Department of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Veterinary Medicine

  1. About

The department is dedicated for undergraduate and post graduate teaching and diagnosis and research in the field of Veterinary Medicine. Department has guided so many P.G. students which are serving the nation in various capacity. Department is actively engaged in treating sick animals in Clinical Complex, Peripheral Veterinary Hospital Danapur and arranging Health camps at village level.

  1. Faculty
Sl. No. Name & Designation Phone Email ID
1. Dr. Pallav Shekhar,
Asstt. Prof. & HoD
9431060262, 8709066259
2. Dr. Arvind Kr. Das,
Asstt. Prof.
3. Dr. Ranveer Kr.Sinha,
Asstt. Prof.
4. Dr. Sonam Bhatt,
Asstt. Prof.
  1. Teaching

U.G. Courses ( As per VCI)

Sl. No. Course No. Course Title Credit hrs. Semester
1. VCM 421 Clinical Veterinary Medicine I (General and Systemic) 2+0=2 VIII
2. VCM 511 Clinical Veterinary Medicine II (Metabolic, deficiency, genetic and other diseases) 2+0=2 IX
3. VCM 513 Veterinary Ethics and Jurisprudence 1+0=1 IX
4. VCM 422 Clinical Veterinary Medicine (General and Systemic) – I (Clinics) 0+2=2 VIII
5. VCM 512 Clinical Veterinary Medicine-II (Clinics) 0+2=2 IX
6. VAC 421 Veterinary Ambulatory Clinics I 0+2=2 VIII
7. VAC 511 Veterinary Ambulatory Clinics II 0+2=2 IX

P.G. Courses (As per ICAR)

Sl. No. Course No. Course Title Credit hrs.
1 VCM 601 Ruminant Clinical Medicine – I 2+0
2 VCM 602 Ruminant Clinical Medicine – II 2+0
3 VCM 603 Equine Clinical Medicine 2+0
4 VCM 604 Canine and Feline Clinical Medicine 2+0
5 VCM 605 Swine Clinical Medicine 1+0
6 VCM 606 Avian Medicine 1+0
7 VCM 607 Zoo, Wild and Laboratory Animal Medicine 2+0
8 VCM 608 Clinical Diseases of Animal Species of Regional Importance 1+0
9 VCM 609 Production Diseases 2+0
10 VCM 610 Diseases of Animals caused by Toxicants 1+0
11 VCM 611 Veterinary Forensic Medicine 1+1
12 VCM 612 Clinical Diagnostic Techniques 0+2
13 VCM 613 Veterinary Emergency Medicine 0+2
14 VCM 614 Clinical Practice – I 0+3
15 VCM 615 Clinical Practice – II 0+3
16 VCM 691 Master’s Seminar 1+0
Total = 18+11=29
17 VCM 699 Master’s Research 20

Ph.D. Courses

Sl. No. Course No. Course Title Credit hrs.
1 VCM-701 Advances in Gastroenterology 2+0
2 VCM-702 Advances in Cardiopulmonary Medicine 2+0
3 VCM-703 Advances in Neurological and Urological Disorders 2+0
4 VCM-704 Advances in Endocrine and Dermatological Disorders 2+0
5 VCM-705 Advances in Production Diseases 2+0
6 VCM-706 Advances in Pediatrics and Geriatrics 1+0
7 VCM-707 Advances in Veterinary Diagnostics 1+2
8 VCM-708 Advances in Veterinary Therapeutics 1+2
9 VCM-709 Advanced Clinical Practice – I 0+2
10 VCM-710 Advanced Clinical Practice – II 0+2
11 VCM-711 Advanced Clinical Practice – III 0+2
12 VCM-790 Special Problem – II 0+2
13 VCM-791 Doctoral Seminar – I 1+0
14 VCM-792 Doctoral Seminar – II 1+0
15 VCM-799 Doctoral Research 45
  1. Research facilities and infrastructure

Research achievement :

  • Various aspects of epidemiological, etiological, clinicopathological, haematological, biochemical, diagnosis, therapeutic, preventive and control measures of several diseases like rinderpest, mastitis, babesiosis, theileriosis, trypanosomiosis, coccidiosis, hook worm infections, brucellosis, haemonchosis, colibacillosis, fasciolosis, amphistomosis etc. have been studied by different researchers in the department.
  • Several clinical diseases like enteritis, acidiosis, alkalosis, milk fever, ketosis, otitis, gangrenous syndrome, dehydration, post parturient, haemoglobinuria, diarrohea etc. have been studied and preventive, therapeutic and control measures have been suggested.
  • Toxicity studies of insecticides, plant positioning etc. as well as their preventive and therapeutic measures have been suggested.
  • Multiple parameter monitor – Helps in monitoring of different parameters like ECG, Temperature, Blood Pressure, Respiration rate, Heart rate etc. of sick animals.
  • Digital otoscspoe, ECG, Endoscope, Cardioscope, Ferroscope and Draminski Mastitis Detector are also available for diagnosis.
  • Advanced diagnostic equipment like Autohaemolyser and Electrolyte analyzer makes the department well equipped for diagnosis.
  1. No. of Publications
Research Extension Pub Lab Manual Abstract
140 50 2 30
  1. Other Activities

Department is fully engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of sick animal referred to the department with all critical care.

Fri, 14th Mar. 2025, 9:32:51 AM IST