List of Doctors with their field of specialization and contact number on Emergency Duty at Veterinary Clinical Complex, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna.

List of Doctors with their field of specialization and contact number on Emergency Duty at Veterinary Clinical Complex, Bihar Veterinary College, Patna.

Sl.No. Name and designation of the Doctors on Duty. Field of Specification Mobile No.
1 Dr. Pallav Shekhar Veterinary Medicine 9431060262
2 Dr. Anil Kumar Veterinary Medicine 9430987084
3 Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Surgery & Radiology 9431083112
4 Dr. G. D. Singh Surgery & Radiology 9472256473
5 Dr. Ankesh Kumar Vety. Gynaecology and Obstetrics 9430668934
6 Dr. D. Sen Gupta Vety. Gynaecology and Obstetrics 8603233951