Library / e-services


The Library was established in the year 1927 . The foundation of the library was laid by Sir Henry Wheeler, the then Governor of Bihar & Orissa.  The library is equipped with air conditioned reading hall, reprography section, newspaper room, journals & thesis room, book bank and e-journals.


  • Books & Periodicals –15861 books and 5000 bound periodicals.
  • Electronic Library– Air conditioned electronic library provides Wi-Fi Internet facility for students and staff. The electronic library is equipped with Vet CD, Parasite CD, Parasitology database, Beast CD, CDs of books and Veterinary bulletins. Also, online accesses of journals from CeRA, e-theses.
  • Periodicals : 34 National Periodical/Magazine
  • Reprography section–Xerox machine which provides photocopy facility.
  • Newspaper Room At present Library is subscribing seven English and Hindi newspapers including The Hindu, The Times of India, Hindustan Times, Hindustan, Dainik Jagran and Aaj, Dainik Bhaskar.
  • Stack cum-PG Classroom– For teaching postgraduate students with different courses of library science. The different courses offered are –

PGS – 501 (0+1) Library & Information Service

PGS – 502 (0+1) Technical Writing & Communication Skills

  • SC/ST Book Bank– Library has a separate Book Bank for SC/ST students of this college.
  • M.V.Sc. /Ph.D.theses– 750 M.V.Sc. /Ph.D. theses.
  • Document delivery service, Reference & Information Service, Book-Bank Text-Book Service, Users’ Education and other library related facilities.


All students, faculty members and employees of the University are member of the library.

Rules and Regulations: 

Open access system is followed in the Library.

  1. Strict and absolute silence shall be observed in the Library.
  2. Smoking, making noise, spitting, use of mobile or doing anything else which may disturb other readers or may be against the discipline of the institution is strictly prohibited.
  1. Cell Phone to be keeps in silence mode inside the Library.
  2. Bags, Big handbags, Raincoat, Umbrella and Casual wears are strictly prohibited inside the library.
  3. Members are requested to keep their belongings at the entrance of the Library. However they are advised not to leave cell phones, purse, money, credit card and other valuables in the handbag outside the library. These items are liable to be lost.
  4. Library users are strictly prohibited from taking the borrowed books again inside the library.
  5. If the due date falls on a holiday for the Library, the next working day will be taken as the due date.
  6. Books will be issued to the members only on producing the Membership card.
  7. The number of books that could be borrowed by the member from the library at a time for a period of one month only and borrowed books by book bank for a period six  months / one semester only as shown below:

The College/University Library Officer In-charge/ Librarian reserve the right for enrolment of casual members to the library.

Loan privileges

The bonafide members shall be permitted to borrow books from the library by producing library card. The number of books a borrower can take and the period for which can retain is as follows:

Entitlement for borrowing books

S. No. Category of library users Entitlement
1 Teachers and officers of the university 8
2 Non-teaching staff 2
3 Post-graduate students 3
4 Under-graduate students 4

Period of loan

S.No Category of books Period of loan
1 General books 14 days (3 books for semester for teachers and officers of the university
2 Text books Over night
3 Reference books, abstracts and indexes Over night
4 Current periodicals not to be issued
5 Bound periodicals and serials (Post-graduate students, teachers and officers of the university) Over night
6 Theses, rare books and micro-film reading materials not to be issued
7 CD-ROMS with books for all except students not to be issued
8 CD-ROMS of databases, software etc. not to be issued

Overdue charges

The following overdue charges shall be charged from members, if they fail to return the library material within the stipulated time period as indicated on due-date-slip in book(s).
General books: Rs 1 per day per book  (a grace period of 4 days is provided and fine  will be charged as per library rules.
Overnight text books : Rs 1 per hour per book
Overnight bound volumes: Rs 1 per hour per volume

General rules

  1. If any book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the person responsible shall replace it with a new copy or pay latest price with handling charges decided by the librarian.
  2. Membership Cards are not transferable. Books will not be issued to students on the Membership Card of staff members.
  3. Books will be issued subject to availability only.
  4. No sub-lending of books is permitted.
  5. Any kind of marking, underlining, clipping of books is absolutely forbidden. Readers shall be held responsible for any damage done to the book belonging to the Library and shall be required to replace such book or pay the value thereof.
  6. Absence from the university will not be allowed as an excuse for the delay in the return of books.
  7. Under special circumstances, the Librarian may refuse the issue of books or recall the books already issued to any member without assigning any reason thereof.
  8. The following conditions are to be followed for the renewal of books.
    (i) The book has to be produced in the Library for renewal.
    (ii) More than one renewal will not be allowed.
  9. No reminders will be issued to individuals but consolidated list of defaulters will be displayed in the library notice board.
  10. The borrower will be responsible for any loss or non-return of any books issued against his / her original or duplicate Library Member ID Card.
  11. Reference books, Newspapers, Magazines, Journals should not be taken out.
  12. New books received in the library will be displayed for a week only.
  13. The Library may accept donation of manuscripts, books, periodicals etc. from the donors. Such donations once accepted will become the absolute property of the University. In lieu of donation the acknowledgement will be issued to donors.
  14. The details of overdue charges are displayed on the Library Notice Board.
  15. Overnight issue will be allowed for selected reference books.
  16. A member must return all the library books borrowed by him/her and clear all library dues before applying for a library clearance certificate.
  17. Failure to obtain, the clearance certificate may lead to withholding of examination result or release of the member from the University as the case may be.

Note: The above rules are intended to regulate the use of Library resources and will be reviewed periodically to meet the Changing needs.
Any changes in the rules or instructions or information to members will be notified on the Library Notice Board as and when required.

Library Catalogue


Oxford Journals
Springer Link
Taylor & Francis
BASU  Thesis Repository
List of Periodicals available at BASU Library
Open Access Journals
Agriculture and Food Sciences
Crop Protection Compendium
Aquaculture Compendium
Animal Health & Production Compendium
Forestry Compendium

Library Timing: From 09.30 A.M. to 8.00 P.M.

Contact Address:
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha,
Officer-in-Charge BVC Library
Assistant Professor cum- Jr. Scientists, Department of Veterinary Anatomy,
Bihar Veterinary College, Patna-800014
E-mail –
Mob No – +91 9852116938