
Directorate of Research

Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna started functioning with effect from June 13, 2017. Within short period of time, BASU has performed very well in the field of livestock, fishery, poultry production and dairy technology through integrated teaching, research and extension programmes.


  • To coordinate, Monitor and review the ongoing research work in Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Poultry, Dairy Technology & Fisheries.
  • To formulate and promote research to meet for the farmers’ needs.
  • To visualize and implement the future research strategies of BASU.
  • To conduct research work in the emerging areas of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Poultry, Dairy Technology, Fisheries and other allied Sciences.
  • To provide research and development support for generation of technologies and knowledge for the sustainability of livestock, Poultry and Fisheries.


  • To set the need based research priorities by BASU.
  • To streamline the research mandate, thrust areas and short term/long term strategies for accomplishment of research goals by each department of BASU.
  • To coordinate inter-departmental and inter-institutional research projects.
  • To review and guide the research activities and procedures in various departments of BASU.
  • To visualize future research strategies for BASU.
  • To guide and assist the university scientists in obtaining new research projects from national/international funding agencies.
  • To collaborate with leading veterinary and animal science research institution of the country and abroad.

Thrust Area:

  • To streamline the vision of research in each department of BASU.

List of Completed and Ongoing Research Projects

List of Completed Projects under Non - Plan.

# Title Name of the PI and Department Agency
1. Studies on DNA polymorphism at Fec B gene and its association with litter size trail of local goats in Bihar Dr. Ramesh Kumar Singh,
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Animal Genetics and Breeding
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
2. Exploitation of dietary tannins on gastrointestinal health and performance of goats Dr. Kaushalendra Kumar Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist

Animal Nutrition

State Plan Grant, B.A.U. Sabour
3. Growth performance of buffalo calves fed protected protein Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Animal Nutrition
State Plan Grant
B.A.U. Sabour
4. Complete feed block for sustainable livestock Production in Bihar Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh
Assistant  Professor,
Department of Animal Nutrition
RAU, Pusa
5. Popularization of indigenous technical knowledge (ITK’S) in Animal Husbandry, through demonstration and training in Bihar Dr. Saroj Kumar Rajak
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
State Plan Grant
B.A.U. Sabour
6. Pathomorphological and Immunological studies of selection toxicity induced in broiler chicken& natural cases of animals in prone area of Bihar Dr. Deepak Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Pathology
State Plan Grant
B.A.U. Sabour
7. Incidence of gastrointestinal helminth parasites in goat and its therapeutic management. Dr. Arvind Kumar Das
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Medicine
State Plan Grant
B.A.U. Sabour
8. Prevalence of gastroenteritis in dogs with special reference to etiology, haematological changes and its therapeutic management in and around Patna Dr. Bipin Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Medicine
State Plan Grant
B.A.U. Sabour
9. Studies on ectoparasitic dermatitis in domestic animals; role of some common herbal extract for commonly prevalent ectoparasite management Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Parasitology
State Plan Grant
B.A.U. Sabour
10. Evaluation of anthelmintic properties of ethno-veterinary plant preparations used as livestock dewormers  by pastoralists and farmers in Bihar Dr. Ajit Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Parasitology
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
11. Surveillance, monitoring forecasting of gastrointestinal diseases of cattle and buffalo in Bihar Dr. R.K.Sharma
Asstt. Prof cum JuniorScientist
Veterinary Parasitology
State Plan Grant
B.A.U. Sabour
12. To prepare visual aid of leg confirmation of Horse Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Biochemistry
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
13. Prevalence and etiopathology of early chicks mortality in poultry farms in and around Patna Dr. Imran Ali
Asstt. Prof cum Junior cientist
Veterinary Pathology
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
14. Cytopathological and histopathological diagnosis and grading of neoplasia in animals Dr. Sajiv Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Pathology
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
15. Detection of rotavirus in diarrheic calves in and around Patna Dr. Savita Kumari
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Microbiology
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
16. Evaluation of economical external skeletal fixations in long bone fracture repair of small ruminant Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
17. Efficacy of certain immunomoduction in therapeutic management of endometritis in Buffaloes Dr. C.S.Azad
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
18. Evaluation of blood bio-chemical profile in different parasitic infection in ruminants Dr. Anil Gattani
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Biochemistry
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
19. Blood profiling during transition period in cross bred dairy cattle and their association with milk production Dr. Ajeet Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Biochemistry
State Plan Grant,
B.A.U. Sabour
20. Emu farming Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Surgery and radiology
Non Plan,
Externaly Funded Project
21. Experimental Learning Unit
(Critical Care Unit)
Dr. Pallav Shekhar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Medicine
22. AICRP on Improvement of feed resources and nutrient utilization in raising Animal production Dr. Amrendra Kishor
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Physiology
23. NAIP project on Understanding the mechanism of variation in status of a few nutritionally important micronutrients in some important food crops and the mechanism of micronutrients enrichment in plant parts. Dr. Pramod Kumar,
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Physiology
I.C.A.R. (World Bank)
24. Development of integrated goat farming in Bihar Dr. S.P.Sahu
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist, L.P.M.
R.K.V.Y., India
25. Development of integrated poultry farming in Bihar Dr. S.P.Sahu
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist L.P.M.
R.K.V.Y., India
26. Performance of Gram Priya and Vanraja crossed with local /native breed of cock (from Patna /Hazipur region) Dr.R.P.Sharma
Emeritus Scientist
Dr.Sanjay Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist

List of Ongoing Projects:-

S.N. Title Name of the PI and Department Agency
1. AICRP for Epidemiological Studies on Foot and  Mouth Disease Dr. Manoj Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Microbiology, BVC, Patna
2. Outreach Programme on“Monitoring of Drug Residues & Environmental Pollutants” Dr. Nirbhay Kumar/ Dr.Ramesh Kumar Nirala
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist
Veterinary Pharmacology
And Toxicology, BVC, Patna
3. Poultry Seed Project under Project Directorate on Poultry, Hyderabad. Dr.Manikant Choudhary
Prof. cum Chief  Scientist, L.P.M.
Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Asstt. Prof cum Junior Scientist, A.H., ILFC
R.D.P. Hyderabad
4. Adoption and refinement of Artificial Insemination with frozen semen in cattle under Agro-climatic zones of Bihar Dr. R.P.Panday
Prof. cum Chief Scientist
Deptt. of Animal husbandry and fishery resources
5. AICRP on Animal Disease Monitoring and Surveillance (ADMAS) Dr. Pankaj Kumar
Asstt. Prof – cum – Jr. Scientist,
Department of Veterinary Microbiology
I.C.A.R, New Delhi