Conferences / Trainings
- Seminar on Doubling farmers income
- Indo-US Genome Engineering/Editing Technology Initiative (GETin)2018.
- International Conference on Rural Livelihood improvement by enhancing farmers’ income Through Sustainable Innovative Agri and Allied Enterprises (RLISAAE) by Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy (Sure)
- Challenges & Opportunities for the New generation dairy foods in India
- International Buffalo Congress (IBC)-2019 will be held in Lahore, Pakistan from February 18-20, 2019
- National Training on “Current approaches in fungal biology: Diversity analysis, identification and taxonomy of Deuteromycetes fungi”
- Asian Regional Conference on Goats
- VIBCON-2018
- NAVS Conference
- XI Biennial Animal Nutrition Association Conference 2018
- 10th GCHERA Conference 2019 to be held of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMV), Romania
- Annual Convention cum Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologist, Immunologist and Specialists in Infection Diseases on Scientific and Technological Innovations in Animal Healthcare For Better Production and Trade) – 04th February to 6th February, 2019 to be Organised by Bihar AnimalSciences University, Patna-800014
- National Symposium on Inteeated Farming System for 3Es (Ecological Sustainability, Enhanced Productivity and Economic Prosperity) 23rd-24th December, 2018
- National Seminar on “Current Scenario and Future Strategies for Augmenting Productivity of Small Ruminants” organized by Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna and Indian Society for Sheep and oat Production and Utilization.
- Workshop on Assisted Reproductive Technology for augmenting Livestock Productivity
- Seminar on Climate Change and Mitigation Strategies on 21.12.2018
- 20th Indian Veterinary Congress & XXVII Annual Conference of IAAVR & National Symposium on “Veterinary Research Priorities in Translational Animal Health Production and Food Safety” on 21-22 February 2020.
- Global Organic Convention- 2019 on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health & Quality Food on 15-17th September 2019.
- Modalities of Participation and Funding for Indian Investigator(S)
- Nutritional Strategies for Improving Farm Profitability and Clean Animal Production 17-19th December, 2019
- Final Announcement for Nutritional Strategies for Improving Farm Profitability and Clean Animal Production 17-19th December, 2019
- Climate Change Impact and Innovative Adaptation Options for Smart Animal- Agriculture
- ICAR Short Course on Quality Evaluation and Value Addition to Sheep Produce with Special Reference to Wool and Mutton
- National Conference on Capacity Building of Sustainable Food Value Chains for Enhanced Food Safety and Quality
- Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods 22-23rd November, 2019
- International Conference on “Current Scenario and Future Strategies of Disease Control for Augmenting Livestock and Poultry Productivity Under Changing Climatic Conditions”
- National Conference on “Climate Change and Agriculture: Impacts, Resilience & Adaptations for Sustainable Food Security”
- 11th Annual Meeting of Proteomics Society, India, 2019 and International Conference on Proteomics for System Integrated Bio-Omics, One Health and Food Safety
- 18th Annual Convocation cum Scientific Convention on Futuristic Technologies in Animal Health and Production
- International Conference on Extension for Strengthening Agricultural Research and Development (esard19) has been organised by ICAR-ATARI Bengaluru at Mysuru (Mysore) during 14-16 December 2019.
- National Conference on “Paradigm Shift in Livestock Management to Obtain High Quality Animal Products for Enhancing Farm Economy and Entrepreneurship” and 27th Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Animal Production and Management 4th-6th February, 2020
- National Seminar on Recent Advances in Sustainable Agriculture for Climate Resilience on 10th – 11th December, 2019
- International Conferences on Livestock, Food Safety Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies 28th – 29th January 2020
- XXXVI Annual Conference of Indian Poultry Science Association on Conceptual understanding and future strategies for welfare friendly poultry production in India poultry December 11th to 13th December, 2019
- National Seminar on Biochemical and Molecular Biology Intervention for Nutritional Security and Food Safety 12th and 13th December, 2019
- Gene Revolution for Profitable Agriculture organized by Foundation for Advanced Training in Plant breeding (ATPBR) 8th to 11th January, 2020.
- ICAR-RCER Winter School Training Programme Application Form
- XXVIII Annual Conference of Society of Animal Physiologists of India & National Symposium.
- Organization of Summer/Winter School and Short Courses- Inviting Proposals for the year 2020-21.
- 3rd International Conference on Global Issues in Agricultural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences for Integrated Sustainability (GIAEFSIS-2020) 05-07 June, 2020