Veterinary Hospital

Veterinary Hospital

About Veterinary Hospital

The Bihar Animal Sciences University (BASU) Veterinary Clinical Complex aims to impart quality education and clinical teaching to under-graduate and post-graduate students in the field of veterinary sciences to generate resource capacity in veterinary clinical practices and provide veterinary services to farmers and pet lovers. The teaching programe have been planned to impart need based practical training and research in animal health to the undergraduate, postgraduate students and field veterinarians.

The animal health care facility available in clinical complex includes:

  • Veterinary Medicine,
  • Gynaecology,
  • Surgery & Radiology, and
  • Paraclinical departments.

Apart from the faculty, UG, PG students and technical staff are providing services on 365 days in a year. Approximately 18000-20000 cases coming from different parts of state and adjoining states that include Large and Small Animals, Pets, Birds, Wild and Captive Animals are being treated annually. The hospital is registered under biomedical waste disposal.


Name & Designation
Mobile No.
E mail ID
1. Dr. Ankesh Kumar, Asstt. Prof. & HoD 8340588625,
2. Dr. Gyan Dev Singh, Asstt. Prof 9472256473, 7488510068
3. Dr. Anil Kumar, Asstt. Prof. 9430987084, 8709360193
4. Dr. Vivek Kumar Singh, Asstt. Prof. 7895605257

Directions: Veterinary Clinical Complex can be found using most GPS devices. Just enter BVC, Patna and go!

Services and Facilities


The animals brought for treatment are registered at the reception counter of clinical complex during working hours (10 AM to 5 PM from Monday to Sunday) and assigned to the expert faculty members for further treatment.

Registration Fee:
Animals Fee (Rs)
Large animals-Cattle, Buffaloes, Horses etc 50.00
Small Ruminants-Sheep, Goat 20.00
Canine and Feline 100.00
Canine and Feline Health card 20.00
Pig 10.00
Poultry 10.00
Game birds/Exotic birds 100.00
Monkey 100.00
Guinea pig squirrel,Rat 20.00
Rabbits 20.00

Charges for Different Services / Facilities

Gynecological Services Fee (Rs)
Artificial Insemination in cattle and Buffaloes 100.00
Retained placenta 100.00
Prolapse of uterus 200.00
Dystocia in Cattle and Buffaloes 300.00
Dystocia in Small Ruminants 100.00
Pregnancy Diagnosis Manual 100.00
Pregnancy Diagnosis with Ultrasound 200.00
Sperm Motility 50.00


Surgical Services Fee (Rs)
Major operation (large animals) 500.00
Major operation (small ruminants) 200.00
Major operation in canine 500.00
Minor operation in large animals 200.00
Minor operation small animals 100.00
Castration with (Burdizo) 50.00
Nail trimming 150.00
Debuding in calves 100.00
Medial Patellar Desmotomy (MPD) 200.00
Fracture immobilization by open methods 500.00
Fracture immobilization with P.O.P (Large animal) 200.00
Fracture immobilization with P.O.P (Small animal) 100.00
Fracture immobilization with P.O.P (Canine and Feline) 100.00
Laparoscopic surgery 500.00
Teat and Udder surgery with Theloresectoscope 300.00


Medicinal Services Fee (Rs)
Master health check-up 1000.00
Health Certificate 250.00
Oxygen support 50.00
Radiant warming 60.00
Laser therapy 60.00


Dentistry Services Fee (Rs)
Scaling for pet 300.00
Extraction for pet 300.00


Diagnostic Services Fee (Rs)
X-ray each view 200.00
Ultrasonography (USG) 300.00
Electrocardiography 100.00
Endoscopy 300.00
Otoscopy 200.00


Pathological Services Fee (Rs)
CBC 300.00
Hemoglobin (Hb%) 20.00
Histological Examination 150.00
Biopsies 250.00
P.M. Examination of birds 10.00
P.M. Examination of small ruminants 25.00
P.M. Examination of large animals 200.00
P.M. Examination of canine 200.00


Microbiological & Parasitological Services Fee (Rs)
Culture and Sensitivity 50.00
Blood Parasite Examination 30.00
Faecal Examination 10.00
Skin Scraping 30.00


Charges Biochemical Tests (Rs)
Blood glucose 30.00 AST 60.00
Total protein 30.00 ALP 80.00
Albumin 30.00 Amylase 80.00
Cholesterol 50.00 GGT 100.00
Triglyceride 60.00 Calcium 60.00
BUN 40.00 Phosphorus 60.00
Creatinine 40.00 Sodium 60.00
Total bilirubin 40.00 Potassium 60.00
Direct/Indirect Bilirubin 40.00 Chloride 60.00
ALT 40.00 Copper 130.00


Feed Analysis Services Fee (Rs)
Proximate analysis of feed 1500.00
Moisture 300.00
Crude Protein (CP) 300.00
Crude fat (EE) 300.00
Crude fibre (CF) 300.00
Total Ash (TA) 300.00
Acid insoluble Ash (AIA) 300.00
Calcium 300.00
Phosphorus 300.00
