Dairy Technology

Academics Dairy Technology

Undergraduate Course (B. Tech Dairy Technology- 4 years):

  • For admission to this programme a candidate should pursue minimum qualification of intermediate in science i.e. 10+2 or equivalent examination with physics, chemistry and mathematics (PCM) or physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology (PCMB) combination.
  • For details of eligibility and other information, prospectus issued by BCECE, Patna  at the time of admission may be referred.

2.2. Post-graduate Course (M. Tech. Dairy Technology -2 Years):

  • A candidate should possess Bachelor’s degree in concerned subject with minimum 60% marks in aggregate or an OGPA of 6.0 in 10.0 scale. In case of SC & ST candidate minimum of 55% marks in aggregates an OGPA of 5.5 in 10.0 scale is required.

Admission capacity:

Under Graduate Program

  • Number of seats (Total 30)

Distribution of Seats

Seats will be filled  up through entrance test of BCECE followed by counselling by BCECEB 40

Post-Graduate Program

The main subjects/disciplines of study in which M. Tech. (D.T.) Degree will be offered are:-

Department Seats available
Dairy Microbiology 2
Dairy Chemistry 2
Dairy Technology 3
Total 07

The fee structure given in the following table for the First Semester in B. Tech (DT) and M. Tech (DT) Course.

(A) University Fee (INR)

Sl. No. Particulars B. Tech (DT) M. Tech (DT)
1. University admission Fee (One time) 1000 1000
2. Registration Fee 250 250
3. Tuition Fee* 2500 3000
4. Educational Tour (One time) 3000 0
5. Examination Fee** 1000 1000
6. Mitigation Fee 500 500
7. Development Fee (One time) 5000 5000
(B) College Fee (INR)
8. Co-Curricular activities Fee 500 500
9. Medical Fee 250 250
10. Library Fee 250 250
11. Identify Fee (One time) 200 200
12. Sports and games Fee 500 500
13. Counselling and Placement Fee 100 100
14. Laboratory Fee 250 500
15. Caution Money (one time refundable)
15. a Laboratory 1000 1000
15. b Library 2000 2000
15. c Hostel Fee 2000 2000
(C) Hostel Fee (INR)
16. Room Rent 500 500
17. Electricity Charge 1000 1000
18. Hostel Common Room charge 100 100
Total Fee (INR) 21900 19650

*Tuition Fee will be exempted for SC/ ST and EBC Students.

** Examination fee will be exempted for SC/ ST Students.

  • B. Tech. Dairy Technology will be a 4-year degree course comprising of 8 semesters.
  • Each student will have to undertake compulsory training Program (STUDENT READY PROGRAM) during second and fourth semester break and INPLANT TRAINING in complete seventh semester.
  • Medium of instruction will be English.
  • Monsoon Semester will starts during July-December and Winter Semester during    Jan-June of each calendar year.
  • Each Semester shall cover at least 115 days of instruction, excluding time spent on final examinations of each semester.
  • Relaxation of attendance for a period of maximum 10 days will be given to the candidate participating in extracurricular activities at National or Inter College level. Students falling seek may also be given this relaxation subject to production of medical certificate.
  • Both Internal and External systems of examinations will be conducted in which Fifty percent (50%) marks are allotted for internal examination and 50% for external examination.
  • A student will be promoted to next semester but he/she needs to repeat the courses if he/she has failed in any of the subject in the continuous semester. For passing of course it is necessary to obtain 15 out of 50 marks in External Examination. In aggregate he/she may secure at least 50% marks in total for a particular course.
  • Students are expected to maintain gross discipline and desired academic atmosphere in the hostel.
  • All kinds of shouting, hooting, violent knocking or any other act likely to cause disturbance to inmates are strictly prohibited.
  • Ragging of any type will be dealt with severity and may result in expulsion from the University as per UGC regulation.
  • Maltreating or abusing the hostel employee is strictly prohibited.
  • Leave for absence from the hostel for one or more nights must have the approval of hostel superintendent in advance.
  • Students absenting themselves from the hostel without prior sanction of leave by the hostel Superintendent will be liable to punishment.
  • Night roll call will be undertaken by the hostel prefect at 5:00 PM in winter and 7:00 PM in summer and every boarder must be present at the time of roll call.
  • After roll call no student is allowed to leave the hostel. However, in case of emergency he / she may obtain the permission of the prefect.
  • Absence from the hostel for whole night without prior permission of the Superintendent will be considered as an act of gross indiscipline and will call for punishment.
  • Expulsion from the hostel will be done in case of continuous absence of the boarder from the hostel without prior permission of Hostels Warden / Chief Hostel Warden.
  • Guests are not permitted to stay in hostel except in the case of emergency and that too father/ mother. The name and relationship of the guest so allowed will be dully entered in the hostel guest register.
  • Lady guests are not permitted in any case to visit the room and stay in the Boys’ Hostel.
  • Boarders keeping guest without permission will be liable to punishment.
  • No boarder is allowed to change his room without permission of the hostel superintendent.
  • Light must be switched off when not in use. Use of fan is allowed during summer month. Students are advised to use LED bulb to save electricity.
  • Boarders must not temper the electric appliances.
  • Use of heaters, electric rod, iron, geyser etc. is strictly prohibited and is punishable.
  • Parking of Cycle / Motor cycle in portico, corridor, dining hall and common hall is prohibited.
  • Four wheelers are not allowed in the hostel.
  • Students are expected to show a sense of responsibility in the maintenance of hedges, lawns, flower Plants and hostel landscape.


Course Title

Course Teacher

Lecture Schedule

Dairy Engineering


Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Engineering

Heat & Mass Transfer

Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Engineering

Boilers and Steam Generation

Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Engineering

Basic Electrical Engineering

Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Engineering

Dairy Process Engineering

Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Engineering

Food Engineering

Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Engineering

Material Strength & Dairy Machine Design

Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Engineering

Dairy Plant Design and Layout

Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Engineering

Energy Conservation and Management

Dr. Jahangir Badshah


Dairy Technology

Cheese Technology

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar


Dairy Technology

Market Milk

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar


Dairy Technology

Ice-Cream and Frozen Desserts

Bipin Kumar Singh


Dairy Technology

Food technology I

Bipin Kumar Singh


Dairy Technology

Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products

Bipin Kumar Singh


Dairy Microbiology

Food and Industrial Microbiology

Dr. Rakesh Kumar


Dairy Microbiology

Microbiology of Fluid Milk

Dr. Sonia Kumari


Dairy Microbiology

Starter Culture and Fermented Milk Products

Dr. Sonia Kumari


Dairy Microbiology

Microbiology of Dairy Product

Dr. Sonia Kumari


Dairy Chemistry

Physical Chemistry of Milk

Dr. Binita Rani


Dairy Chemistry

Chemistry of Milk

Dr. Binita Rani


Dairy Chemistry

Chemistry of Dairy Products

Dr. Binita Rani


Dairy Chemistry

Food Chemistry

Dr. Binita Rani


Dairy Business Management

Economic Analysis

Dr.  A. K. Jha
