
Brief Introduction

Area of Specialization :

  • Stress biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Nano-technology
  • Bioinformatics

Five best Research articles:

  • Ajeet Kumar, Gyanendra Singh, B.V. Sunil Kumar, S.K. Meur (2011). Modulation of antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte by dietary supplementation during heat stress in buffaloes. Livestock Science 138: 299–303.
  • V. Sunil Kumar, Meena Kataria and Ajeet Kumar (2011). Amelioration of heat stress by feeding electrolytes, Ascorbic acid and zinc in buffaloes. Buffalo Bulletin Vol.30 (4):229-239.
  • Brijesh S. Yadav, Vijay Tripathi, Ajeet Kumar, Md. Faheem Khan, Abhijit Barate, Ajay Kumar and Bhaskar Sharma. (2012).  Molecular modeling and docking characterization of Dectin-1 (PAMP) receptor of Bubalus bubalis. Experimental and molecular Pathology. 92: 7-12.
  • Parthasarathi Behera, V. H. Muhammed Kutty, Ajeet Kumar and Bhaskar Sharma (2016). Changing the Codon Usage of hfq Gene has Profound Effect on Phenotype and Pathogenicity of Salmonella Typhimurium. Current Microbiology.72(3): 288–296
  • Anil Gattani, Arti Pathak, Ajeet Kumar, Vaibhav Mishra and Jitendra Singh Bhatia. (2016). Influence of season and sex on hemato-biochemical traits in adult turkeys under arid tropical environment. Veterinary World Pp-530-534.

Other publications:

  • Popular article 
: 12
  • Book chapters written
: 02
  • TV/Radio talks
: 00

Honours and Awards

  •  Recipient of Institutional- JRF award during Post Graduation at ICAR- IVRI.
  •  Recipient of ICAR- SRF award during PhD at ICAR- IVRI.
  •  Recipient of CSIR- JRF award
  •  Best Paper presentation at 28th International conference of IAVMI
  •  2nd Best Poster Presentation Award at 36th National Symposium of ISVM
  •  Best Paper presentation at 4th National Seminar of SVBBI
  •  Best Poster Presentation Award at 4th National Seminar of SVBBI

 Members of Professional Societies

  • Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India
  • Animal Physiologist association

 Research Activities

Completed Research Projects:

Sl. No. Title of the Project Duration Funding agency PI/Co-PIs
1. Blood Profiling During Transition Period in Cross Bred Dairy Cattle and Their Association with Milk Production 3 Years
BAU, Sabour PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
Co-PI: Dr. Anil Gattani
2. Evaluation of Blood Biochemical Profile in different parasitic infection in ruminants 3 Years
BAU, Sabour PI: Dr. Anil Gattani
Co-PI: Dr. Ajit Kumar
3. Radiographic and Sonographic screening of cardiac, hepatic and urinogenital diseases of canine 1 Years
BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
4. Comparison and development of standard protocol of oestrous synchronization in anoestrous buffaloes 2 Years
BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar

Ongoing Research Projects:

Sl. No. Title of the Project Year of Start Funding agency PI/Co-PIs
1. DST FIST Programme – 2016 2017 D.S.T, New Delhi PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
2. National Agricultural Higher Education – Innovation Grant Project 2018 ICAR,New Delhi Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
3. Establishment of Embryo Transfer Technology Centre 2019 D.A.D.F, GOI Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
4. Biofabrication of gold nanoparticles and its antiproliferative effect in cell line 2018 BASU, Patna PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
5. Colorimetric detection of E. coli, Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitis milk samples by optical biosensing using oligonuceleotide- Gold Nanoparticles 2019 BASU, Patna PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
6. Formulation and Evaluation of Area Specific Mineral Mixture on the performance of Dairy Cattle and Buffaloes. 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
7. Radiographic and Sonographic screening of cardiac, hepatic and urinogenital diseases of canine 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
8. Assessment of Moringa oleifera as a fodder plant 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
9. Metagenomic analysis of chicken gut microflora and its modulation by supplementation of tannins and virginiamycin 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar
10. Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages targeting food borne pathogens from sewage samples of livestock farm 2018 BASU, Patna Co-PI: Dr. Ajeet Kumar