Latest Recent Updates


||Previous updates – number of updates year wise||

Updated web content provided by respective Departments/Offices*

Year 2021’s Updates


(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 30 November 2021  )
4 01/11/2021 Tender Document for purchase of Biofloc Fish Farming Unit for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
3 01/11/2021 Tender Document for purchase of Ovum Pick-Up Device for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
2 01/11/2021 Tender Document for purchase of Benchtop Tri Gas Incubator for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
1 01/11/2021 Tender Document for purchase of Portable Ultrasound Machine for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 30 September 2021  )
59 27/09/2021
58 27/09/2021 Courses offered for PG students of BVC of batch 2019-20 & 2020-21, Academic Session 2020-21
57 24/09/2021 Proceedings of 3rd Resident Instruction Committee Meeting held 13-07-2021
56 24/09/2021 Notice of 7th Meeting of PG of Studies
55 24/09/2021 7th PG BOS Proceeding
54 21/09/2021 Final Result of 1st Semester (Batch 2020-21) of M.Tech. (D.T.) Programme of SGIDT, Patna
53 20/09/2021 SSR- Univeresity
52 20/09/2021 SSR-BVC
51 20/09/2021 SSR- SGIDT
50 20/09/2021 SSR- PG & Ph.D
49 20/09/2021 Final Result of 1st Semester (Batch 2020-21) of M.Tech. (D.T.) Programme of SGIDT, Patna
48 20/09/2021 Final Result of 6th Sem. (Batch 2018-19) of Ph.D. Programme of BVC, Patna
47 20/09/2021 Final Result of 1st Semester (Batch 2020-21) of Ph.D. Programme of BVC, Patna
46 20/09/2021 Final Result of 1st Semester (Batch 2020-21) of M.V.Sc. Programme of BVC, Patna
45 20/09/2021 Final Result of 7th Sem. (Batch 2017-18) of Ph.D. Programme of BVC, Patna
44 15/09/2021 Final Result of 4th Semester (Batch 2019-20) of M.V.Sc. Programme of BVC, Patna
43 15/09/2021 Farm-Sale-Notice
42 15/09/2021
41 15/09/2021 PG-Form-II
40 15/09/2021 Final Revised Results After Retotalling of Mr. Jitendra K. (Batch 2018) and Shivam K. (Batch 2017) of SGIDT, Patna
39 14/09/2021 ETT-cum-IVF Project
38 14/09/2021 NASF Project
37 14/09/2021 Poultry Seed Project
36 14/09/2021
35 13/09/2021
34 09/09/2021
33 09/09/2021 NEONATAL DISEASE
32 09/09/2021 Vita.E &SE
31 09/09/2021 VIT-K
30 09/09/2021 Viral Diseases of Dogs & Cata
29 08/09/2021 Formation and structure of egg
28 08/09/2021 Factors affecting egg quality
27 08/09/2021 Egg Preservation, Packaging and Storage.
26 08/09/2021 Egg Products
25 08/09/2021 Grading of eggs
24 07/09/2021 Interview Notification
23 07/09/2021 Auction Notice
22 06/09/2021 Cartridge Notice
21 06/09/2021 Development of Heart
20 06/09/2021 wool glossary
19 06/09/2021 wool measurement systems
18 06/09/2021
17 02/09/2021
16 02/09/2021 Pre-bid Proceedings_Veterinary Medical Shop
15 02/09/2021
14 02/09/2021
13 02/09/2021
12 02/09/2021
11 02/09/2021
10 01/09/2021
9 01/09/2021
8 02/09/2021
7 01/09/2021 Sehedule Interview
6 01/09/2021 Course Offered
5 01/09/2021
4 01/09/2021 Directorate of Procurment
3 01/09/2021 deposite online fee
2 01/09/2021 India-Australia International Workshop
1 01/09/2021 Registration-Card-of-M.V.-Sc.-M.-Tech.
(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 31 August 2021  )
49 31/08/2021 1st AC Notifications
48 31/08/2021 Proceeding of 5th BoM
47 31/08/2021 4th AC Council Notification
46 31/08/2021 2nd AC Notifications
45 31/08/2021 6th A.C. Notification
44 31/08/2021 7th AC Notification
43 31/08/2021 8th A.C. Notification
42 31/08/2021 9 th AC Notification
41 28/08/2021 Revised Academic Calender 2020-21
40 26/08/2021 The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
39 26/08/2021 CPCSEA, Objectives and Functions
38 26/08/2021 Animal Welfare Part-6
37 26/08/2021 Animal Welfare Part-5
36 26/08/2021 Animal Welfare Part-4
35 26/08/2021 Animal Welfare Part-3
34 26/08/2021 Animal Welfare Part-2
33 26/08/2021 Animal Welfare Part-1
32 26/08/2021 सूकरों की बीमारियों पहचान एवं बचाव
31 26/08/2021 पशुओं में ब्रूसेलोसिस
30 26/08/2021 पशुओं में फेसियोलोसिस रोग एवं इसके रोकथाम
29 26/08/2021 घोड़े में होनेवाली प्रमुख बीमारियां
28 26/08/2021 चूजों का वैज्ञानिक पालन-पोषण (मुर्गी पालन का मुख्य आधार)
27 26/08/2021 मिल्क फीवर (दुग्ध ज्वर)
26 26/08/2021 पशुओं में साधारण रोग एवं प्राथमिक उपचार
25 26/08/2021 पशुओं में ट्रीपेनोसोमियोसिस (सर्रा) रोग लक्षण एवं बचाव
24 26/08/2021 थैलेरियोसिस एक घातक रक्त परजीवी जनित रोग
23 26/08/2021 अफ्रीकी सुकर बुखार
22 26/08/2021 नवजात बच्छे / बच्छियों की मुख्य बीमारियां व उनकी रोकथाम
21 26/08/2021 पी0पी0आर (बकरी प्लेग )
20 26/08/2021 पशुओं में लंगड़ा बुखार
19 26/08/2021 डेग्नाला रोग जानकारी एवं बचाव
18 26/08/2021 गर्भपात-लक्षण एवं बचाव
17 26/08/2021 पशुओं में खनिज लवण का महत्व
16 26/08/2021 हरे चारे का संरक्षण और भंडारण
15 25/08/2021 Fowl Cholera
14 25/08/2021 Necrotic_enteritis
13 25/08/2021 Colibaciloosis
12 25/08/2021 Agronomical_Practices
11 25/08/2021 scarcity_fodders
10 25/08/2021 AgronomicalPractices_for_fodder_production
9 25/08/2021 hay and silage
8 20/08/2021 An Introduction to zoo and wild animals
7 18/08/2021 Final Result of 4th Semester (Batch 2019-20) of Dr. M.K. Mukher
6 18/08/2021 Proceeding of 9th BOM meeting, BASU, Patna
5 13/08/2021
4 13/08/2021
3 13/08/2021
2 11/08/2021 Proceeding of 11th Academic Council Meeting, BASU, Patna
1 01/08/2021
(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 31 July 2021  )
58 31/07/20221 NIT Document for Benchtop CO2 Incubator
57 31/07/20221 NIT Document for FRP Tank
56 31/07/20221 NIT Document for Biofloc Fish Farming
55 30/07/20221 Histological Architecture of the Blood cells of Different Domestic Animals
54 30/07/20221 NIT No. 06-CPU-Poultry Feed Supply_PSP
53 30/07/20221
52 29/07/20221
51 28/07/20221 Application-form-PG-2021-22
50 28/07/20221 Application-form-PG-2021-22
49 28/07/20221 Admisssion Notice for Master’s and Ph.D. Programmes 2021-22
48 28/07/20221 Time Table of Semester Final Examination of M.V. Sc., M.Tech. & Ph.D. students, batch 2020-21
47 28/07/20221 Time Table of Mid-term Examination of M.V. Sc. students, batch 2019-20
46 28/07/20221
45 27/07/20221 7th semester (Batch 2017)
44 27/07/20221 5th semester (Batch 2018)
43 27/07/20221 3rd semester (Batch 2019)
42 20/07/20221 Rate contract for refilling of printer cartridge_2021-22
41 20/07/20221 Mid Term Examination of PG Time Table batch 2019-20
40 20/07/20221 Invigilator Duty
39 20/07/20221 Lt. No. 405 dt. 19.07.2021
38 20/07/20221 Final Examination PG Time Table batch 2020-21
37 20/07/20221
36 20/07/20221
35 20/07/20221
34 20/07/20221
33 20/07/20221
32 20/07/20221
31 20/07/20221
30 20/07/20221
29 20/07/20221
28 20/07/20221
27 20/07/20221
26 20/07/20221
25 20/07/20221
24 17/07/20221 Score Cards SMS
23 17/07/20221 Covid-19 vaccines with focus on vaccines available in India
22 16/07/20221
21 13/07/2021 Providing of Edge soling at Livestock
20 13/07/2021 Employment Notice No.
19 13/07/2021 Application form
18 12/07/2021 Surgical Management of Surgery Orieted Mastitis in Cow
17 12/07/2021 Lecture 24 Antitubercular drugs
16 12/07/2021 Lecture 23 Antitrematodal drugs
15 12/07/2021 Lecture 22 Anticestodal drugs
14 07/07/2021 Employeement Notice
13 07/07/2021 Details of Post
12 07/07/2021 score card
11 07/07/2021 application form
10 05/07/2021 Online Class Schedule of 8th Semester (Old VCI) B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (05-10 July, 2021)
9 05/07/2021 Online Class Schedule of Fourth Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (05-10 July, 2021)
8 05/07/2021 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (05-10 July ,2021)
7 05/07/2021 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (05-10 July ,2021)
6 05/07/2021 Online Class Schedule of First Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (05-10 July ,2021)
5 01/07/2021
4 01/07/2021
3 01/07/2021 Tender Notice of Wheat Bhusa
2 01/07/2021 University vehicle pool
1 01/07/2021 University vehicle pool
(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 30 June 2021  )
78 30/06/2021 Office order Guidelines Contingency
77 30/06/2021 Leave Application Format
76 30/06/2021 BVC educational establishment
75 28/06/2021 Biochemistry Of Shock
74 28/06/2021 Antiviral Agents
73 28/06/2021 Family: Fasciolidae
72 28/06/2021 Family : Paramphistomidae
71 28/06/2021 Trypanosomes
70 28/06/2021 Family: Paragonimidae
69 28/06/2021 Family: Diphyllobothridae
68 28/06/2021 Family: Schistosomatidae
67 28/06/2021 Linguatula serrata
66 28/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of 8th Semester (Old VCI) B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (28 June- 03 July,2021)
65 28/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of Fourth Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (28 June -03 July, 2021)
64 28/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (28 June -03 July,2021)
63 28/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (28 June – 03 July,2021)
62 28/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of First Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (28 June- 03 July ,2021)
61 25/06/2021 Final Result of 5th Semester (Batch 2018) of COF, Kishanganj
60 25/06/2021 Notification of Dr. Agyey Pusp Reg.No.VM0007/2018-19.
59 21/06/2021 Notice Inviting Quotation for CA for financial year 2021-22
58 21/06/2021 Financial Management
57 21/06/2021 Notice Inviting Quotation for hiring a tax consultant for financial year 2021-22
56 21/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of 8th Semester (Old VCI) B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (21-26 June,2021)
55 21/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of Fourth Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (21-26 June,2021)
54 21/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (21-26 June,2021)
53 21/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (21-26 June,2021)
52 21/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of First Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (21-26 June,2021)
51 21/06/2021 Final Revised Result of Dr. Sourabh Swami, Roll No. VM0014-2018
50 21/06/2021 Sales Price of Farm Produces
49 19/06/2021 Sales Price of Farm Produces
48 19/06/2021 Vaccination in Animals & Poultry
47 18/06/2021 International Yoga Day
46 17/06/2021 Post Transcriptional Modification
45 17/06/2021 Transcription in Prokaryotes
44 17/06/2021 Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes
43 17/06/2021 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes
42 17/06/2021 Recombinant DNA Technology
41 17/06/2021 rRNA & tRNA Processing
40 17/06/2021 Transcription in Eukaryotes
39 16/06/2021 Methods of Selection
38 15/06/2021 Flow-through-Pipe-discharging-from-a-reservoir 1
37 14/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of 8th Semester BVSc & AH Degree Programme (14-19 June,2021)
36 14/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree Programme ( 14-19 June, 2021)
35 14/06/2021 Online Class Scheduele of 3rd Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (14-19 June, 2021)
34 14/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (14-19 June, 2021)
33 14/06/2021 Online class Schedule of First Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Progarmme (14-19 June,2021)
32 13/06/2021 Transformation
30 13/06/2021 Positive Living
29 11/06/2021 Selection its_Basis
27 10/06/2021 Eye I
26 10/06/2021 Eye II
25 10/06/2021 Cheese Satarter-Adjunt and Arisanal
24 10/06/2021 Psychological Wellness
23 09/06/2021 Final Result of Mr. Himanshu Ranjan & Mr. Kundan Kumar of 3rd P
22 07/06/2021 Training Report goat farming
21 07/06/2021 Advanced technique for Japanese Quail farming
20 07/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of 8th Semester BVSc & AH Degree Programme (07-12 June,2021)
19 07/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree Programme ( 07-12 June, 2021)
18 07/06/2021 Online Class Scheduele of 3rd Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (07-12 June, 2021)
17 07/06/2021 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Programme (07-12 June, 2021)
16 07/06/2021 Online class Schedule of First Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Progarmme (07-12 June,2021)
15 06/06/2021 Anaerobic-methods-of-waste-treatments-M. Tech.
14 06/06/2021 Goat Feeding
13 06/06/2021 Embryological Development of Placenta and Placental Barriers.
12 05/06/2021 catherisation_and_urine_collection_in_dogs
11 05/06/2021 Psychological Wellness
10 05/06/2021 Proceeding of 8th BoM, Meeting, BASU, Patna
9 04/06/2021 Animal Welfare and Equine
8 04/06/2021 Catherisation and Urine Collection in Dogs
7 03/06/2021 Digestive System 4
6 03/06/2021 Digestive System
5 03/06/2021 Effective Interpersonal Communication
4 02/06/2021 कुक्कुट अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण केंद्र, बिहार पशु विज्ञान विश्वविधालय, पटना के विभिन्न बेकार सामानों /स्क्रैप एवं उपकरणों की नीलामी सुचना
3 01/06/2021 Uses of NPN compounds in Ruminants
2 01/06/2021 Metabolic Disorders in Livestock
1 01/06/2021 Online Seminar on ” Zoonotic Potential of Parasitic diseases of Dog and Cat Origin ” Under NAHEP 
(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 31 May 2021)
106 31/05/2021 Antifungal Agents, Lecture 2
105 31/05/2021 Antifungal Agents, Lecture 1
104 31/05/2021  Antifungal Agents, Lecture 3
103 31/05/2021 VPH_602_L1
102 31/05/2021 VPH_604_intro
101 31/05/2021 VPH_602_L2 (1)
100 31/05/2021 VPH_603_intro
99 31/05/2021 Anthrax
98 31/05/2021 lecture_1_Classification_of_Zoonoses
97 31/05/2021 VPH_602_intro
96 31/05/2021 Tuberculosis
95 31/05/2021 Veterinary Public Health its components
94 31/05/2021 Brucellosis
93 31/05/2021 Japanese Encephalitis
92 31/05/2021 KFD
91 31/05/2021 Family-Psychodidae
90 31/05/2021 Family-Simuliidae
89 31/05/2021 Family-Culicidae
88 31/05/2021 Family-Tabanidae
87 31/05/2021 Family-Muscidae
86 31/05/2021 Family-Oestridae
85 31/05/2021 Family-Calliphoridae
84 31/05/2021 Family-Hippoboscidae
83 31/05/2021 HIP & STIFLE JOINT
82 31/05/2021 Arachnida
80 28/05/2021 LICE
79 28/05/2021 Key to Happiness and Success
78 28/05/2021 Ayurvedic way of health management in COVID-19
77 27/05/2021 Neonatal Disease
76 25/05/2021 Covid- early detection and prevention and vaccination
75 25/05/2021 Accounting work
74 25/05/2021 Tender Notice Accounting Work
73 24/05/2021 Kharif-Agro-2021
72 24/05/2021 Folding of  Embryo
71 24/05/2021 Family Psychodidae
70 24/05/2021 Family Simuliidae
69 24/05/2021 Family Culicidae
68 22/05/2021 Investigative Approaches for Animal Disease Diagnosis
67 22/05/2021 Stephanofilaria
66 22/05/2021 Onchocerca
65 22/05/2021 Parafilaria
64 22/05/2021 Setaria
6263 22/05/2021 FLEA
61 22/05/2021 RFT
60 22/05/2021 Vita.E
59 22/05/2021 Neonatal Disease
58 19/05/2021 U-939_DE23_Lesson2_PPT
57 19/05/2021 U-939_DE23_Lesson2_QTF
56 19/05/2021 939_DE23_Lesson2_UContent
55 19/05/2021 U-939_DE23_Lesson2_QSQ
54 19/05/2021 U-939_DE23_Lesson2_QLQ
53 19/05/2021 U-939_DE23_Lesson2_QMCQ
52 19/05/2021 U-939_DE23_Lesson2_Asgnmt
51 19/05/2021 U-939_DE23_Lesson2_QFU
50 19/05/2021 Livestock_Breeding_Policy
49 19/05/2021 Genus-Dictyocaulus
48 19/05/2021 Genus-Strongylus
47 19/05/2021 Limited Tender/ Quotation inviting Chartered Accountant Firms for Accounting work and preparation of Account Statement
46 19/05/2021 Tender Notice for hiring the services of Chartered Accountant (CA) Firm for Statutory Audit / Compliance of University Accounts
45 17/05/2021 Final Result of 9th Semester Professional Year (Batch 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16) Year Back of B.V.Sc & A.H. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
44 17/05/2021 Final Result of 4th Professional Year (Batch 2016-17) of B.V.Sc & A.H. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
43 17/05/2021 Equine Colic, Challenges in Imaging Diagnosis
42 17/05/2021 on line programmes
41 17/05/2021 Online trainings organized by BASU
40 15/05/2021 Genus-Physaloptera
39 15/05/2021 Genus-Syngamus
38 15/05/2021 Genus-Strongyloides
37 15/05/2021 Genus-Habronema
36 15/05/2021 Genus-Gongylonema
35 15/05/2021 Genus-Oesophagostomum
34 15/05/2021 Genus-Mecistocirrus
33 13/05/2021 VIT_D
32 13/05/2021 VIT-D-II
31 13/05/2021 Inbreeding Depression Heterosi 
30 13/05/2021 Capillaria
29 13/05/2021 Drancunculus
28 13/05/2021 Macrocanthorhynchus
27 13/05/2021 Anthelmintic Resistance
26 13/05/2021 Segmentation of Intraembryonic Mesoderm
25 13/05/2021 Segmentation of Intraembryonic
24 13/05/2021 Introduction to embryology and process of formation of male and female gametes
23 08/05/2021 Outbreeding its classification
22 08/05/2021 Trichinella
21 08/05/2021 Trichuris
20 08/05/2021 Pressure Measurement and Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces
19 08/05/2021 Hydrostatic Forces on Gate of Dame – Vertical and Inclined
18 08/05/2021 Buoyancy and Floatation
17 08/05/2021 Evaporators Design
16 08/05/2021 Derivation of non- Newtonian Flow of fluids through a pipetube and numericals
15 08/05/2021 Dynamic Measurement of Viscoelastic Foods
14 08/05/2021 Mechanical Models of Viscoelatic Foods and their Types
13 08/05/2021 Evaporators and Accessories
12 08/05/2021 Tumour Immunity
11 08/05/2021 Tumours of Different Tissue
10 08/05/2021 Genus-Protostrongylus
09 08/05/2021 Genus-Spirocerca
08 08/05/2021 Genus-Thelazia
07 08/05/2021 VIT-K
06 03/05/2021 Dioctophyma Renale
05 03/05/2021 Stephanurus Dentatus
04 03/05/2021 Diarthrodial Joint
03 03/05/2021 Movements of Synovial Joints and Introduction to Myology
02 03/05/2021 Formation of Notochord and Neural Tube
01 03/05/2021 Implantation and Gastrulation
(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 30 April 2021 =210+29=239  )
29 29/04/2021 Formation of Notochord and Neural Tube
28 29/04/2021 Toxocara Canis
27 29/04/2021 Parascaris Equorum
26 29/04/2021 Ascaris- Suum
25 29/04/2021 Toxocara Vitulorum
24 29/04/2021 Ascaridia-Galli
23 29/04/2021 Heterakis-Gallinarum
22 29/04/2021 Pin-worms
21 29/04/2021 Genus-Bunostomum
20 29/04/2021 Genus-Mullerius
19 29/04/2021 Genus-Ancylostoma
18 29/04/2021 Methods to Estimate
17 29/04/2021 Inbreeding its consequences
16 29/04/2021 Introduction to Animal Breeding
15 29/04/2021 Heritability_Principles
14 29/04/2021 Values_and_Means
13 29/04/2021 Variance its Components
12 29/04/2021 Dioctophyma Renale
11 29/04/2021 Stephanurus Dentatus
10 29/04/2021 VIT-A
09 29/04/2021 Inbreeding Coefficient its_measurement
08 29/04/2021 Final Result of 1st Professional Year (Batch 2018-19) of B.V.Sc & A.H. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
07 29/04/2021 Final Result of 1st Professional Year (Batch 2018-19) Compartmental Examination of B.V.Sc & A.H. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
06 19/04/2021
05 19/04/2021 Final_Recruitment Rule Non-Teaching Employee
04 19/04/2021 Pashu Vigyan_ VOL 2 ISSUE 2
03 05/04/2021 Notification for award of M.V.Sc. Degree under semester system from Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
02 02/04/2021 Regarding COVID-19
01 02/04/2021 Regarding Contingency Grant for Students
(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 31 March 2021 =194+ 16=210 )
16 25/03/2021 Proceeding of 6th Meeting of Post Graduate Studies
15 25/03/2021 Proceeding of 2nd Meeting Resident Instruction Committee
14 16/03/2021 Notification of Dr. Vishnu Prabhakar Reg.No.VM0042/2018-19.
13 10/03/2021
12 10/03/2021
11 10/03/2021
10 05/03/2021
9 06/03/2021
8 06/03/2021
7 06/03/2021
6 06/03/2021
5 06/03/2021
4 01/03/2021 Workshop on “Canine grooming and Spa”
3 01/03/2021 Notifications of 10th Academic Council Meeting, BASU
2 01/03/2021 Pathological Diagnosis of Economically Important Diseases
1 01/03/2021
(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 28 February 2021 = 120+74= 194  )
74 26.02.2021
73 26.02.2021
72 26.02.2021
71 26.02.2021
70 26.02.2021
69 26.02.2021
68 26.02.2021 Final Result of 3rd Semester (Batch 2019-20) of M.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna
67 26.02.2021 Final Result of Dr. Dhirendra Kumar of 2nd (Batch 2019-20) of M.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna
66 26.02.2021 Final Result of 4th Semester (Batch 2018-19) of M.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna
65 26.02.2021 Final Result of 1st Semester (Batch 2019-20) of M.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna
64 26.02.2021 Final Result of 5th Semester (Batch 2018-19) of Ph.D. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna
63 26.02.2021 Final Result of 2nd Semester (Batch 2019-20) of B.F.Sc. Programme of College of Fisheries, Kishanganj, BASU, Patna
62 26.02.2021 Final Result of 6th Semester (Batch 2017-18) of Ph.D. Programme of Bihar Veterinary College, BASU, Patna
61 26.02.2021
60 22.02.2021
59 22.02.2021
58 22.02.2021
57 22.02.2021
56 22.02.2021
55 22.02.2021
54 18.02.2021
53 18.02.2021
52 18.02.2021
51 18.02.2021
50 18.02.2021
49 18.02.2021
48 18.02.2021
47 18.02.2021
46 11.02.2021
45 11.02.2021
44 11.02.2021
43 11.02.2021
42 11.02.2021
41 11.02.2021
40 11.02.2021
39 11.02.2021
38 11.02.2021
37 11.02.2021
36 11.02.2021
35 11.02.2021 AgronomicalPractices Part-I
34 08.02.2021 Tender for Purchase of Incubator with Hatchery Machine for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna under PSP Project.
33 08.02.2021 Tender for purchase of Haematology Analyser for Bihar Veterinary College under Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna
32 08.02.2021 Tender for purchase of Embryo Freezer for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna under ETT Project
31 08.02.2021 Tender for purchase of Ovum Pick-Up Device for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna under ETT Project
30 08.02.2021 Tender for purchase of CO2 Incubator for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna under ETT Project.
29 08.02.2021 Tender Document for Purchase of Trinocular Stereo Zoom Microscope with Camera and Heating Stage for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna under ETT Project.
28 08.02.2021 Tender Document for purchase of Portable Ultrasound Machine for Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna under ETT Project.
27 08.02.2021
26 08.02.2021 Salmonella
25 08.02.2021 Yersinia and Proteus
24 08.02.2021 Neoplasm_an_Introduction
23 08.02.2021 Urinary System
22 08.02.2021 Pathology of Digestive Sysytem
21 06.02.2021 Walk in interview for YPII
20 06.02.2021 Application-form for Young Professional-II
19 06.02.2021 Proceedingof10th AcademicCouncil Meeting
18 03.02.2021 MTOS Walking Interview
17 03.02.2021 Tender Document for Electrically Renovation of Twelve Nos. Scientist Flats at BASU, Patna
16 02.02.2021
15 02.02.2021
14 02.02.2021
13 02.02.2021
12 02.02.2021
11 02.02.2021
10 02.02.2021
9 02.02.2021
8 02.02.2021
7 02.02.2021
6 02.02.2021
5 02.02.2021
4 02.02.2021
3 02.02.2021 Tender Document, Advt. Agency Hiring
2 01.02.2021 Mobile & Broadband Reimbursement Form (1)
1 01.02.2021 BKBDP Training activity

(Total updates from 1st January 2021 till 31 January 2021 = 120  )

120 28.01.2021 Revised result of Ms. Sneha Kumari, Roll No. COF-31-2019 of 1st
119 28.01.2021 Fodder Production and Conservation
118 28.01.2021 Introduction to Anatomy & its Branches, Descriptive Terms used in Anatomy and Study of Anatomical Planes
117 28.01.2021 Terminology used in Animal Husbandry
116 28.01.2021 Technique of hygienic production and processing of meat
115 28.01.2021 Supply of Feed Ingredients for LFC unit
114 28.01.2021 Repair & Renovation to Main Building of BVC
113 28.01.2021 Fencing with barbed wire at KVK, Jamui
112 28.01.2021 Mud banks formation and characteristics
111 28.01.2021 Extension of First Floor (North & South Side)
110 25.01.2021 Bihar Animal Sciences University Newsletter Volume: 2 Issue: 1
109 25.01.2021 Online Class Schedule of First Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 25-30 January,2021
108 25.01.2021 Proforma-for-Income-Tax-on-Salary-FY2020-2021_AY-2021-22 Under 60 Employee
107 25.01.2021 Proforma-for-IT-on-Salary-FY2020-2021_AY-2021-22 Above 60 Employee(Senior Citizen)
106 25.01.2021 Soft and Hard Water, Temporary and Permanent
105 25.01.2021 Production
104 25.01.2021 Estimation of growth parameters
103 25.01.2021 General Health Management
102 25.01.2021 GMP and HACCP
101 25.01.2021 Mycobacterium
100 25.01.2021 Clostridium perfringens (Cl.welchii)
99 25.01.2021 Introduction and objectives of Epidemiology
98 25.01.2021 Cell Division
97 25.01.2021 Factors Affecting the Length of Estrus Cycle
96 25.01.2021 Mineral Nutrition- Mg, Na, K, Cl, S, Fe
95 25.01.2021 Genus-Taenia
94 25.01.2021 Genus-Echinococcus
93 23.01.2021 Types of Immunity
92 23.01.2021 Blood
91 23.01.2021 lymphoid organs
90 23.01.2021 History of Immunology
89 22.01.2021 Limited Tender for Supply and Installation of Automatic Feed Manufacturing Plant
88 22.01.2021 Prediction of Shelf Life Behavior of Milk 
87 22.01.2021 Prediction of Shelf Life Behavior 0f Milk And Milk Product
86 22.01.2021 Concepts of Quality Management System (QMS) – ISO 9000:2000
85 22.01.2021 Principles of Quality Management System (QMS) – ISO 9000:2000
84 22.01.2021 Sources of Microbial Contamination of Milk and Milk Products
83 22.01.2021 Microbiological Criteria and Sampling Guidelines
82 22.01.2021 Office Order. No.- 224/Admin/Reg./BASU, Patna related student stipend
81 21.01.2021 e-Tender for purchase of 96 numbers of FRP Tank for College of Fisheries, Kishanganj under Bihar Animal Sciences University
80 19.01.2021 Proforma-for-Income-Tax-on-Salary-FY2020-2021_AY-2021-22
79 19.01.2021 Proforma-for-IT-on-Salary-FY2020-2021_AY-2021-22 Senior Citizen
78 19.01.2021 Online Sapicon-2021
77 19.01.2021 Genus -Taenia
76 18.01.2021 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. form 18 – 23 January, 2021
75 18.01.2021 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. form 18 -23 January, 2021
74 18.01.2021 Online Seminar on Health issue in wildlife and their management for the Benefits of the Student and Veterinarians
73 16.01.2021 Final Result of 1st Professional Year (Batch 2019-20) of B.V.Sc. & A.H. Programme of BVC, Patna
72 16.01.2021 Mobile & Broadband reimbursement form
71 16.01.2021 Guidelines for reimbursement of mobile & broadband charges
70 14.01.2021 Proforma-for-Income-Tax-on-Salary-FY2020-2021_AY-2021-22
69 13.01.2021 Memo No. 981 dated 14.01.2021
68 1313.01.2021 Courses offered for M. Tech during Monsson Semester
67 13.01.2021 Hormone
66 13.01.2021 Metallic cont in dairy industry
65 13.01.2021 Imp of milk contact surfaces
64 13.01.2021 Detection of Neutralizer
63 13.01.2021 Death From Drowning Lightning and Electrocution
62 13.01.2021 Concept of Adulterants
61 12.01.2021 Proceedings of e-Tender
60 08.01.2021 Employment Notice No.01/2021 : Walk in Interview for the engagement of Contractual Staff (Retired Person) for Patna and Kishanganj Unit of Bihar Animal Sciences University
59 08.01.2021 Auction Notice for 23 Sheep and Goat at LFC, Bihar Animal Sciences University
58 08.01.2021 Information Regarding online Registration of Master’s and Ph.D. Students
57 07.01.2021 Genus-Dicrocoelium
56 07.01.2021 Genus Opisthorchis
55 07.01.2021 Auction Notice for different types of Scrape Materials under Poultry Seed Project
54 07.01.2021 Notice for opening of Financial Bid for hiring of outsource Manpower at BASU HQ. and CoF, Kishanganj
53 06.01.2021
52 06.01.2021 Registration Card of Ph.D.
51 06.01.2021 Supervision, Meaning and Process
50 06.01.2021 Public Private Partnership
49 06.01.2021 Agricultural Technology Management Agency
48 06.01.2021 Evaluation of Nutritive Value of Foods
47 06.01.2021 Concept of Balanced Diet and Nutrient Requirements of Different Age Groups
46 06.01.2021 Economics 
45 06.01.2021 Crab II
44 06.01.2021 Introduction to Marine Biology Divisions of marine environment pelagic benthic euphotic
43 06.01.2021 Protein Structure Prediction and_Design -_II
42 06.01.2021 Protein Structure_prediction_and_design
41 06.01.2021 Metabolic Disorders in Livestock
40 06.01.2021 Animal Diet: Existing Scenario and Future Course
39 06.01.2021 Formulation of Concentrate Mixture
38 06.01.2021 Hypoglycaemia in Piglet
37 06.01.2021 Suture Material and Suturing Techniques -III
36 06.01.2021 Suture Material and Suturing Techniques -V
35 06.01.2021 General Surgery
34 06.01.2021 Suture Material and Suturing Techniques -IV
33 06.01.2021 Suture Material and Suturing Techniques -I
32 06.01.2021 Principle of Suturing
31 06.01.2021 Impotentia Generandi-1
30 06.01.2021 Arthritis
29 06.01.2021 Ricket
28 06.01.2021 Impotentia Generandi
27 06.01.2021 Artificial Insemination
26 06.01.2021 The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960
25 06.01.2021 Myxomatosis in_lab Animals
24 06.01.2021 Physico-Chemical Changes during processing and storage of Milk and Milk Products
23 06.01.2021 Vices in Male Animals
22 04.01.2021 Coital Injuries
21 04.01.2021 Leptospira
20 04.01.2021 Thermoplasma
19 04.01.2021 CAMP Tests (Standard and Rapid) and Reverse CAMP Test
18 04.01.2021 Notice for opening of financial bids of hiring of CA Firms
17 03.01.2021 Concept of Neutralizers, Preservatives and Adulterants
16 03.01.2021 Calibration of Laboratory Glassware
15 03.01.2021 Clinical Examination of GIT of Ruminants
14 03.01.2021 Routes of Administration of Drugs
13 03.01.2021 Phenothiazine Derivatives
12 03.01.2021 Cholinergic transmission(Part-II)
11 03.01.2021 Adrenergic Transmission
10 03.01.2021 Cholinergic transmission(Part-I)
9 03.01.2021 Adrenergic Transmission Part-I 
8 03.01.2021 Acts and Rules Related to Zoo and Wild Animals
7 03.01.2021 National and International Organizations and Institutions Linked To Wild and Zoo Animals – Role and Functions
6 03.01.2021 Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
5 02.01.2021 Diseases of Respiratory System(Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD))
4 02.01.2021 Animal Welfare(Welfare of Drought and Pack Animals)
3 02.01.2021 Welfare of Animal during Transportation
2 02.01.2021 Streptomyces and Dermatophillus
1 02.01.2021 Admission Notification of PG and Ph. D. student

(Total updates from 1st July 2020 till December 2020= 1467+319=1786 )

319 31.12.2020 Sales Price of Farm Produces
318 31.12.2020 Guidelines and SOP for reopening of Colleges post Covid-19
317 30.12.2020 Notice for Reopening of the Bihar Veterinary Collage, Sanjay Gandhi Institutes of Dairy Technology, Patna and College of Fisheries, Kishanganj
316 29.12.2020 Notification for award of M.V.Sc.(Veterinary Biochemistry) Degree to Dr. Komal from Bihar Veterinary College, Patna
315 29.12.2020 Extension Activities
314 29.12.2020 कड़कनाथ मुर्गी पालन : आय का अच्छा साधन
313 29.12.2020 मिल्क फीवर (दुग्ध ज्वर)
312 29.12.2020 पशुओं में लंगडा बुखार
311 29.12.2020 पी० पी० आर (बकरी प्लेग)
310 29.12.2020 बिहार राज का पशु पालक हितार्थ नई योजनाएँ पशु एवं मत्स्य  संसाधन विभाग द्वारा प्रायोजित
309 29.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 28 Dec, 2020- 02 Januray,2021
308 29.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 28 Dec, 2020- 02 Januray,2021
307 29.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( New) from 28 Dec, 2020 – 02 January,2021
306 29.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old) from 28 Dec, 2020 – 02 January, 2021
305 29.12.2020 Abomasal_displacement
304 29.12.2020 Vagus_Indigestion
303 29.12.2020 Grenus-Prosthogonimus
302 29.12.2020 Genus-Paragonimus
301 29.12.2020 Neutraceutical in Livestock Production
300 28.12.2020 Anaerobic Bacteria Culture
299 28.12.2020 Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing
298 28.12.2020 Identification of Training Needs
297 28.12.2020 Recent Trends in Extension Education
296 28.12.2020 Transfer of Technology Programmes of ICAR
295 28.12.2020 Milk Borne Diseases
294 28.12.2020 Meat Adulteration and Substitution Part V
293 28.12.2020 Meat Adulteration and Substitution Part IV
292 28.12.2020 Disturbances in Growth
291 28.12.2020 Hereditary and Congenital Anomalies of Female Reproductive Tract
290 26.12.2020 Bacilli
289 26.12.2020 Anaerobic Bacteria Culture(Practical)
288 26.12.2020 Genus Clostridium
287 26.12.2020 Storage and Shipment of Semen
286 26.12.2020 Diagnostic Procedure in Infertility Investigation
285 26.12.2020 Population control in bitches
284 26.12.2020 Alkalosis
283 26.12.2020 VCI Counselling for admission in Veterinary Colleges under 15% VCI Quota
282 25.12.2020 Antinematodal drugs (Part 2)
281 25.12.2020 Antinematodal drugs (Part 1)
280 25.12.2020 Antihelminthic (General)
279 25.12.2020 Miscellaneous Antibacterial Agents
278 25.12.2020 Fluoroquinolones
276 25.12.2020 Macrolide antibiotics
275 25.12.2020 Chloramphenicol
274 25.12.2020 Tetracyclines
273 25.12.2020 Aminoglycosides
272 25.12.2020 Cephalosporins
271 25.12.2020 Penicillines Part 2
270 25.12.2020 Penicillines Part 1
269 25.12.2020 Sulphonamides Part 2
268 25.12.2020 Sulphonamides  Part 1
267 25.12.2020 Transport and Packaging of Milk and Milk Products
266 25.12.2020 Notice and guideline for 2nd round of counseling for Admission in Master’s and Ph.D.
265 25.12.2020 Vacant seats for 2nd round of Counseling for Admission in Master’s and Ph.D. Programme
264 24.12.2020 Catheterization and Urine Collection in Dogs
263 24.12.2020 Pelvimetry
262 24.12.2020 Induction of Parturition
261 24.12.2020 Methods of Semen Collection
260 24.12.2020 Semen Evaluation
259 24.12.2020 Semen Extension
258 24.12.2020 Sexual Behavior
257 24.12.2020 Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa
256 24.12.2020 Allotment of Discipline of Master & Ph.D. Programme at BVC, BASU, Patna
255 24.12.2020 Pregnancy Diagnosis in Bovine
254 24.12.2020 Analysis of Variance
253 23.12.2020 Plant Sanitation
252 23.12.2020 Sources  of Contamination of Meat and Carcasses De-Contamination
251 22.12.2020 Anticholinergic Agent
250 22.12.2020 Lameness VII
249 22.12.2020 Lymph Nodes Examination of Food Animals
248 22.12.2020 Neurohumoral Transmission Part-II
247 21.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 21-26 December, 2020 (1)
246 21.12.2020 Acidosis
245 21.12.2020 Labeling of Samples for Analysis
244 21.12.2020 Isolation_of_bacteria_in_pure_culture
243 21.12.2020 Listeria & Erysipelothrix
242 21.12.2020 Conservation of Livestock Feed through Hay Making
241 21.12.2020 Online Class schedule of Second Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 21-26 December, 2020
240 21.12.2020 Anestrous
239 21.12.2020 Milk by product Part-2
238 21.12.2020 Milk by product Part-1
237 21.12.2020 Genus-Parasmphistomum
236 21.12.2020 Genus- Cotylophoron
235 21.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 21-26 December, 2020
234 21.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 9th Semester B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old VCI) from 21-26 December, 2020
233 21.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old) from 21-26 December, 2020
232 21.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 7th Semester B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old VCI) from 21-26 December, 2020
231 21.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 21-26 December, 2020
230 21.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( New) from 21-26 December, 2020
229 19.12.2020 Final Revised Result of Student of 1st Semester (Batch 2019-20) of B.Tech. (D.T.) Programme of Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, BASU, Patna
228 19.12.2020 Sample format for Submission of Absentee Statement
227 19.12.2020 Lymph Nodes Examination of Food Animals
226 19.12.2020 Infertility in cows – I (Cystic ovarian disease)
225 19.12.2020 Hereditary and Congenital Anomalies of Female Reproductive Tract
224 19.12.2020 Animal Welfare (Wildlife Protection And Welfare)
223 19.12.2020 Diseases of Respiratory System (Bronchitis )
222 19.12.2020 Document Check list for Counseling to Admission in Master’s and Ph.D. Programme for Academic session 2020-21.
221 19.12.2020 Merit list of Applicants for Counseling to Admission in Master’s and Ph.D. Programme for Academic session 2020-21
220 19.12.2020 Notice of 6th Meeting of PG of Studies.
219 18.12.2020 Examination of Eye and Ear
218 18.12.2020 Introduction to Flash and Flow Chart
217 18.12.2020 Synchonization of Estrus and Ovulation
216 18.12.2020 Ovulation Failure and its Treatment
215 18.12.2020 Final Result of Student of 2nd Semester (Batch 2019-20) of B.Tech. (D.T.) Programme of Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Technology, BASU, Patna
214 18.12.2020 Sampling procedures of milk and milk products
213 18.12.2020 Treatment and Management of Fracture in Dogs
212 18.12.2020 Overview of the Syllabus of Chemotherapy
211 18.12.2020 General Chemotherapy Part-IV
210 18.12.2020 General Chemotherapy Part-III
209 18.12.2020 General Chemotherapy Part-I
208 18.12.2020 General Chemotherapy Part-II
207 18.12.2020 General Chemotherapy Part-VI
206 18.12.2020 General Chemotherapy Part-V
205 18.12.2020 Guideline preparation of Synopsis and Thesis
204 17.12.2020 Dislocations – I
203 17.12.2020 Internal Immobilization of Fracture-II
202 17.12.2020 Internal Immobilization of Fracture
201 17.12.2020 Techniques of External Fracture Fixation-II
200 17.12.2020 Techniques of External Fracture Fixation
199 17.12.2020 Techniques of Fracture   Reduction 
198 17.12.2020 Fracture – III
197 17.12.2020 Fracture – II
196 17.12.2020 Rabies
195 17.12.2020 Fracture – I
194 17.12.2020 Contrast Radiography
193 17.12.2020 Conservation of Livestock Feed through Silage Making
192 17.12.2020 Dog Cat Vaccination
191 17.12.2020 Wel Drought Pack Animal
190 17.12.2020 Pneumonia
189 17.12.2020 Diseases of Respiratory System (Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
188 17.12.2020 Welfare of Animal During Transportation
187 17.12.2020 Design_of_Experiment
186 17.12.2020 Neurohumoral Transmission Part-I
185 17.12.2020 ANS pharmacology
184 17.12.2020 Autonomic Nervous System General Considerations
183 16.12.2020 Biochemistry of Nucleic Acid
182 16.12.2020 Cellular Events in Inflammation
181 16.12.2020 Meat Speciation
180 16.12.2020 Phosphatase Test
179 16.12.2020 Genus Fasciolopsis
178 16.12.2020 Genus Schistosoma
177 16.12.2020 Restricted entry into the Finance Comtroller Office-reg
176 16.12.2020 Additional Checks at the time of Submission of Payment Cases
175 16.12.2020 Vetting of Leave Record
174 15.12.2020 Goods Verification Committee
173 15.12.2020 Impotentia Cocundi and Impotentia Generendi, Testicular Hypoplasia and Degeneration: Causes and Affect on Semen and Fertility
172 15.12.2020 Meat Adulteration and Substitution Part-III
171 15.12.2020 Meat Adulteration and Substitution Part-II
170 15.12.2020 Infectious_Ectromelia
169 15.12.2020 Fat metabolism in health and disease-III
168 15.12.2020 Regulation and metabolism of hypothalamic-hypophyseal hormones-II
167 15.12.2020 Regulation and metabolism of hypothalamic-hypophyseal hormones-I
166 15.12.2020 Preanaesthetic
165 15.12.2020 Properties of Proteins
164 15.12.2020 Corynebacterium-Trueperella-_Rhodococcus
163 15.12.2020 simple_indigestion
162 15.12.2020 Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
161 15.12.2020 Corrigendum Notice for Provision of Ramp and Aluminium cupboards etc. in Advanced Diagnostic Lab under Basu, Patna
160 15.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 14-19 December, 2020
159 15.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 14-19 December, 2020
158 15.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( New) from 14-19 December, 2020
157 15.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old) from 14-19 December, 2020
156 15.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 7th Semester B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old VCI) from 14-19 December, 2020
155 15.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 9th Semester B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old VCI) from 14-19 December, 2020
154 14.12.2020 Auction Notice for 18 Animals at LFC, Bihar Animal Sciences University
153 14.12.2020 Auction Notice for 23 Animals at LFC, Bihar Animal Sciences University
152 14.12.2020 Collection & Examination of Peritoneal Fluid
151 14.12.2020 Purification of Water
150 14.12.2020 Biohazards
149 13.12.2020 Phenotypic and Genotypic effects of inbreeding in Livestock-converted
148 13.12.2020 Swim Bladder
147 13.12.2020 Sense Organs in Fishes
146 13.12.2020 Gut Content Analysis
145 13.12.2020 Taxonomy of Phylum Mollusca
144 13.12.2020 Taxonomy of lobsters
143 13.12.2020 Pelagic Marine fisheries
142 13.12.2020 Marine Fishery Resources of the World
141 13.12.2020 Terminology of Standard Solutions and Reagents
140 13.12.2020 Milk Products Part-9
139 13.12.2020 Milk Products Part-8
138 13.12.2020 Wound and Burn and Scald
137 13.12.2020 Methods of Inoculation Cultivation of Aerobic_and Anaerobic Bacteria
136 13.12.2020 Genus Streptococcus
135 13.12.2020 Equine infectious anemia
134 13.12.2020 Oxygen Therapy
133 13.12.2020 Gastric_and_Peritoneal_lavage
132 11.12.2020 Fisheries Co-Management
131 11.12.2020 Accreditation of Analytical Laboratories
130 11.12.2020 Vascular_Events_In_Acute_Inflammation
129 09.12.2020 Important Dates for Admission
128 09.12.2020 Corringendum Notice for Extension of Tender Submission Period
127 09.12.2020 Final Revised Result of Arun Kumar
126 09.12.2020 Viral_Fish
125 09.12.2020 Tyzzers_disease
124 09.12.2020 Antidotes_in_Poisoning
123 08.12.2020 Conservation_Part-II
122 08.12.2020 Laboratory_Animals_and_their_Uses
121 08.12.2020 Integrated_Farmyard_Manure_Production-1
120 08.12.2020 Process_of_Socialization_in_Farm_Animals
119 08.12.2020 Integrated_Crop-Livestock-Gobar_Gas_Production-3
118 08.12.2020 Prenatal_and_Postnatal_Care_and_Management_of_Cows_and_Buffaloes
117 08.12.2020 Oncogenes and Cancer
116 08.12.2020 Lameness V
115 08.12.2020 Rigor Mortis
114 08.12.2020 Structure of Protein-II
113 08.12.2020 Cell_injury
112 08.12.2020 Inflammation
111 08.12.2020 Preanaestheti Consideation
110 08.12.2020 Meat Adulteration and Substitution Part-I
109 07.12.2020 Feeding_of_Lab_Animal
108 07.12.2020 Toxic_Principles
107 07.12.2020 Protein_Requirements
106 07.12.2020 Identification of Training Needs
105 07.12.2020 AHE 608 (Animal Husbandry Development Programmes)
103 07.12.2020 Methods_of_preservation_of_virus_-_cryopreservation
102 07.12.2020 Combined_Vaccines
101 07.12.2020 Trueperella_pyogenes
100 07.12.2020 Anaerobic_non-spore_forming_Gram-_negative_bacilli__Genus_Bacteroides___Lecture_4
99 07.12.2020 जैविक खेती – सहायक पुस्तिका
98 07.12.2020 International Regulations
97 07.12.2020 Importantance of CQA
96 07.12.2020 National Regulations
95 07.12.2020 Hazard Analysis
94 07.12.2020 Mobile testing laboratories
93 06.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 9th Semester B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old VCI) from 07-12 December, 2020
92 06.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old) from 07- 12 December, 2020
91 06.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 7th Semester B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old VCI) from 07-12 December, 2020
90 06.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( New) from 07-12 December, 2020
89 06.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 07-12 December, 2020
88 06.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 07-12 December, 2020
87 06.12.2020 Methods of Feed Processing for Improving Nutritive Values of Inferior Quality Roughages
86 06.12.2020 Milk Products
85 06.12.2020 Practice_of_AI
84 06.12.2020 Fodder Production in Rabi season
83 06.12.2020 Misalliance and its Treatment-Medical Termination of Pregancy
82 06.12.2020 Poultry Breeding
81 05.12.2020 PER, BV, Digestibility and NPU
80 05.12.2020 Postmortem examination Lec2
79 05.12.2020 Sand Crack and Hoof Deformities
78 05.12.2020 Anaesthesia
77 04.12.2020 Programming Language of Computer
76 04.12.2020 Ultrasonography
75 04.12.2020 Pharmacodynamics Principles Basic Mechanisms of Drug Action
74 04.12.2020 Pharmacodynamics Protein Targets for Drug Binding
73 04.12.2020 Pharmacodynamics Drug Receptor Interactions Part-1
72 04.12.2020 Pharmacodynamics Drug Receptor Interactions Part-2
71 04.12.2020 Pharmacodynamics Combined Action Factors Affecting Action of Drugs
70 04.12.2020 CASEIN
69 04.12.2020 Preparation of Media for Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
68 04.12.2020 Structure_of_Protein
67 03.12.2020 Milk hygiene in relation to public health
66 04.12.2020 Milk Hygiene practices in India and other countries
65 04.12.2020 Sealed Quotation are invited from authorized service providers for 2 nos, of Elevator (Make-Otis) and 2 nos. of D.G. Set (400 KVA & 250 KVA, Make-Supernova)
64 04.12.2020 Admission Notice Mster’s and Ph.d. Programme
63 04.12.2020 Proceeding of PreBid Meeting
62 03.12.2020 GKRA Report for website
61 03.12.2020 Revised Rate
60 03.12.2020 1st Semester (Batch 2019-20)
59 03.12.2020 6th Semeter (Batch 2017-18)
58 03.12.2020 Result of 4th Semester (Batch 2018-19)
57 03.12.2020 Seed Production of Mud Crab
56 03.12.2020 Virulance-1
55 03.12.2020 Properties of Amino Acids
54 03.12.2020 Regression
53 03.12.2020 Mecahnistic Toxicology
52 03.12.2020 General Characteristics of Fish Disease
51 03.12.2020 Insecticide Poisoning
50 03.12.2020 PG class Euthanasia
49 03.12.2020 Diseases of Urinary System Part-2
48 03.12.2020 Fish Reproduction and Development
47 03.12.2020 Excretory System in finfish
46 03.12.2020 Integrated
45 03.12.2020 Integrated Fish faring
44 02.12.2020 Introduction to public administration, principles of organization and management of public
43 02.12.2020 Management of Public Entreprise
42 02.12.2020 Forms of Business organization
41 02.12.2020 Management of Public Entreprise
40 02.12.2020 Forms of Business organization
39 01.12.2020 Sewage Fed Fish Culture
38 01.12.2020 Cage Culture
37 01.12.2020 Importance of CQA
36 01.12.2020 National Regulations
35 01.12.2020 International Regulations
34 01.12.2020 Hazard Analysis
33 01.12.2020 Mobile testing laboratories
32 01.12.2020 Biochem – Enz Inhibition
31 01.12.2020 Biochem – Immobilisation of Enz
30 01.12.2020 Biochem- Regulatory Enz
29 01.12.2020 Biochem- Zymo & Ribo
28 01.12.2020 Biochem- Enzyme Catalysis and Classification
27 01.12.2020 Biochem- Enz Kinetics
26 01.12.2020 Biochem – Mechanism of Enz Action
25 01.12.2020 Biochem – Factors – Enz Activity
24 01.12.2020 Testicular Hypoplasia and degeneration
23 01.12.2020 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 30 November- 05 December, 2020 (1)
22 01.12.2020 Impotentia Cocundi and Impotentia Generendi, Testicular Hypoplasia and Degeneration: Causes  and Affect on Semen and Fertility
21 01.12.2020 Impotentia Cocundi and Impotentia Generendi, Testicular Hypoplasia and Degeneration: Causes  and Affect on Semen and Fertility
20 01.12.2020 Metacarpals Ox
19 01.12.2020 RTI_in_horse
18 01.12.2020 Mutation_in_coenzyme_binding_sites_and_diseases
17 01.12.2020 biosynthetic_aspects_pf_thyroid_Hormone
16 01.12.2020 Mitochondrial_genes_and_diseases
15 01.12.2020 Trematoda_Introduction
14 01.12.2020 Genus-Fasciola
13 01.12.2020 Correlation
12 01.12.2020 Endocrine System in Finfishes
11 01.12.2020 Age and growth Determination in fish
10 01.12.2020 Fish Tagging and Marking Techniques
9 01.12.2020 Breeding Biology of IMC & Other Cultivable Fishes
8 01.12.2020 Migration of Fishes
7 01.12.2020 Nervous System in Finfishes
6 01.12.2020 Date Extension Notice for hiring the services of Chartered Accountant Firm for preparation & Consolidation of Annual Accounts of the University for the Financial Year 2020-21
5 01.12.2020 Cheese
4 01.12.2020 LPT_milk_products
3 01.12.2020 Classical_swine_Fever
2 01.12.2020 Selection of Livestock
1 01.12.2020 Computer Classified on the Basis of Purpose

(Total updates from 1st July 2020 till November 2020= 1102+ 365=1467 )

365 30.11.2020 Integrated_Crop-Livestock-Gobar_gas_production-2
364 30.11.2020 Sensory_Evalauation__Part_VI
363 30.11.2020 Sensory_Evalauation__Part-V
362 30.11.2020 Concept of Networking
361 30.11.2020 Recent Trade in Extension Education
360 30.11.2020 Women Empowerment in Livestock
359 30.11.2020 Teaching, Training Models And Methods
358 30.11.2020 Importance_of_Quality_Control_in_feed_industry
357 30.11.2020 Trace Mineral Cobalt Iodine
356 30.11.2020 Feeding of Laboratory Animal
355 30.11.2020 607_Nutrition_of_Wildlife
354 30.11.2020 VMC_609_Concentration_and_purification_of_animal_viruses__PART_III_
353 30.11.2020 Corynebacterium
352 30.11.2020 VMC_607_Methods_of_inactivation_of_pathogen
351 30.11.2020 Online Class Schedule of 9th Semester B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old VCI) from 30 November-05 December, 2020
350 30.11.2020 Online Class Schedule of 7th Semester B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old VCI) from 30 November- 05 December, 2020
349 30.11.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( Old) from 30 November- 05 December, 2020
348 30.11.2020 Online Class Schedule of 4th Professional Year B.V.Sc. & A.H. ( New) from 30 November – 05 December, 2020
347 30.11.2020 Online Class Schedule of Third Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 30 November- 05 December, 2020
346 30.11.2020 Online Class Schedule of Second Professional B.V.Sc. & A.H. from 30 November- 05 December, 2020
345 27.11.2020 Demonstarion_of_the_types
344 27.11.2020 Post_Mortem_Examination_Lect1Dep_of_VPHE
343 27.11.2020 Ephemeral_fever
342 27.11.2020 Basic Concept of accounting
341 27.11.2020 Fish Toxicology II
340 27.11.2020 Fisheries Cooperation
340 27.11.2020 Fisheries Finance
339 27.11.2020 Current Measurment
338 27.11.2020 Indian Ocean Rlief
337 27.11.2020 Upwelling & Sinking
336 27.11.2020 Chemical composition of sea water and Artificial sea water
335 27.11.2020 Eddy Current
334 27.11.2020 Prospectus 2020
333 26.11.2020 Admission Notice
332 26.11.2020 Extensive_Farming
331 26.11.2020 Intensive_Farming
330 26.11.2020 Staining of Blood
329 25.11.2020 Examination_of_case
328 25.11.2020 Handling_and_managment
327 25.11.2020 Blood_Smear_Preparartion-_Wet__thin___thick_smears__Practical
326 25.11.2020 Examination_of_a_case_of_Metritis
325 25.11.2020 Pregnancy_diagnosis_in_cattle
324 25.11.2020 Cage Culture
323 25.11.2020 DOCKING
322 25.11.2020 Chi-square_test_of_significance
321 25.11.2020 Ear Cropping
320 25.11.2020 Sterilization in Dog
319 24.11.2020 Pharmacokinetics (Distribution of Drugs), Part-1
318 23.11.2020 Various Process Cream
317 23.11.2020 Factor Affecting Semen Quality, Semen Culture, Test for Assessment Sperm Motility, Sperm Survival and Fertilizing Capacity
316 23.11.2020 Diseases transmissible through semen in domestic animals
315 23.11.2020 Concentration_and_purification__of_animal_viruses__PART_II_
314 23.11.2020 Concentration_and_purification_of_animal_viruses_by_chemical_agents
313 23.11.2020 Organo-Chlorine_Poisoning