
Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction:

Area of specialization:

  • Statistical Modelling
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Design of Experiment

Five Best Publications:

  • Dhakre, D.S., Bhattacharya, D. and Nath, Bhola. (2023). Analysis of Published works in Sangeet Galaxy e-Journal during 2012-2022: A Statistical Study. Sangeet Galaxy e-Journal, 12(1): 5-19.
  • Nath, Bhola and Bhattacharya, D. (2023). Trend analysis and forecast of rice productivity in India. Environment Conservation Journal, 24(1&2): 1-7.
  • Panda, D., Biswas, M.K., Nath, Bhola. (2022). Efficacy of organic supplements on bio-morphic attributes of milky mushroom. Scientist. 1(3): 3451-57.
  • Nath, Bhola and Bhattacharya, D. (2022). A study on trend and forecast of vegetable cultivation of West Bengal. Environment and Ecology, 40(3C): 1612-23.
  • Panda, D., Biswas, M.K. and Nath, Bhola. (2022). Evaluation of different substrates for spawn preparation of Calocybe indica and its impact on yield and biological efficiency. Agricultural Science Digest, 42(2): 152-158.

Research Activities :

Ongoing  Research Project:

Sl. No. Title of Project Year of Start Funding Agency Role
1 Spatial and Temporal Changes in Livestock Population in Bihar 2023 BASU, Patna PI
2 Technical and Economic Efficiency of Milk Producers in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Bihar 2023 BASU, Patna Co-PI
3 Structural Transformation during the National Dairy Plan Phase – I in Bihar Dairy Sector vis-à-vis Indian Dairy Sector  2023 BASU, Patna Co-PI

Honours and Awards:

  • Awardee of the university Gold Medal at graduation level.