oligonuceleotide- Gold Nanoparticles (Completed report yet to be submitted) Dr. Ajeet Kumar,
Assoc. Prof.
Department of Biochemistry
14.11.2019 01.11.2024 5 12.50
11 Dietary supplementation of phytase and xylanase on performance and egg quality of Vanaraja layer bird fed on wheat bran-based diet. Dr. Kaushalendra Kumar  Kumar, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of ANN, BVC.
extended up-to Feb 2025 with total budget of Rs. 2.00 lakh
04.02.2022 01.02.2025 3 2.00
12 “Phenotypic and Genetic Characterization of Goats of West Champaran, Bihar” DR/BV/AGB-01/2023-24 Dr. Ramesh Kumar Singh, Asst. Prof, Dept. of AG&B, BVC     01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 3.75
13 “Detection of polymorphism in MHC class II genes and their association with theileriosis in cattle”  DR/BV/AGB-02/2023-24 Dr. Soni Kumari, Asst. Prof, Dept. of AG&B, BVC, Patna 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 2.5
14 “Comparative global gene expression profile of interaction of host against natural infection of theileria in crossbred and indigenous cattle” DR/BV/AGB-03/2023-24 Dr. Jay Prakash Gupta, Assoc. Prof.,Dept. of AG&B, BVC     01.09.2023 31.08.2026 3 6.3
15 “Pilot study on standardisation of dietary supplementation of Litchi seed (Litchi Chinensis) in Chicken feed”  DR/BV/ANN-01/2023-24 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh, Professor. Dept. of Animal Nutrition, BVC 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 2
16 “Utilization of Poultry Waste for Organic Manure Production: Development of a Model Unit”  DR/BV/ANN-02/2023-24 Dr. Kaushalendra Kumar, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Animal Nutrition, BVC 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 3.75
17 “Effect of feeding non-conventional green fodder (Dimeria ornithopoda) and Saccharum munj on productive performance of Goat” DR/BV/ANN-03/2023-24 Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Animal Nutrition     01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 5.9
18 “Preparation of permanent histological slide of all major organs of domestic animals and bird: Indispensable resource in Anatomy education” (Service project)  DR/BV/VAN-01/2023-24 Dr. Avnish  Kumar Gautam, Assoc. Prof.,  Dept. of Anatomy 04.09.2023 03.09.2025 2 2.45
19 “Preservation of organs of domestic animals by plastination technique to improve teaching of anatomy and preparation of eco-friendly museum specimens”  DR/BV/VAN-02/2023-24 Dr. Ratnesh Kr. Choudhary, Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Vet. Anatomy 04.09.2023 03.09.2025 2 2.25
20 “Preparation of Osteological Museum of Domestic Animals including Birds” DR/BV/ VAN-03/2023-24 Dr. Sanjay Kr. Bharti, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Vet, Anatomy 04.09.2023 03.09.2025 2 2.5
21 “Assessment of Poultry Waste Management Practices at poultry farms and commercial hatcheries in Bihar”  DR/BV/VAE-01/2023-24 Dr. Puspendra Kumar Singh, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Vet. & A.H. Extension Education, BVC 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 3.3
22 “Improvement of Conception in Repeat Breeder Cows Following Hormonal Treatment and Development of Accessory Corpus Luteum”  DR/BV/ VGO-01/2023-24 Dr. Shailendra Kishore Sheetal, Asst. Prof. VGO, BVC 02.09.2023 1.09.2025 2 3
23 “Study on diagnosis of alopecia in dog with special reference to etiology, trichometry and histologic Alteration” undertaken as pilot study  DR/BV/ VMD-01/2023-24 Dr. Bipin Kumar, Asst. Prof. Vet. Medicine, BVC 12.09.2023 11.09.2024 1 1.5
24 “Molecular detection and assessment of oxidative stress in bovine Theileriosis carrier cattle encompassing Patna District of Bihar”  DR/BV/ VMD-02/2023-24 Dr. Anil Kumar, Assoc. Prof. Dept of Vet. Medicine, BVC 01.09.2023 31.08.2026 3 3.35
25 “Generation of Microbial resources and Prevalence study of pathogens of poultry origin in Bihar”  DR/BV/ VMC-01/2023-24 Dr. S. K. Gupta, Professor, Dept.  of Vet. Microbiology, BVC 05.09.2023 04.09.2025 2 7
26 “Antibacterial and Wound Healing properties of Bioadhesives from biomass derived Carbon Dots” DR/BV/ VMC-02/2023-24 Dr. Manoj Kumar, Assoc. Dept.  of Vet. Microbiology, BVC 18.09.2023 17.09.2025 2 3.25
27 Study on status of acaricide resistance in tick population of Bihar” DR/BV/ VPA-01/2023-24 Dr. Shyma K.P. Assoc. Prof. Dept.  of Vet. Parasitology, BVC 01.09.2023 31.08.2026 3 3.55
28 Development of Parasitological Museum” (Service Project)  DR/BV/ VPA-02/2023-24 Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Parasitology, BVC 01.09.2023 31.08.2026 3 4.25
29 “Pilot study on Anthelmintic Resistance in Gastro-intestinal Nematodes in Cattle” DR/BV/ VPA-03/2023-24 Dr. Raj Kishore Sharma, Assoc. Prof. Dept.  of Vet. Parasitology, BVC 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 2
30 “Development of Staining Protocol for Co-Localizing Zn and Ag in Nucleolar organizing regions as a tool for assessing aggressiveness of superficial tumours in animals”  DR/BV/ VPP-02/2023-24 Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Assoc. Prof. Vet. Pathology, BVC 02.09.2023 01.09.2026 3 2.4
31 entitled “Development of Pathological Museum for gross-changes in organs in different disease condition” DR/BV/ VPP-03/2023-24 Dr. Imran Ali, Assoc. Prof. Vet. Pathology, BVC 05.09.2023 04.09.2026 3 2.8
32 “Evaluation of bubaline and caprine acellular matrix in repair of abdominal wall defects in animals”  DR/CV/VSR-01/2023-24 Rajesh Kumar, Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Vet.  Surgery & Radiology, BVC 02.09.2023 01.09.2025 2 3.5
33 “Development of device for diagnosis and prevention to access metallic foreign body and Surgical management of Traumatic Pericarditis in Bovine”  DR/CV/VSR-02/2023-24 Dr. Ramesh Tiwary, Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Vet.  Surgery & Radiology, BVC 04.10.2023 03.10.2026 3 7
34 “Augmenting fertility and oocyte recovery rate in bovine by feeding Omega-3 rich fatty acid (flax seed) enriched diet”  DR/BV/LFC/01/2023-24 Dr Dushyant Yadav, Asst. Prof. Dept. of LFC ( VGO), BVC 02.09.2023 01.09.2025 2 3.4
35 Strategies for improving the IVF embryo production and assessment of subsequent pregnancy development in bovine DR/BV/ VGO-02/2023-24 Dr. Sumit Singhal, Assoc. Prof., VGO, BVC, Patna 20.12.2023 19.12.2025 2 5.6
36 “Evaluation of Trefoil Factor (TFF1 & TFF3) as a biomarker in canine mammary tumour and development of ELISA for its estimation in serum” DR/BV/VBC-01/2023-24 Dr. Himalaya Bhardwaj, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Vet. Clinical Complex (Vet. Biochemistry), BVC 21.08.2023 20.08.2026 3 4
37 Pathological analysis of mortalities in higher body weight broiler chicken during transportation DR/BV/ VPP-01/2023-24 PI: Dr Sanjiv Kumar,
Asst. Prof.
Vety. Pathology
17.05.2023 16.05.2025 2 3.71
38 “Development and Evaluation of Improved Backyard Poultry Germplasm”  DR/BV/AGB-04/2023-24 PI : Dr. Soni Kumari
Asst. Prof., dept. of AG&B
Budeget utilized from PRTC, BASU, Patna
16.03.2024 15.03.2027 2
Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, Patna
39 Spatial and Temporal Changes in Livestock Population in Bihar”  DR/SG/DBM-02/2023-24 Dr. Bhola Nath, Asst. Prof. Dept. of DBM, SGIDT     01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 0.7
40 “Process optimization of low fat long life herbal vacuum packaged paneer/soft cheese”  DR/SG/DTE-01/2023-24 Prof.(Dr.) J. Badshah. Dept. of Dairy Engineering, SGIDT     01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 3.7
41 “Development of Educationally Interactive Exhibits” (service project)  DR/SG/DTX-01/2023-24 Ms. Sarvjeet Kaur, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Dairy Extension Education, SGIDT 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 4
42 “Value Chain Analysis of Goat Farming Practices in Bihar” DR/SG/DTX-02/2023-24 Dr. YS Jadoun, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Dairy Extension Education 01.09.2023 31.08.2026 3 7.5
43 “Effect of Ohmic heating on rheological properties and sensory attributes of skimmed milk and whole milk”  DR/SG/DTE-02/2023-24 Mrs. Rashmi Kumari, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Dairy Engineering, SGIDT 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 3.6
44 “Technical and Economic Efficiency of Milk Producers in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Bihar” DR/SG/DBM-01/2023-24 Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Jha, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Dairy Business Management, SGIDT 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 2.5
45 “Structural Transformation during the National Dairy Plan Phase – I in Bihar Dairy Sector vis-à-vis Indian Dairy Sector” DR/SG/DBM-03/2023-24 Dr. Shiv Raj Singh, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Dairy Business Management, SGIDT 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 1.46
46 “Feeding Patterns and Economics of Milk Production in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Bihar”  DR/SG/DBM-04/2023-24 Dr. Rohit Kumar, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Dairy Business Management, SGIDT 01.09.2023 31.08.2025 2 2.5
Pilot Projects: SGIDT, Patna
47 “Studies on development of ready-to-eat (RTE))” Sh. Suryamani Kumar,  Asst. Prof., DT, SGIDT, Patna 19.08.2023 18.09.2023
48 Development of Finger Millet, Flax seed and SMP based ready to eat supplementary food Dr. Binita Rani, Prof., SGIDT, Patna 19.08.2023 18.09.2023
49 Development of Composite Nutribar Based on Milk and Finger Millet (Ragi) Dr. Jui Lodh, Asst. Prof., DT,SGIDT, Patna 19.08.2023 18.09.2023
50 Development of Probiotic Yoghurt enriched with Water chesnut (Shinghara) and Sweet Potato.  Dr. Soniya Kumari, Assoc. Prof. DC, SGIDT, Patna 07.05.2024 06.06.2024
College of Fisheries, Kishanganj
51 Development of Herbal feed supplement to Achieve Enhanced Production of Clarias magur (Hamilton,1822) DR/KF/ AQC-01/2023-24  Dr. Sangeeta Kumari,
  Assistant Professor
20.09.2023 19.09.2026 3 3
52 Effect of Wolfia based diet on growth and colour enhancement of goldfish (Carassius auratus). DR/KF/ AQC-02/2023-24 Dr. Sagarika Swain
Assistant Professor
20.09.2023 19.09.2024 1 1.5
53 Evaluation of wounds healing ability of Mikania micrantha individually and in combination with Curcuma longa in Clarias magur.  DR/KF/AQC-03/2023-24 Dr. Naresh Raj Keer.
Assistant Professor
20.09.2023 19.09.2024 1 1.5
54 Study on Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Microplastics in Mahananda River, India DR/KF/AQC-03/2023-24 Mr. Tapas Paul,
Assistant Professor Aquatic Environment Management
20.09.2023 19.09.2025 2 4
55 Toxicological effect of Iron on Indian Major carps and Its Removal through Column Filtration Unit DR/KF/AEM-02/2023-24 Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Asstt. Prof.
Aquatic Environment Management
20.09.2023 19.09.2026 3 4.5
56 Study on the antiparasitic effect of green synthesized Silver nanoparticles against common ectoparasites of goldfish Carassius auratus DR/KF/AHM-01/2023-24 Ms. Pushpa Kumari, 
Asstt. Prof.
Aquatic Animal Health Management
20.09.2023 19.09.2025 2 3
57 Inventorization, cataloguing and development of live gene bank of native ornamental fishes of Seemanchal region of Bihar. DR/KF/FRM-01/2023-24 Dr. Rupam Samanta,
Assistant Professor
Fisheries Resource Management
20.09.2023 19.09.2026 3 1.00
58 Study on Fish Marketing System: Evidence from Fish Markets of Seemanchal Region Bihar. DR/KF/FES-02/2023-24 Mr. Ravi Shankar Kumar,
Assistant Professor
Fish Genetics and Breeding
20.09.2023 19.09.2026 3 2.5
59 Prevalence and Existence of Pathogenic strain of E. coli in fish from fish market of Simanchal region.  DR/KF/FPT-01/2023-24 Dr. Abhishek Thakur,
Assistant Professor
Fish Processing Technology.
20.09.2023 19.09.2023 3 4.5
60 Development of genetic lines for appearance traits via artificial selection in Colisa fasciata  DR/KF/FGB-01/2023-24 Ms. Aishwarya Sharma,
Assistant Professor
Fish Genetics and Breeding
20.09.2023 19.09.2028 5 3.5
61 Genetic Diversity Analysis of Different Stocks of Labeo rohita (Rohu) of Simanchal and Mithila Region of Bihar (As per direction of State Deptt) DR/KF/FBT-01/2023-24 Dr Mamta Singh,
Asst. Prof.,
CoF Kishanganj
20.09.2023 19.09.2024 1 4
62 Inventorization and
documentation of aquatic resources and Resource Users of Kishanganj district of Bihar
Extension till 31.03.2025
in the 07th RC meeting
with total budget of Rs. 11.00 
PI:  Dr V P Saini,
Dean CoF,  Kishanganj
20.09.2023 2 11
College of Veterinary & Animal Science, Kishanganj
63 Standardizing Goat Transportation for Improved Welfare in Seemanchal district of Bihar DR/CVS/ Dean-01/2024-25 Dean, CoVAS, Kishanganj 01.05.2024 30.04.2026 2 5
64 Molecular detection and characterization of ticks and tick-borne haemoprotozoans in cattle and goats in north eastern region of Bihar DR/CVS/ VPA-01/2024-25 Dr. Binod Kumar
Assoc. Prof., Vet. Parasitology, CoVAS
01.05.2024 30.04.2026 2 16.2
65 Status of gastro-intestinal parasitic burden in ruminants in North eastern region of Bihar. DR/CVS/ VPA-02/2024-25 Dr. Kaushlendra Singh, Asst. Prof., Parasitology, CoVAS 01.05.2024 30.04.2026 2 5
66 Prevalence of common MDR bacterial pathogens responsible for infertility (metritis, pyometra, repeat breeding & silent heat), abortion and mastitis in dairy animals of Kishanganj region DR/CVS/ VMC-01/2024-25 Dr. Shiv Varan Singh
Asst. Prof., Vet. Microbiology, CoVAS
01.05.2024 30.04.2026 2 5
67 Prevailing Marketing Practices for poultry meat and its Quality Evaluation in Kishanganj district of Bihar. DR/CVS/ LPT-01/2024-25 Dr. Sadhana Ojha
Asst. Prof., LPT, CoVAS
01.05.2024 30.04.2026 2 6.4
S. NO. Title of the of Project Principal Investigator Duration of Project Total Sanction Budget (In lakhs)
1. Radiographic and Sonographic screening of cardiac, hepatic and urinogenital diseases of canine. Dr. Pallav Shekhar, Asstt Prof.
Department of Vety. Medicine
BVC, Patna
01 Year 0.50
2. Comparison and development of standard protocol of oestrous synchronization in anoestrous buffaloes. Dr. Ankesh Kumar
Asstt Prof.,Department of TVCC
BVC, Patna
02 Years 0.75
3. Process standardization and optimization for shelf life enhancement of Paneer from milk of Bihar origin. Dr. J. Badshah
Prof. Department   of Dairy Engineering
SGIDT, Patna
02 years 8.00