
Brief Introduction

Area of Specialization:

  • Poultry nutrition
  • Nutrients
  • Supplements
  • Additives

 Work Experience:

  • Worked as the Faculty in the Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya (Formerly Faizabad), Uttar Pradesh
  • Worked as the Assistant Professor and Associate Professor as well as the Head of Section/Head-in-Charge in the Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Rewa under Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur as well as Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

Research Article:

  • Koley and G. Samanta (2012). Effect of organic acid supplementation on the quality of feed and egg and performance of laying ducks. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 29(1): 89-94.
  • Koley and G. Samanta (2012). Laying performances, gut health and blood profile of Khaki Campbell ducks supplemented with dietary organic acids. Indian Journal of Poultry Science, 47(1): 67-74.
  • K. Pandey, S. Koley, B.K. Ojha, N. Kurechiya, S. Singh and A. Singh (2021). In ovo feeding: viewpoints on the current status, application and prospect in poultry. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 60(2): 172-182.
  • Pandey, S. Koley, B.K. Ojha and N. Kurechiya (2021). Studies on the performance of Narmada Nidhi chicken reared as broiler in response to concentrations of dietary energy and protein, Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 21S: 33-35.
  • Koley, S. Singh, B.K. Ojha, N. Kurechiya and A. Singh (2023). Precision feeding in pig production: A review. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 62(1): 21-34.

Other Publication:

  • Book: 02
  • Review article: 03
  • Popular article: 36
  • Book chapter: 01
  • Practical manual: 04
  • TV/Radio talk: 04

 Membership of Professional Society:

  • Life member of Animal Nutrition Society of India
  • Life member of Animal Nutrition Association, India
  • Life member of Indian Poultry Science Association

Research Activity:

  • Acted as the Guide/Major Advisor and Co-Guide/Minor Advisor of the P.G. students for the following curricular research:
S. No. Research Title
Guide/Major Advisor
1 Studies on the performance of Narmada Nidhi chicken reared as broiler in response to concentrations of dietary Energy and Protein
2 Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein Levels on the Performance of Kadaknath Chicken Raised for Meat
3 Studies on broiler performance in response to soybean oil as the key source of fat-origin energy in maize-soybean diets
4 Evaluation of rice bran oil as the key source of fat-origin energy in maize-soybean diets in commercial broilers
5 Evaluation of different forms of fennel seed supplementation in broiler chicken
Co-Guide/Minor Advisor
1 Evaluation of performance of Kadaknath under intensive, backyard and scavenging system of poultry rearing
2 Studies on the effect of different rearing systems on performance of Narmada Nidhi breed of poultry
3 Development of shelf stable meat pickle from Kadaknath
4 Studies on egg production performance of Narmada Nidhi birds
5 Effect of berseem (Trifolium alexandrium) supplemented diet on production performance of Kadaknath breed
6 Studies on production performance of Narmada Nidhi birds using azolla (Azolla pinnata) supplemented diet
7 Effect of ashwagandha and probiotic supplementation on production performance of Kadaknath
8 Study of suckling behaviour on growth rate of Murrah buffalo calves
9 Effects of dietary biotin supplementation on peripartum performance of Holstein Friesian crossbred cows
10 Performance of growing crossbred pigs supplemented with garlic powder
11 Studies on the effect of azolla supplemented diet on laying performance and egg quality characteristics of Narmada Nidhi birds
12 Evaluation of essential oils in biodegradable films for packaging of chicken nuggets


Honour and Award:

  • Awarded the First Prize in the All India Quiz Contest of the ‘Human Evolution Science Serial’, which was broadcast in All India Radio continuously for about 3 years and organized jointly by All India Radio and National Council of Science & Technology Communication (Government of India)
  • Achieved the West Bengal State Ranking of 72 in the Secondary Examination under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and awarded the National Merit Scholarship
  • Achieved the West Bengal State Ranking of 105 in the Higher Secondary Examination under West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education and awarded the National Merit Scholarship
  • Awarded the ‘University Merit Scholarship’ in West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata
  • Awarded the ‘Best Paper Presentation Award (Oral)’ for the presentation of the research paper in the 19th Biennial International Conference of Animal Nutrition Society of India at GADVASU, Ludhiana