Dean of BVC

About Dean of BVC

Dr Jai Kishan Prasad has joined as Dean, Bihar Veterinary College on 20th February, 2019. Dr. Prasad is a noted Scientist and Academician of high repute in the field of Veterinary Sciences with specialization in Veterinary Gynaecology, Obstetrics, and Semen Biology. Dr Prasad was born on 20th January 1969 in a village of Bhojpur dist., Bihar. Dr. JK Prasad had his initial education from his village school and Secondary & Sr. Secondary education from Allahabad, U.P. Dr Prasad, did his B.V.Sc. & A.H. from Veterinary College Mathura, U.P. in the year 1994 and M.V.Sc. (Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics) from ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, U.P. in the year 1997.  In the year 2006, Dr. Prasad was awarded Doctorate degree in Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics from College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand. Dr Prasad has undergraduate teaching experience of 11 years and postgraduate teaching/ research experience of 20 years. He started his professional carrier as Veterinary Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, U.P. (1997 to 1999) and then joined as Assistant Professor, Veterinary Gyanaecology & Obstetrics, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pantnagar (1999), and subsequently, in the year 2006, he joined as Associate Professor in the same department. In the year 2010, Dr Prasad has joined as Senior Scientist (Animal Reproduction), ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly  and rose to Principal Scientist in the year 2013.

Dr Prasad has worked as Staff Counselor, Veterinary Society, GBPUAT Pantnagar and actively coordinated various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the college.  As Academic Coordinator, Deemed University, ICAR-IVRI, Dr Prasad has worked for more than 7 years, and was involved in number of institute building activities viz. matters related to students admission in PG courses, Nodal officer- Foreign students,  timely conduction of examinations, member of paper evaluation committee, Coordination of work of ISO 9001:2008 of DU, successfully organized three convocations, Member of Academic council, members of various standing committees of DU,  coordinators of different flagship activities of MHRD, Govt. of India, successfully implementation of academic management system (AMS) in the DU, successfully initiation of UG programme at IVRI, counseling and admission of UG students etc. Dr Prasad was actively involved as member, ICAR-BSMA Committee for Clinical Group (2018-19) and revised the detailed course outline for masters’ and doctoral degree programme.

During his committed and illustrious career spanning over 20 years, Dr Prasad developed innovative and need-based technologies in the form of National patents (02), technology transfer (01) and was a team member of Ist buffalo calf born (named as ‘Saubhagya’) by Ovum Pick-Up Technology in India (2008) at GBPUAT, Pantnagar.

Dr. Prasad also authored 2 Books, 02 Lab. Manuals, 02 Training manuals, 06 Compilations and contributed 56 Book Chapters. He has published 95 scientific research articles in peer reviewed National/International journals of good impact factor. Dr Prasad has developed 02 Instructional Video Films and delivered 23 Radio/TV talks. Dr. Prasad has supervised 5 Ph.D. and 8 M.V.Sc. students. He has been reviewer for many peer reviewed Journals (08). A notable contribution made by Dr Prasad by organizing training programmes (07) in different capacities, delivering lectures as an expert, as an external expert in various exams (30) at masters’/ doctoral level and as Chairman/Co-chairman of seminar & conferences (12). He has also been the life member of prestigious professional societies (04).

Dr Prasad has handled 18 research projects in the capacity of PIs (07) and Co-PIs (11).  His major scientific contribution involved research work on the augmentation of bull fertility in the area of semen freezing, effect of various additives on freezability and in-vitro fertility of semen.  A notable research contribution was made in the field of semen cryopreservation by developing protocol and methodology for the partial deoxygenation of bovine semen extender. Also, conducted quality research work on use of immunomodulators for effective therapy  of endometritis in crossbred cows and a milestone research work on Ovum Pick-Up Technology (OPU) as one of the team member led to birth of Ist buffalo calf in India out of this technology; named  “Saubhagya”. Dr Prasad has obtained patents on his two devices viz. ‘Fetal extractor for cows & buffaloes’, and ‘Preputial washing device for bulls’.

A significant contribution made by Dr Prasad in the various extension activities during last 20 years viz. participation in animal welfare camps as an expert (121), training programmes conducted for Veterinary Officers, Livestock Extension Officers, Inseminators, Farmers, Farm Women etc. (85) and participation in different training programmes as an expert etc. (293).

Dr. Prasad has been the recipient of Young Scientist Award; twice by Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR) and once by Uttarakhand Council of Science & Technology for presentation of outstanding research paper.  He also, has been recipient of prestigious G.B. Singh Memorial Award (twice) for the publication of best research article in the respective years. Dr Prasad has contributed as Associate Editor of The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction.