
Name | : | Dr. Rajneesh |
Address | : | Assistant Professor Department of Livestock Production Management College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Kishanganj-855107 |
: | rajneesh.vet.995@gmail.com | |
Phone | : | +91-9625790767; 7018285271 |
Brief Introduction
Dr. Rajneesh completed his graduation, Bachelors of veterinary sciences and animal husbandry (B.V.Sc.&A.H.) from CSKHPKV, Palampur in 2018. Then completed master’s degree in Livestock Production Management from ICAR- National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana in 2020. Also qualified UGC and ASRB NET. Joined as Assistant Professor in the Department of Livestock Production Management on 10th July 2023 in College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Arrabari, Kishanganj Bihar Animal Sciences University.
Area of specialization
- Livestock Production Management
- Waste management
Research Article
- Rajneesh, Misra, A. K., Sharma, R., and Chauhan, P. (2021). Effect of bypass fatty acid and Tinospora cordifolia supplementation on production performance and milk fatty acid profiling in Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53(3), 1-11. (NASS: 7.33)
- Rajneesh, R., Misra, A. K., Baithalu, R., & Jamwal, S. (2022). Influence of bypass fatty acid and Tinospora cordifolia supplementation on uterine involution, follicular development, and reproductive performance of Murrah buffaloes. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 92(6), 757–761. (NASS: 6.32)
- Rajneesh, Misra, A. K., Jamwal S., Chauhan, P and Bhatt, N. (2020). Blood profile of early lactating Murrah buffaloes supplemented with bypass fatty acids and Tinospora cordifolia. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 9(12S): 31-35. (NASS: 5.23)
- Jamwal, S., Singh, P., Choudhary, S., Kamboj, M. L., and Rajneesh Thakur. (2022). Effect of mother bonded rearing on growth, health and physiological state of Murrah buffalo calves. Journal of Dairy Research, 89:386-391. (NASS: 7.90)
- Jamwal, S., Singh, P., and Rajneesh Thakur. (2022). Effect of different rearing systems on behavioural responses to novel stimuli in Murrah buffalo calves. Buffalo Bulletin, 41(4), 655-667. (NASS: 6.17)
Other publications: (Numbers only)
: | 34 |
: | 11 |
: | 21 |
: | 05 |
: | 01 |
: | 09 |
Members of Professional Societies
- Life Member of The Indian Society of Animal Production Management (ISAPM) (LM-1514).
- Life Member of Indian Poultry Science Association (12/2023).
- Member of Veterinary Council of India (VCI/ 9689).
- Member of Himachal Veterinary Council (HVC 1211/2018).
Research Activities
- One year of research work during M.V.Sc. on “Effect of bypass fatty acid and Tinospora cordifolia suppplementation on milk production and health of Murrah buffaloes”.
- Two year of research work during Ph.D. on “Production of green energy and vermi-compost from poultry litter and excreta”.
Honours and Awards
- NDRI Institutional Research Scholarship from National Dairy Research Institute for a period of two years during masters (2018-2020).
- Senior Research Fellowship from ICAR during doctoral program (2020 onwards).
- Best poster award by Professional youths for one health and Animal nutrition society of India in 2020.
- Best M.V.Sc. thesis award 2019-20 and citation by National Dairy Research Institute in 2021.
- Certificate of recognition for presentation at National level ideathon by NAU, Navsar in 2022.
- Sushila memorial best M.V.Sc. thesis award by Pashu Poshan Kalyan Samitte (NAVNAW) in 2022.
- Best oral presentation award at National conference by NAVNAW in 2022.