Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education
- Extension education: Concept, levels, objectives and dimensions. philosophy and functions of extension education
- Types of education: Formal, non-formal and informal education. Principles of Extension Education
- Teaching Learning Process and Steps in Extension Teaching
- Concept of need
- Rural Development: Concept, Significance and Importance of Rural Development Programmes for Poverty Alleviation
- Pre Independent Rural Development Programs
- Post Independent Rural Development Programs
- Panchayat Raj
- History of Domestication
- Classification of Farming
- Small Scale Farming
- Large Scale Farming
- Lecture-1: Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Elasticity of supply
- Lecture- 4 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 5 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 6 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 7 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 8 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 9 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 10 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Information and Communication Technology
- Lecture -1 : Introduction to Information and Communication Technology – ICT Application in Livestock Sector
- Lecture -2 : Advantages, Disadvantages and Examples of E-Learning
- Lecture -3 : Computer Aided Design – Virtual Class Room
- Lecture -4 : Virtual Reality and Cyber Extension
- Lecture -5 : Concept of Information Kiosk – Internet and Teleconferencing
- Lecture -6 : Computer Networking-LAN, MAN, WAN