Research Council

Research Council

The Research Council shall consider and make recommendations in respect of the followings: –

  1. Research programmes and projects undertaken or to be undertaken by the various University units in the State in the field of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Dairy Technology, Fisheries, Poultry and other allied Sciences with a view to promote effective coordination;
  2. To give physical, fiscal and administrative facilities required for implementing research projects;
  3. To make useful orienting research to meet for the farmers’ needs;
  4. To consolidate integration of research, extension education and teaching and participation of research workers in teaching and to ensure participation in education extension programme;
  5. Any other matter pertaining to research programmes which may be referred by the Vice-Chancellor or the Board or any other authority of the University.

The members of research Council are:

    1. Vice Chancellor, BASU, Patna, Ex-officio Chairman
    2. Director Research, BASU, Patna, Ex-officio Member Secretary
    3. Director Resident Instruction, BASU, Patna
    4. Director Extension Education, BASU Patna
    5. Director Animal Husbandry, Govt of Bihar, Ex Officio Member
    6. Director Dairy, Govt. of Bihar, Ex Officio Member
    7. Director Fisheries, Govt. Of Bihar, Ex Officio Member
    8. Director Agriculture / Chief Conservator of forest, Govt. Of Bihar, Patna
    9. Dean, Bihar Veterinary College.
    10. Dean, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology.
    11. Dean, College of Fisheries, Kishanganj
    12. Dean, COVAS, Kishanganj
    13. All Heads of Department of constituent colleges, BASU, Patna
    14. All professors of constituent colleges, BASU, Patna
    15. Special invitees:
      1. Managing Director of Cooperative Milk Federation (COMFED) of Bihar
      2. Project Director, Bihar Livestock Development Agency, Bihar, Patna.
    16. Two eminent Scientists nominated by the Vice Chancellor
      1. Dr. S. K. Singh, Joint Director (Research) IVRI, Izatnagar, U.P. e-mail –
      2. Dr. Vikas Vohra, Head, Animal Genetic and Breeding, NDRI, Karnal, e-mail-
    17. Four co-opted members:
      1. Sh. Shivraj Singh, MD, Baba Matsya Hatchery, Muzaffarpur, Mb 8084576777
      2. Sh. Prakash Singh, Poultry Farmer, Shipra Hatchery, Muzaffarpur, Mb. 9801765464.
      3. Sri Rajveer Singh, A-216, Jamunapuram, Near Sai Mandir, Bulandshahar, U.P.
      4. Dr. Pawan Kumar, MD, Hitech Nutrisol Pvt. Ltd. Hajipur, Bihar.