
Brief Introduction

Area of specialization

  • Veterinary Parasitology
  • Vector and vector borne diseases
  • Molecular diagnostics for the parasitic disease especially tick-borne protozoan parasites
  • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • RNAi techniques
  • LAMP assay
  • Bioinformatics

Research Articles

  • Thakre, B. J., Kumar, B., Vagh, A., et. al. (2023). Comparative studies on the detection of Theileria annulata infection by clinical, parasitological and molecular techniques in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Veterinarski Arhiv, 93 (6): 641-652. [NAAS rating 2024: 6.50]
  • Solanki, G. B., Singh, V. K., Kavani, F. S., Dhami, A. J., Savsani, H. H., Kumar, B., & Patbandha, T. K. (2023). Seasonal influence on expression of heat shock proteins (HSP70 and HSP90) vis-à-vis functional competence of Gir bull semen. Animal Biotechnology, 34(8) 3739-3748. [NAAS rating 2024: 9.70]
  • Kumar, B., Maharana, B. R., Thakre, B., et al. (2022). 18S rRNA Gene-Based Piroplasmid PCR: An Assay for Rapid and Precise Molecular Screening of Theileria and Babesia Species in Animals. Acta Parasitologica, 67(4): 1697–1707. [NAAS rating 2024:7.50]
  • Nangru, A., Maharana, B. R., Vohra, S., & Kumar, B. (2022). Molecular identification of Theileria species in naturally infected sheep using nested PCR-RFLP.Parasitology research, 121(5), 1487–1497. [NAAS rating 2024:8.00].
  • Kumar, B., Maharana, B. R., Brahmbhatt, N. N., et al. (2021). Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay based on RoTat1.2 gene for detection of Trypanosoma evansi in domesticated animals. Parasitology Research, 120(5): 1873–1882. [NAAS rating 2024:8.00].

Other publications:

  • Research Article:                           60
  • Review Article:                               04
  • Popular/Extension article:          32
  • GenBank Accessions:                    300
  • Practical /Training Manual:         09
  • Book:                                                  04
  • Book chapter:                                   05
  • Raidio Talk                                       03

Members of Professional Societies

Sr. No. Name of Societies Reg. No. Year of registration Type of membership
1. Veterinary Council of India 003451 2011 Life Member
2. Gujarat Veterinary Council 3780 2015 Member
3. Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitolog 516 2009 Life Member
4. Indian Science Congress Association L19610 2012 Life Member
5. Gujarat Association for Agricultural Science B-1954 2013 Life Member
6. National Academy of Vector Borne Diseases 431 2019 Life member
7. Indian Society for Parasitology LM-928 2022 Life Member
8. Society for Promotion of Farm & Companion Animals 186/SPFCA/2024 2024 Life Member

Members of Professional Societies

S. No. Name of Awards/ Honours/ Recognition Awarding Organization
1 Best Oral Presentation Award (2nd Prize) IAAVP conference at Parbhani- 2022
2 Best Poster Award (First Prize) National Academy of Vector-Borne Diseases & Central University of Tamil Nadu-2017
3 ICAR-SRF for Ph.D. 2010-2013 ICAR, New Delhi
4 Dr. J. P. Dubey Young Scientist Awards 2010 IAAVP
5 ICAR-NET-2010 ICAR, New Delhi