About Dr. Binita Rani

Name | : | Dr. Binita Rani |
Address | : | Department of Dairy Chemistry Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, Jagdeo Path, Patna – 14 |
: | binitaranifrompatna@gail.com | |
Phone | : | 9430252402 |
Brief Introduction
Dr. Binita Rani, Associate professor-cum-Senior Scientist is working as Head of the Department of Dairy Chemistry (Faculty of Dairy Technology) at Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, Patna. In her service span of 21 years, she worked in different capacities in different prestigious organisations viz. KVK, Ambala, KVK, Patna and SGIDT, Patna. She was engaged in Extension, Teaching and Research.She is life member of various societies like Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, CFTRI, Mysore; Dairy Technology Society of India, Karnal : Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata; Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi and Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy, Varanasi. She was recipient of Merit Scholarship during B.Sc. at RAU, Pusa, Bihar and UNDP fellowship during M.Sc. (Foods and Nutrition) and Ph. D. (Foods and Nutrition) at CCSHAU, Hisar. She also completed PG Diploma in Agriculture Extension Management from MANAGE, Hyderabad in 2009.In addition to B. Tech. and M. Tech. teaching assignments, she is working as Hostel Superintendent, Girls Hostel, Officer In-Charge, Games and sports (Girls) and Academics (PG) of SGIDT, Patna.
She has been awarded “Best KVK Scientist Award” in ISEE National Seminar on Extension Innovations and Methodologies for Market-led Agriculture, Growth and Development at RVSKVV, Gwalior on 26-28 February, 2015,“Best Oral Presentation Award” in National conference on Bringing self sufficiency in Pulses for Eastern India at BAU, Sabour on 5-6 August, 2016, “KVK Scientist Award” for Outstanding Contribution in the field of Agriculture in International Seminar on Agriculture and Food for Inclusive Growth and Development at NBRI, Lucknow on 14-15 January, 2017, “Excellence in Teaching Award” in the National Conference on Livelihood and Food Security (LFS-2018) at Bihar Veterinary College, Patna on January 27-28, 2018, “Distinguished Scientist Award” in the International Conference on Rural Livelihood Improvement for Enhancing Farmers’ Income through sustainable Innovative Agri and Allied Enterprises at BIT, Patna on October 30-01 November 2018. She has also received “B” certificate of NCC and various prizes in debate, athletics, table tennis and badminton and has represented RAU several times in sports meets.